Jack's P.O.V.
I sweep the corners and put it into a pile. Grabbing the dustpan I bend down and start to sweep up the dust into the dustpan. I hear a tinkle behind me and I realize someone has come into the café. Its weird since we close in twenty minutes and that's usually when people don't come in. I hear a whistle and my face turns red.
"Nice ass."
I hear a low monotone voice behind me. I instantly shoot up and look behind me, giving the man a glare. He put his quite large hand up in mocking defence.
" Can I help you?"
I growl quite harshly. He sits down in the booth, table 15.(reference) he chuckles and folds his hands on the table. I realize i still have to give him the menu and rush the kitchen. I can hear him laughing from behind me and I roll my eyes. After I search a few places I remember I left the pile of menus on the counter. Once I rush back into the main room his laughs get louder. I chuckle a bit myself for my clumsiness and quickly grab one. I handed it to him and his laughter softened to quiet giggles.
He skims thought the list of coffee's with his pointer finger and finally finds the one he wants. He then moved his finger and checked through the list of desert cakes. To my surprise he picks a coffee cake.
"Geez you must be obsessed with coffee, aye?"
"Hey don't judge! I love coffee! Coffee is love, coffee is life."
I giggle again, grabbing the menu he used and trip on the broom I forgot I left on the floor. I gasp and fall to the ground landing on my stomach. I once again hear his giggles and the seat making a creak sound, which indicates he has gotten up.
"Your very clumsy, you know."
I groan in response and turn onto my back. I whisper the word "ow" and he reaches his hand out.
"Here. Let me help."
I took his han gladly and got up. He then proceeds to shake my hand and I laugh a little.
"My name is mark."
I stay quiet and so does he. Its this moment that I realize just how handsome he really is. His hair is in a black forest of abundance and its over his left eye, which makes him look even cuter. His eyes are a beautiful shade of brown that any girl would easily swoon over. His chest is toned nicely and it looks like he works out a lot. He's slightly shorter than me but that makes me want to cuddle him even more.
When have I wanted to cuddle with a man? Heh. Now I guess.
I realize just how close we both are and my face turns red. His face is brushed a light pink which makes him look super adorable. More than before!
I step back and clear my throat as he chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. I step away back words and grab the broom. I walk back to the kitchen and start to make his coffee. I already have cakes made so that's no problem.
I hear a click and pour the coffee into one of the nicest cups we have.
Just to be nice to him.
Yeah sure. I make a small slice of cake and slip it onto a glass plate. Walking out of the kitchen and back into the main room, I see him slowly nodding his head to the music he's playing on his phone. I sigh dreamily and feel something hot go down my shirt.
I scream which makes mark jump. He pulls out an ear bud and I keep screaming out the same word.
I hear him chuckle and pull off my shirt making him blush.
"Yes you are."
It was barely autoable but I could just make it out of the silence that now filled the room. I walk over to table 15 and set his cake down and what was left of the coffee in front of him. I looked down and smirked at how he kept staring at my chest.
"I'm sexy. I know."
I smirk as he shakes his head and silently stares at the coffee.
"What's your name?"
I tip my head in confusion until his question sets in my brain.
"You never introduced yourself. What's your name?"
I make my mouth form an "O" shape and answer him, finally.
"Jack. Nice to meet you....ah, mark it was?"
He nodded and smiled and me in response.
"Your shoot is making a puddle of coffee on the floor."
I laugh a little and pick it up. I walk back into the kitchen and into the supply closet where extra shirts are. After I change I walk back into the main room and sit in the seat across from mark. We had a conversation to whatever the topic we wanted was, and soon it was time to close the café for people's use. I shooed him out and cleaned up the place again, thinking about him.
Every day at the same time he would come to the café, ordering the same things; coffee with cream and coffee cake.
Wwwooooohhhoooo! This is a pretty long one. Hope you enjoyed it! Keep up the suggestions please. Byeeeee!
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