Chapter 4: Closer Than Ever
A few weeks after opening up of his horrible childhood from his evil and wicked family, Luke has slowly starting to come out of his introvert shell all thanks to his new friend, Liv Morgan. Luke started to feel comfortable around Liv due to her cute and silly personality. The two had a bond and grew closer than ever.
Tonight was SmackDown and this was Liv's first night as Luke's new manager. The Problem Child bounced excitedly.
Liv: I'm so excited that it's my first night as your manager!
Luke: you know what? Me too!
Liv: aww, you really mean that?
Luke: ever since opening up to you, I started to find myself
Liv smiled and did her signature hug with her arms and legs wrapped around Luke. The Nomad gladly returned her hug with his arms around her back. She got off Luke.
Liv: come on
Luke: where are we going?
Liv: I'm gonna introduce you to my friends
Luke: a-are you sure about that?
Liv put her hands on Luke's arms.
Liv: don't worry Lukey, my friends are nice
Luke: are they really nice?
Liv: yeah, they're fun people
Luke: okay, you say so
Liv led Luke to the catering area where they found Bayley and Carmella. The Hugger and the Princess from Staten Island greeted Luke with smiles.
Bayley: hi Luke
Carmella: how you doing?
Luke: I'm doing well
He said with a smile.
Carmella: wait, what happen to the old you?
Luke: old me?
Bayley: the one that is all silent and serious?
Luke: oh that me is gone
Carmella: how?
Luke: let's just say one person changed me
He turned to look at Liv in which the Problem Child blushed instantly.
Bayley: Liv, what did you do?
Liv: we just talked on why he was the silent and serious guy, and let's just say that Luke had a rough childhood
Bayley and Carmella looked at Luke with concern.
Luke: I came from an abusive family
Bayley: oh Luke
Carmella: we're sorry about that
Luke: it's fine, I was that silent person before because I held all the memories in
Carmella: oh, why won't you two sit down and join us?
Liv: Mella's got a point Luke, your match won't start in an hour
Luke: okay sure
Luke and Liv sat down with the two girls and kept talking.
(30 minutes later)
Luke: I'm gonna go change
Liv: me too
Bayley: oh yeah, your match is almost next
The Nomad and the Problem Child left the catering area and went to their locker rooms.
(Luke's locker room)
He was already in his dark Philippine attire and he taped his hands up. After he finished, Luke exited his locker room and walked to Liv's locker room.
Luke: Liv, you ready?
Liv: I'm almost done!
Luke: I'll wait out here then
(3 minutes later)
Luke leaned against the wall; then he heard the door open and out came Liv in her ring attire. Luke's eyebrows raised as he saw the Problem Child's natural curves.
Liv: Luke, how do I look?
Luke was speechless as he admired her attire, from the top half all the way to the bottoms with the cut designs showing some of her thighs and along with her signature pair of Jordans. The Nomad's mouth then hung open in which Liv noticed and giggled.
Liv: Lukey, you're okay?
She waved her hand in front of his face until Luke came to his senses.
Luke: uh what?
Liv: you didn't answer my question; how do I look?
Luke: y-you look so cute and stunning
Liv: oh stop it you!
She giggled assuming it was a joke.
Luke: no, I'm serious
Liv felt her cheeks getting hot as they glowed red. Luke noticed this and chuckled.
Luke: you okay Liv?
Liv: huh yeah I'm totally fine, let's go?
Luke: ladies first
Liv: ah ah, remember our deal
She got on his back.
Luke: oh yeah, piggy back rides
Liv: onward Luke
Luke walked to the gorilla while holding Liv by her legs; Liv wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder while she had a dreamy smile on her face.
The two were at the gorilla and they waited for their cue.
(Fast forward towards the match)
Liv was at ringside as Luke was fighting the Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor. Luke and Finn traded moves in their arsenals back and forth. However, Luke got the upper hand after landing his own version of Finn's 1916 DDT.
Liv looked on and was impressed of Luke's skills. Her cheeks flushed red as she had a blushing smile on her face.
Liv was getting a bit turned on from Luke's dominance in the match.
