Date to the Aphrodite Ball
Fandom- Origins of Olympus season 2
Ship- Lychee×Cal
Warning- Kissing!
Lychee was lyed down in his bed eyes close shielding them from the bright sun beaming into his cabin.
"Why?! Why did I have to have a crush on a stupid boy with guyliner!?" Lychee said angrily aloud covering his slightly pink face with his hands.
This would be a problem, how was Lychee supposed to go threw the plan if he liked Cal!?
Cal like everyone else will die with this plan...
Lychee sighed uncovering his face and standing up its one day away from the Aphrodite and Lychee didn't have a date, Lychee made his suit to his own liking but he couldn't help but thinking how awkward it would be without having a date.
So Lychee set aside Brandeen's plan and went on his adventure to find himself a date.
Lychee was walking around camp seeing who had dates and who didn't, all the people he talked to already did have a date.
Momiji is going with Riccaro, Mania is going with Davis, He even asked Lee and she was going with Nad.
Lychee then came across a group he was to well familiar with. Nad, Xylo, Riccaro, Davis and the one and only Cal.
He was immediately spotted by Riccaro "Middle bro!!!!" Riccaro yelles over to Lychee waving his hand at him, Lychee walked over with a small smile with Davis greeting him and wrapping an arm around his neck.
"So Lychee, got anyone special your going to the ball with?" Nad asked Lychee was already told by Momiji how suprising it was that he didn't have anyone to go with to the ball, Lychee sighed and shook his had saying "No, I haven't asked anyone and I have no clue even who to bring" , Riccaro gasped "Just like Cal?!"
Lychee's head shot up and looked at Cal "You really don't have anyone to go with?" Lychee asked tilting his head to the side, "well yeah" Cal let out a nervous laugh "I'm working the bar for Bryan and I don't have the heart to stop a date from having fun,"
Xylo and Nad awed at that response "Then I'll be your date" Lychee said plainly as his heart was going a mile a minute, Riccaro and Davis looked at Lychee with smirks on knowing what he was doing.
"Oh? Are you su-" "I wasn't asking" Lychee said slightly singing putting his hands behind his back with a smile and that made Cal laugh on how forward it was, "Okay I guess?" Cal said with a small smile "Great!" Lychee said loudly.
The group continued talked untill Cal had to leave with Momiji, Mania and Lee wanting him to come with them to go shopping, as soon as Cal left all attention was turned on Lychee "that was really smooth" Xylo said smirking.
"Shush!" Lychee said crossing his arms and blushing a very dark red, "Calchee is coming true!!!!" Riccaro yelled throwing his arms up into the air smiling.
"Is that another one of your ships?" Nad asked slightly raising a brow to the now nodding Riccaro, Davis cleared his throat and started to sing "Lychee and Cal sitting is a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first c-" Lychee covered Davis mouth with his face even redder then before.
Lychee buttoned up his suit and smoothed it out with his hands, He already knew Cal was there at the ball and he thought Cal thought of this just being two friends making sure eachother weren't lonely, At the moment Lychee was waiting for Davis and Riccaro to get there with Mania and Momiji.
So Lychee was just sitting outside, "Hey Middle bro!" Lychee turned to see Davis and the others walking closer stopping when they got to him.
"Hiiii" Lychee said to the pairs of two, "Enough of the horse play! Your Cal's date! And thats a big deal!!" Mania said giggling "why is that a big deal?" Lychee asked slightly confused.
"Momiji said Cal has never been with someone before!" Riccaro said with Momiji nodding with a smile, that left Lychee stumpped...
'I'm his first?'
The ball was tame when they got inside Cal and Lychee went over to the bar, even though they weren't dancing they where having their own fun talking while Cal served drinks to people.
That changed really quickly when Bryan and Inpu came over "Hey Cal! Lychee" Bryan said smiling holding Inpu's hand Lychee smiled and waved at Bryan, "ello Bryan, Inpu can I get the two of you anything?" Cal asked as the two other demi-gods smiled at them.
"Actually, Davis told us that you where here with Lychee" Inpu said rubbing the back of his neck, "you would be correct" Lychee said doing a finger gun.
"We came over to tell you two to go out and have fun! You've been over here the whole time!" Bryan said basically telling Cal to leave work, "you sure-" "Yep!" As soon as Bryan said that Lychee grabbed Cal's hand and they ran off.
They ran pass the dance floor and outside they did catch the attention of Momiji and Riccaro who followed them but they where being sneaky, Lychee brought Cal to a picture spot "Okay! This is good! I wanted to get you away from everyone" Lychee said with a relived sigh making Cal alittle confused "what for?"
"Do you consider this a date?" Lychee asked plainly Lychee's heart was beating fast again and Cal could tell Lychee was nervous almost scared, Cal put his hand on Lychee's cheek and softly placed a kisses on his lip.
Lychee jumped alittle not expecting that from Cal but soon kissed back putting his hands on the others hips, Cal pulled away and smiled at Lychee Cal was blushing a pink color while Lychee was readder then Riccaro.
"Does that give you my answers?" Cal asked chuckling abit Lychee quickly covered his face by hiding himself in Cal's chest making Cal laugh, Momiji and Riccaro saw the whole thing and they where so suprised but smiling big.
"They grow up so fast" Momiji whispered smiling brightly.
Word cout 1050
I love this one!
Have a nice day everyone!
Peace! ✌
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