Chapter 7
Isaac, Zachery, Daniel, and Dakota were at Daniel's house, playing football outside and Isaac and Dakota were so close to the touchdown area. "Down! Set! Hut!" said Daniel as Zachery went long and Daniel threw the ball and Zachery caught it but was tackled out of nowhere by Dakota. "You are down!" said Dakota as he started doing a football dance in front of everyone. "Alright alright, you win this one, but did you win this?!" said Zachery as he leaped at him but Dakota ducked making Zachery miss his target and he landed on Isaac. "Uh..yeah." said Dakota.
"Hey has anyone heard from Trey today?" said Daniel. "Yeah, he went go pick Jackson up from school." said Isaac. "But it's five to six now, plus he said he was going to call when he picked up Jackson." said Dakota. "Well, let's call him." said Zachery. Daniel pulled out his phone and he dialed Trey's number and it went straight to voicemail. "Oh come on! He didn't pick up." said Daniel. Suddenly, a car pulled up, but it wasn't Trey, and all the teenage boys were concerned at this. "Can we help you?" said Daniel. "No, but I can help you!" said the man as he got out of the car and walked towards Isaac, Zachery, Daniel, and Dakota.
"Who the hell are you?!" said Isaac. The man pulled out that necklace again and they all felt like they were in a trance. "Don't fight it! Just give in to it! I am your master now, and you will kill Trey!" said the man as he vanished and Isaac, Zachery, Dakota, and Daniel went back to their normal eye color. Then a car pulled up and it was actually Trey this time which made his friends' eyes turn back to hollow white. "Oh no, not you guys too." said Trey as he got out of the car as well as Jackson and Vishwa.
The teenage boys pulled out these weapons and charged at Trey but he pulled out the sword and charged at them as well but Daniel leaped high in the air and hit a kick right to the side of Trey's head which sent him crashing through the windshield. Jackson went to help out his brother but the man returned and hypnotized Jackson completely this time and he was now one of the man's army. He stormed towards Vishwa as well and he pulled out the necklace but Trey saw the sword and flung it at the man but he missed the man, but not the necklace. The necklace completely shattered and the man was now pissed off and he pulled out his own sword, which was longer and sharper, and he walked towards Trey but Vishwa grabbed Trey's sword and stabbed the man.
All the man did was smile and he flung Vishwa into Isaac, Zachery, Daniel, Jackson, and Dakota and they caught her and held onto her. "Take her away!" said the man as they took Vishwa away which made Trey upset. The man smiled once again and pulled the sword right out of his body and aimed it at Trey but he pulled the sword back and started to vanish. "If you want her, come and find her. Before it's too late!" said the man as he vanished, leaving Trey by himself.
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