Chapter 6: An Opportunity
Following Luke's victory over Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor, the Nomad wanted a title shot at the Demon King's championship, but he was told by Shane that the Nomad must earn his title opportunity, and he can in a triple threat match against Chad Gable and Ali.
Luke was in his locker room warming up and stretching until he felt his girlfriend jumped to his back.
Luke: hey you cutie
Liv: hi, I see you're ready
Luke: well the match is the main event, but I just want to stretch
Luke carried Liv to the couch and the two talked.
Liv: you pinned Finn a couple weeks ago, so you should get a title shot
Luke: I know, but I have to follow the rules, but you remember what DX said, "you make the rules and we break them."
Liv: you're such a rebel, babe
Luke: that's how I am in the ring
Liv scooted closer to Luke as she laid her head on his shoulder.
Luke: why are you so cute?
Liv giggled as she sat on Luke's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Liv: to quote you babe, "that's how I am"
She kissed his cheek which made Luke smile.
Liv: I really want to see you as champion
Luke: yeah, me too, but I have to get through Ali and Andrade before getting through Finn
Liv: I know you can do it, Lukey
Luke: thanks for your encouragement, my cutie
Liv blushed and smiled.
Liv: well since your match is not until later, you want to make out?
Luke: hold on...
He stood up and he locked his door, so no one will bother them.
Luke: to answer your question...
He sat back down and wrapped his arm around Liv.
Luke: ...yes
Liv's eyes lit up and she grabbed Luke's head and connected their lips. Luke was a bit surprised by the force of the kiss, but he happily kissed her back with his hands on her lower back. Luke remembered where Liv's ticklish spots were; he sneaked his hand down to her hip which made her jump.
Liv: babe!
Luke: sorry, can't help it babe; it's just so cute when you're tickled
Liv blushed. Then Luke's hand went down to her thigh, making her shiver and giggle.
Liv: baby, it tickles!
Luke chuckled and the two went back to making out. Liv let Luke's hand caress her soft thigh while she giggled as his soft touch tickled her.
After a good half an hour of passionate kisses, Liv continued to pepper kisses all over his face while Luke played, squeezed and caressed her soft thigh.
Luke: you have a match?
Liv: I do, I'm going against Dana Brooke
Luke: you'll beat her and win
Liv: and I hope I'll be in line for a women's title opportunity
Luke: yes, you should be; you're very talented
Liv: aww, thank you, baby
As the show went on, it was time for Liv's match, the Jersey native was in her ring attire all ready and pumped.
As she went out of her locker room, she saw Luke waiting for her.
Liv: were you waiting for me, baby?
Luke: yeah, just to give you some good luck
He put his hands on her hips and gave her a good luck passionate kiss which Liv happily returned.
Luke: go kick some ass
Liv: I'll do that!
Liv happily frolicked away to the gorilla for her match. Meanwhile, Luke went to join Carmella at catering, but Bayley wasn't there
Luke: hey Mella, where's Bayley?
Carmella: just getting her make up done; so how are you and Liv doing?
Luke: oh, we just you know, confessed to each other
Carmella gasped.
Carmella: tell me you two are together
Luke smiled.
Luke: we're official
Carmella: aww, how long?
Luke: it's been a week
Carmella: and did she behave herself around you?
Luke put his hand on his neck, remembering Liv's kisses all over it.
Luke: uhh, Liv's been an, you can say an "educational lesson"
Carmella: just tell me!
Luke: she kissed all over my neck
Carmella: aww, how cute!
Luke: lucky, I didn't get a hickey
Carmella: you'd be teased a lot
Luke: but I do like when she does her gloating position, it so cute
Carmella: that's how Liv is
Luke: oh, her match is starting
Luke and Carmella watched Liv's match. The Jersey native went on the offense against Dana with her speed and unorthodox athleticism.
(End of match)
Dana attempted to finish Liv off, but the blue tongue Problem Child countered with a step up enziguri before finishing Brooke off with her modified version of Chris Jericho's Codebreaker, which she called the Jersey Codebreaker for the pinfall victory.
(In the back)
Luke and Carmella clapped for Liv's victory.
Luke: my baby did really good
Carmella: she's not to be messed with
Luke: but I can control her
Carmella: yeah you can
She playfully hit Luke's arm. Then minutes later, Liv frolicked to the catering where she jumped into Luke's arms and did her classic hug with her arms and legs wrapped around his body.
Luke: good match out there baby!
Liv: I won!
Luke: yes you did!
Liv: now it's up to you
Luke: yup
Liv: and if you win, then you'll get something
Luke: and what is this something?
Liv: I'm not gonna spoil the surprise
She said as she booped his nose.
Liv: but you since you asked nicely, I'll give you one little hint
With her arms and legs still wrapped around the Nomad, she gave her hint by kissing his neck slowly.
Carmella: get a room, you two!
Liv: aww, way to ruin the moment, Mella
Luke chuckled.
Luke: don't worry, when we get back home to my apartment, we'll continue from there
Liv blushed and bit her lower lip.
It was time for Luke's triple threat match, and if the Nomad wins, he gets a shot at Finn's Intercontinental Championship.
Liv: good luck, baby
Luke: I will win this for you
Liv grabbed his face and pulled Luke down for a good luck kiss.
Luke: I gotta go baby
Liv: wait!
Then she peppered small kisses all over his face and neck which he enjoyed.
Liv: okay, you can go now
Luke took a deep breath and left to the gorilla.
(Triple threat match)
Liv was watching closely with her hands on his cheek as she was blushing when Luke showed off his strength.
Luke threw Ali to Gable on the outside. The Nomad had the brute strength advantage, but he was evened up by Ali's high flying offense and Gable's Olympic strength.
Towards the end of the match, Luke threw Ali over the timekeeper's area before locking Gable in the Katipunan Clutch, forcing him to tap out.
Then Finn came out to confront his new challenger. The Demon King went in the ring to stare face to face with Luke as he raised his title.
Liv was jumping up and down as she was happy her man won the right to face Finn for the title. She didn't had to wait for Luke for long as he walked into the catering where the Nomad was met by Liv's signature hugs.
Luke: babe, I'm sweating
Liv: it's okay, it's worth it baby; you won!
Liv got down.
Luke: so as promised, you want to celebrate our wins?
Liv bit her lower lip and stuck her blue tongue out.
Luke: I can indicate that as a yes, so give me time to wash up and change
Liv: okay baby!
Luke left to his locker room to wash up and change. Liv was already excited that she couldn't contain her love.
A few minutes past and Luke was already dressed in his casual clothes.
Luke: I'm ready, babe
Liv: good, let's go home! See you later, Mella!
Carmella: you two be good!
Carmella watched Liv pull Luke by the arm as they went through the arena exit.
(At Luke's apartment)
After Luke was done using the bathroom, he felt Liv jump on his back and started raining kisses on his cheek and neck.
Luke: couldn't wait any more?
Liv: nope!
Luke smiled and turned her around, so now they are face to face. Luke and Liv touched their foreheads together.
Liv: kiss me
Luke: as you wish
They connected their lips. Then Luke sneaked his hand down to Liv's bottom making her jump and giggle.
Liv: baby, that tickles!
Luke: sorry, my hand slipped
Liv giggled and the two went back to making out. They continued their session in bed with Liv on top. She targeted Luke's neck while the Nomad's hands were on her thigh and lower back.
After their session, the two laid in bed with Liv laying on Luke's chest.
Liv: I love you, Lukey
Luke: I love you too
They kissed before falling asleep.
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