(End of match)
Finn was measuring Luke for a sling blade, but as the IC champion launched, he was countered and caught in Luke's Katipunan Clutch submission hold in the middle of the ring. Finn struggled to reach for the ropes, and with no choice, Finn taps out.
Liv jumped and got in the ring to celebrate with Luke on his upset victory over the Demon King. She side hugged Luke and raised his arm.
The two walked down to Liv's locker room while they were still celebrating Luke's victory.
Liv: you beat the champ
Luke: that means I have to get a shot at Finn's title
Liv: hopefully
The two stared silently into each other's eyes before Luke broke the silence.
Luke: this is your stop; I'm gonna go wash up
Liv: Luke wait
Luke: yeah Liv?
Liv: well since we've got to know each other, I felt an attractive bond between us
Luke: you know what Liv? I feel that bond too, after I opened up and tell you about my family. You made me come out of my shell and you're my first true friend
Liv smiled. Then she felt something in her body and it overcame her. Without hesitation, Liv grabbed Luke's face and kissed him on the lips. She gave him a passionate minute long kiss. Liv realized what she was doing and she immediately pulled back with Luke having a surprised look on his face.
Liv: I'm sorry Luke
Luke: no no, it's fine-
Liv: I'll see you later
Liv rushed to her locker room door.
Luke: wait Liv!
She closed the door, leaving a confused Luke. He wiped his mouth and looked at his hand.
(In Liv's locker room)
Liv shut the door and leaned against while she took deep breaths as her cheeks flushed red.
Liv: what did I do?
She sat down on the couch to think over what she has done.
(Back with Luke)
Luke: Liv please, open the door!
Then Bayley and Carmella came in.
Carmella: hey Luke, anything wrong?
Luke: it's Liv
Bayley: what happened?
Luke: she... she kissed me
Bayley and Carmella: what?!
Luke: yeah, it happened
Bayley: we can see that; you got some of her lipstick on your lips
Carmella: did she lock her door?
Luke: yes, and I've been trying to talk, but she won't come out
Carmella: let me try
Mella knocked on Liv's door, hopeful that the Problem Child will unlock it. Carmella knocked for 30 seconds until she heard the tumbler unlock.
Carmella: wait here
The Princess of Staten Island slowly opened the door and went inside leaving Luke and Bayley. The Hugger and the Nomad talked of what happened.
Bayley: were you surprised when Liv kissed you?
Luke: yes, and at the same time, confused also
Bayley: confused?
Luke: Bay, my whole life I've been an introvert, which meant I never had a girlfriend; I've been in a relationship
Bayley: but after the kiss, did you feel something?
Luke: as a matter of fact I did; it's something I never felt in my life
Bayley chuckled.
Luke: what's so funny?
Bayley: Luke, the thing you felt is called love
The Nomad's eyes widen.
Luke: the only love I felt is from my adoptive parents
Bayley: are there any other emotions in your mind right now?
Luke: yes, one of them is anger
Bayley: you're angry at Liv for kissing you?
Luke: no, I'm angry myself for not kissing Liv back
Bayley: aww, you're in love
Luke: fine, I am in love. It's just Liv really made a positive impact on my life
Bayley: you're so sweet, but now let's wait for Carmella
Luke: right
The two stood outside Liv's locker room door.
(with Liv and Carmella)
Carmella: what went through when you kissed Luke, Liv?
Liv: I don't know how to explain it, Mella
Carmella: you like him, don't you?
Liv: I do
She blushed heavily.
Liv: Luke and I have a special bond with each other
Carmella: aww, that's so cute!
Liv: I changed him, Mella; I changed that silent guy to a cute and friendly one
Carmella: you did it with your cute and funny self
Liv stuck out her blue tongue.
Carmella: wait here
Liv: where you going?
Carmella: gonna get Luke
Liv heavily blushed. Carmella went out the door and called Luke. Then a few seconds later, Luke went inside Liv's locker room and closed the door. He sat down beside her.
Luke: hi
Liv: hi
There was a 30 second awkward silence between the two until Liv broke it.
Liv: Luke, I'm sorry for unexpectedly kissing you; I didn't know what came over me
Luke: Liv-
Liv: I know you maybe angry for what I've done
Luke: Liv listen-
Liv: and I understand if you're angry at me, but-
Luke put his finger over Liv's mouth to shush her.
