Chapter 37: Major League Rebel Tour
A few days after shutting up Grayson Waller, Luke has decided to make one more stop for his rebellious tour and Liv happily joined him. The promotion the Nomad had his eyes on was Major League Wrestling or MLW, a company where his fellow countryman TJP currently wrestles.
Luke's appearance on NXT and also AEW a few weeks ago has captured the attention of current AEW heel and MLW alumni, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, also known as MJF. On Twitter, the youngest fastest rising star dared called out the Nomad.
@The_MJF: Luke! hey Nomad boy! I dare you to show up at my old stomping grounds @MLW so #TheDynasty @MostMarketable @AliciaAtout @AlexHammerstone can teach you a lesson!
Luke smirked at the message, and since he distances himself from Twitter, he decides to accept MJF's invitation by showing up at an MLW event.
Liv: one more stop on your tour, babe?
Luke: oh yeah, and I want to add MLW's logo to my jacket just to really irk McMahon
Liv: but babe, there's something I want to tell you about the MLW roster
Luke: what's that, Liv?
Liv: uhh, my ex-boyfriend is there
Luke: who? That idiot Enzo?
Liv: yeah...
Luke: I guess he was really a jerk and toxic to you
Liv: yeah, that's why I broke up with him, and my heart found you
Liv smiled and kissed his lips, making the Nomad smile.
Luke: let's go babe, I'll protect you from Enzo
Liv: aww, I love you
The couple left their house and drove to the venue where MLW is holding a show tonight.
(Inside the venue)
The stable known as The Dynasty, which consisted of their leader MJF along with members Alex Hammerstone, Richard Holliday and Alicia Atout were in the ring waiting for a response from the WWE Superstar.
MJF: Nomad boy! Where you at, huh? All of us are here are dying to know what you're answer is! Come on Luke, the Dynasty is going to teach you a lesson in respect!
After a few seconds, a theme played, but it wasn't the Nomad, it was none other than MLW's resident big mouth, nZo formerly known as Enzo Amore. nZo got in the ring while MJF had an irritated look on his face.
nZo: now, what do we got over here?
MJF: don't you say it!
nZo: chillax Max, I don't have any beef with you or your boy and girl over there, I want to say that the both of us have a common enemy with that hater, Luke Ardiente
MJF: oh really? What did Luke ever do to you?
nZo: you see, I was digging through my Instagram and Twitter that Luke is in a relationship with my girl
Richard, Alicia and Alex chuckled while MJF smirked and shook his head.
MJF: idiot, your girl broke up with you? Where is that stupid brain of yours? But! You do have a point, Luke has caused problems for both of us. He trespassed on my company just to save a wannabe MJF called Hook, he was lucky that I didn't kick his ass
nZo: he trespassed on your show and he stole my girl!
MJF: we both hate Luke, don't we?!
nZo: you damn right!
MJF: come on Luke, you have five problems to deal with!
MJF, the Dynasty and nZo were waiting anxiously for a response.
MJF: come on Luke, you son of a-
Their prayers were answered as Luke's theme played while MJF and the Dynasty smirked and nodded while nZo looked ready for a fight. Then Luke walked out to the stage to a big crowd pop.
The Nomad removed his shades and put them in his pocket while he stared down at MJF and Liv's ex-boyfriend. With his Intercontinental Championship draped on his shoulder, Luke walked down the ramp and got in the ring.
The Nomad stared down at nZo and MJF's group, showing zero fear at the numbers game, since he's always been in that predicament for a long time. He crossed his arms and held his ground as the leader of the Dynasty stepped up to him.
MJF: Luke, it's so nice to finally to meet you, it was too bad that we didn't get to cross paths on AEW, but allow me to introduce myself, Maxwell
Luke: better put that hand away, I don't know where your hand was touching
MJF: charming, I believe you should know exactly who I am. I'm the fastest rising and youngest star in all of professional wrestling, the leader of the most prestigious group in MLW-
Luke: uh uh uh, shut up. You like to hear yourself talk, keep running your mouth and looked what happened. Over on AEW, your big mouth got your ass whooped by Jericho and you got knocked the fuck out by my childhood favorite, CM Punk
Then Luke turned his attention to Richard.
Luke: and you market boy, you look like when Max got your girl Alicia in bed one night and she gave birth to you
That provoked the Most Marketable, but he was held back by Alicia while MJF defused the situation.
MJF: Rich, you know that's not true!
Richard put his hands up and calmed down while he took a breath as Luke turned to Hammerstone.
Luke: as for you... the year 2000 called, he wants his hair back
Hammerstone removed his shades and glared at the Nomad. Then Luke went face to face with nZo.
Luke: so you must be the so called "Realest Guy in the Room," huh? Ah yes, the guy who kept hiding behind your 7 foot jackass because you can't back up your words with your fists. You're all bark, but no bite
nZo was offended from the Nomad's comments, and attempted to fire back with a rebuttal.
nZo: and how dare you steal my beautiful girl Liv, she shouldn't been better off with a Realest guy instead of a loner like you
Luke can only smirk at nZo's words, the Nomad was no longer the lone wolf man he used to be since Liv entered his life.
Luke: oh that's where you are wrong nZo, you were such an asshole to Liv, and she made the right decision to dump your ass... and Liv is so good to me in bed
That provoked nZo and attempted for a cheap shot, but he walked into a spinebuster from the Nomad. While Luke's back was turned, the Dynasty attempted for a sneak attack, but Luke felt the presence and took down Holliday and Hammerstone with a double clothesline.
Then Luke ducked a right hand from MJF and took down the AEW heel with a German suplex.
Hammerstone got back to his feet and traded punches with Luke before the Nomad ducked a shot and locked in a standing Katipunan Clutch while Hammerstone screamed and tapped out.
Luke then smirked as he saw Alicia getting in the ring, which was a distraction as Holliday sneaked up from behind for an ambush shot.
However, the Nomad felt the presence and then took down Holliday with a vicious lariat, meanwhile Alicia attempted her own cheap shot by low blowing Luke, but the Nomad can only smirk and chuckle as he didn't feel any effect.
Luke turned around and faced Alicia as she backed up to the corner; the Nomad dug into his pants and removed a protective cup. Alicia got up and attempted to slap Luke's face, but the Nomad caught her hand and shook his head.
Luke: I wouldn't do that if I were you
That was the signal for Liv to come running down the ramp and got in the ring to go face to face with Alicia. Liv smirked and proceeded to slap Alicia on her face, shocking her as she gets out of the ring.
Liv turned to see nZo getting up and the Jersey native walked towards her ex with an angry look on her face. She gave nZo a hard slap to his face and giving Luke the signal to finish him off.
The Nomad got nZo up on his shoulders while the Dynasty looked on. Luke stared down at MJF, Holliday, Hammerstone and Alicia and then flattened nZo with the Super Polymerization.
The Dynasty retreated to the back while Luke and Liv raised their arms while the MLW crowd got up and gave the WWE Superstars a standing applause. However, the crowd chanted:
Crowd: one more time! One more time! One more time!
Liv giggled and Luke shrugged his shoulders as he picked up nZo and hits another Super Polymerization before rolling him out of the ring.
The MLW event ended with Luke and Liv raising their arms and standing tall inside the ring.
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