Caring is a soft word, that not many people do. Loving is a word that people tend to use in a way that is rude to the word itself.
I have realized that not many people will stay by my side-- i learned that the hard way and it hurt like hell.
Since i am one to always look on the bright side, i see that i have a few select people that will always be by my side no matter what the situation in.
I want to give a special thanks to all of my friends on our group account.
You girls are my golden friends and i will cherish everything you guys have done today to help me with the tragedy that has took place.
When my friends did what they did, when i truly needed them, you guys were there and i am forever grateful for that.
Cat, thank you for sharing that piece of work that you did. I forever appreciate that. You were my second supporter here on Wattpad and i am so glad i met you. You are so humble and so down to earth and i love that about you.
I'm not gonna mention everyone, but everyone on the group account, i seriously owe you all one for being there.
Jewel, thank you. I'm glad you girls have my back.
Kit, i know you'll be there. Thanks for everything, love.
And everyone else that i didn't mention, know that i didn't forget about you. Feel free to message me and ask questions about everything, guys. I'll be more than glad to explain everything to you guys.
For the people that have absolutely no idea what i'm talking about, just know it's really bad and i owe a special thanks for you guys supporting me on my stories.
Thank you. ❤ ❤ ❤
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