Luke: Liv, it's okay; I'm not mad
Liv: you're not?
Luke: I'm just surprised that you kissed me
Liv: you never had your first kiss?
Luke: never had a girlfriend as well
Liv: it was difficult, wasn't it?
Luke: if you're related to a family of corrupt politicians; yup it is hard
There was another awkward silence. This time Luke broke it.
Luke: listen Liv, these past few weeks were fun because I got to spend it with you
Liv smiled as she listened Luke open his heart out.
Luke: I never felt this much love before
Liv put her hand on Luke's face. He held her hand.
Luke: Liv... I... I...
Liv interrupted Luke by giving him another kiss on the lips, and this time Luke kissed her back with his hand on her cheek. They kissed for a good minute before pulling back.
Liv: just to finish your sentence; I love you too, Lukey
The two hugged each other.
Luke: uh Liv, if it's okay with you
Liv: yes Luke?
Luke: will you be my...
He shyly said, but Liv answered with a kiss to his cheek.
Liv: yes Luke, I'll be your girlfriend
Luke smiled and kissed her forehead and hugged her again. Luke then remembered that Liv is very ticklish, so while the two were hugging, he sneaked his hand down to her bare hip.
Liv: ahh Lukey!
Luke laughed.
Luke: your fault for being too ticklish
Liv: you're so mean
Luke: but you're cute when you laugh
Liv looked at Luke with a cute pout on her face.
Luke: I can't believe it, I have a girlfriend
Liv: believe it Lukey, it's real
She sat on his lap and snuggled up to Luke while the Nomad held her. Then he started to play with Liv's thighs that were showing due to her cut designs of her gear pants; he lightly traced circles on her thigh drawing some cute giggles from the Problem Child.
Liv: that tickles, Luke
Luke smiled.
Luke: come on, let's go
Liv: let me get my stuff first
Luke: I'll get mine too
A few minutes later, the two exited the arena hand in hand.
(30 minutes later)
They went inside Luke's apartment and changed into their night clothes. Then they were eating dinner and watching a horror movie and made themselves comfortable on the couch; Liv had her legs on Luke. They finished eating a continued to watch the horror movie, A Quiet Place. Liv is always afraid when she watches horror movies, so she curled up into a ball and cuddled with Luke.
Luke: not a big fan of horror movies?
Liv: I am, it's just I'm always scared
Luke: I'll be here with you, so you won't get scared
He rubbed her leg to calm her down.
Then a jumpscare happened and Liv screamed which startled Luke.
Liv: ahhh!
Luke: oh my god!
Liv turned away and buried her face into Luke's shirt.
Luke: it's okay Liv, I'm here; I think it's best to switch to another movie
Liv: I totally agree
She muffled in his shirt.
Luke changed into another movie which was Avengers: Infinity War
Luke: Liv, it's Avengers
Liv immediately popped up and was already excited.
Liv: I am Groot!
Luke: are you worthy to watch this?
He said as he impersonated Chris Hemsworth which made Liv giggle.
Liv: play it play it!
Luke pressed play and the two enjoyed the Marvel flick. As they were watching, Luke lightly caressed Liv's thighs which made her feel comfortable from his touch.
(2 hours later)
The movie finished and Luke saw that Liv was already asleep. He turned off the TV and carried her to the bed. He tucked her in and kissed her forehead which woke her up.
Liv: Luke?
Luke: shh, you're in the bed now
Liv: okay
Luke: good night
As he was going to the living room, Liv stopped him.
Liv: Luke wait!
Luke: what is it, Liv?
Liv: can you sleep here with me please?
Luke: uhh...
Liv: I'm still a bit scared from A Quiet Place
Luke: are you sure it's okay?
Liv: it's okay Lukey and besides were boyfriend and girlfriend now
Luke smiled and gave in.
Luke: alright, move over
Liv moved over so she can make space for Luke. The Nomad got in bed beside her. Liv laid her head on his chest while Luke wrapped his arm around her.
Liv: good night Lukey
Luke: good night Liv
They smiled at each other and kissed before falling asleep.
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