games and Danger
Fandom- Origins of Olympus
Ship- Ritchie x Michael
Warning- blood
It was a mostly warm day at camp Oasis the sun was in the sky shining bright upon the ground the demigods walked on, with in this safe area the children of these gods could live mostly normal lives.
In the middle of the camp was a camp area with a fire that always stayed lit, there a few demigods where sitting playing fun camp games.
Kay, Micheal, Richie, Inmo, Austin and Bri where there playing would you rather, it was going smooth when Michael was chose.
"Would you rather... hmmmmm" Kay thought for a minute then it came to her "would you rather date Richie or kill Inmo" she said almost yelling making Inmo look at her with a jump, "Date Richie" Micheal didn't even give out a second thought about what he said.
You see Ritchie and Michael where already considered a couple because Austin calls them mom and dad so they just go with that, "Wait Mom your not dating dad?" Austin asked a bit confused.
Micheal looked at Ritchie quickly for help "Yes we are Austin" Ritchie said out bluntly a few gasp could be heard from the others, Micheal face palmed.
'We are going to regret this later'
The nights at Camp Oasis where different from when the sun was up, at night campers where required to stay in their cabins due to the barrier around the camp getting weaker at night give monster the best opportunity to get in.
So that why alot of people had to move into cabin with other for safety but the cabin Micheal stayed in was a share with Ritchie and Austin, But Austin would most of the time spend nights in Bri's cabin with her and Brandeen.
Tonight was one of those night with just him and Ritchie.
"So do you want to talk about what happened this afternoon?" "What do you mean?" Micheal looked at Ritchie with a you can't be serious face on, "when you said we where dating"
Ritchie looked over at Michael before he could say something they heard a loud scream, Ritchie and Michael jumped up grabbing their weapons running out side and ran to where the screaming was coming from.
It wasn't long before they arived to where the screaming came from Zylo, Collin, Seekah and a few others made it there too it was this black substance and it had a person stadding there.
"How sad~ all the camp consulars are here~ but they couldn't save 4 of their campers~" the person said with a condescending smirk on. "What do you mean?!" Kay said sje had worry and anger in her voice.
"Now now Kay~ you wouldn't want me to hurt Mario now would you?~" Kay stood up straight as she seemingly growled at this person, "oh and Mitch along with oh what was her name?~ Marshie! And how can we forget Inmo?!~" The person said letting out a loud laugh.
"Where's Inmo?!?! What did you do to him?!" Collin said gaining a look from this crazy person, The person started laughing loudly as he looked Collin right on the eyes "he'll be dead soon if you don't hold your tougne boy~"
"Don't talk to my brother like that!" Richie yelled giving out a growl "Ritch shut up!" Micheal whisper yelled to the oldest, this person snapped making four bubbles infrount of the grounp as each bubble popped a camper would appear the campers eyes where completely black and black stuff was rolling down their faces like tears.
Everyone looked at the four some tearing up others cry or the older ones growling, "now you will give me what I want or else~" "or else what?!" Zylo yelled with a loud growl.
The person snapped again Mitch started to get blood dripping from his mouth as he fell to he knees and started to throw it up, "Mitch!!!" Jacky and Zylo both yelled in unison the person snapped again and Mitch stopped.
"Or that~ make up for mind~"
"What is it that you want" Micheal asked the person looked at him and smiled.
"You~" the person said licking their lips.
"What thats n-" "I'll go with you" Everyone looked at Micheal eyes widened, "what no you c-" "its for the campers Ritchie..... I have too....." Micheal said grabbing Ritchie hands.
"I have too....."
It had been a hard week since Micheal had left, alot of things changed with people more so with the people being used as tools by that person so he could get Micheal.
Mitch hasn't woken up yet, Inmo has shut himself in his house, Marshie wouldn't go anywhere with out someone with her, and Mario hasn't left Kay's side.
It was harder for Ritchie to accept that Michael was gone.... and he couldn't change that it was upseting to lose someone you've had with you all your life.
"You can't go that man will kill you!"
"I dont have a choice Ritchie.."
Michael put his hands on Ritchie's cheeks softly and kissed him, Ritchie quickly kissed back he need Michael to know.
The two separate and looked into eachothers eyes.
"Goodbye love...."
Ritchie looked down as Micheal walked pass him to the person.
"I love you..."
Why did I do this!??! ;^;
Word count 950
I love you guys and this is the longest thing I've written
Anyways thank you for all this support
Kill this man for hurting Mitch ;<;
Mitch is baby ;^;
Also kill him for taking Micheal!
Thats all ;^;
Also I'm putting requests on hold!
Cause I need to catch up with all the requests!!!
So bye for now!
Layla Out!
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