Chapter 3: Opening Ardiente Origins
(Next morning)
Luke woke up the next day feeling all refreshed; he got up and walked to the bed seeing Liv sleeping peacefully. He couldn't help but slightly smile at the adorable sight.
Luke: Liv is so cute when she's asleep
The Problem Child turned and she slowly started to wake up. She opened her eyes and saw Luke looking down at her; she gave a cute smile.
Liv: good morning, Lukey
Luke: I told you not to call me that
Liv: come on, it's cute
Luke: whatever, you want something to eat?
Liv's eyes widen and she immediately popped up, surprising Luke and she began to playfully bounce on the bed. The Nomad looked on with a smirk on his face.
Liv: I want a corned beef omelet
Luke: okay, a corn beef omelet it is
Liv: thank you so much, Lukey!
He nodded and went to the kitchen, as he turned around facing away from Liv, Luke had a small smile across his face. The Nomad started to cook the omelet while Liv waited on the couch and was on her phone as she receive text messages in the group chat from Bayley and Carmella.
Bayley: Liv, where were you?!
Carmella: Livvy, text us when you can!
The messages made Liv giggle; she then responded to both of them.
Liv: guys, I'm fine; I stayed at Luke's place last night
She sent the message to the girls and she looked at Luke who was cooking. She admired his toned body and muscular arms while her cheeks flushed red.
Liv's mind: Luke is so sweet, but I want to know why he's mean
She snapped out of her thought as the aroma of the omelet reached her nose.
Liv: oh my god, it smells so good!
Luke: take it easy Liv, it's almost done cooking
Liv: I can't wait, I'm so hungry!
Luke: and cute too
Liv: what was that, Luke?
Luke: uh nothing, here the omelet is done
He set two plates of the corned beef omelet for him and Liv. They sat down at the table and ate.
Luke: dig in
Liv: oh I will!
They began to eat and Liv was really enjoying her omelet; Luke watched Liv gobble down her omelet and he couldn't help but smile and giggle. Liv saw this and blushed a bit.
Liv: what's so funny, Lukey?
Luke: you, the way you eat though
Liv: I can't help it, especially if the food is so delicious!
Luke: slow down or you're gonna get a stomach ache
Liv stopped eating and she looked at Luke while she blushed lightly.
Liv: aww, are you concerned for me and my health?
She teased. Luke pulled the hem of his shirt while he cleared his throat.
Luke: no, I mean uh, I just don't you to get sick
Liv's cheeks started to flush a darker shade of red. Then they finished eating; Luke washed the dishes while Liv went to the couch and occupied herself with her phone.
The Nomad was done washing the dishes, so he went to join Liv in the living room. He sat down on a recliner chair until Liv chimed in.
Liv: Luke, you have a match next week
Luke: oh yeah? Who's the unlucky victim?
Liv: Finn Balor, the Intercontinental Champion
Luke: huh, if I beat him I should get a shot at his title
Liv: it will happen because I'm in your corner!
Luke: oh, I forgot about that
Liv: please tell me you're joking
Luke slowly smiled.
Luke: I'm kidding Liv, it will be great to have you in my corner
Liv: aww, come sit here beside me
Luke stood up and sat down beside the Problem Child. Liv then held Luke's arm much to the shock of the Nomad.
Liv: I want to know something, Luke
Luke: and what is it?
Liv then bravely asked the crucial question.
Liv: why are you such an introvert? And why are you so mean?
Luke was taken aback by Liv's questions.
Liv: I'm sorry if I offended you
Luke: no no, it's fine
Liv: if you're not comfortable answering then I understand
Luke: Liv, it's okay
Liv: take your time, Luke
She massaged his shoulder and arm so he can relax. Then Luke spoke.
Luke: the reason why I'm an introvert and I'm so mean is because of my last name
Liv: what's wrong with Ardiente? It sounds like a cool last name
Luke: the name sounds cool, but it's hiding a dark secret
Liv listened as Luke tell his story.
(The picture portrays Luke's family)
Luke: the family of Ardiente were bad people and I was the good child
Liv put her arm around Luke to ease him.
Luke: my grandfather, Julio (the man in the middle of the picture) was the governor of our municipality, Poblacion Ardiente
Liv: your family has a town named after you, that's cool!
Luke: yeah, but not the people running it
Liv: go on Lukey, I'm listening
Luke: Julio ruled the town with an iron fist, the citizens feared my grandfather, and if they go against his authority or rebel, guess what's the punishment?
Liv: what?
Luke: death
Liv: oh my god
Luke: a few years later, he married a woman named Helena and the two had a daughter whom they named Emilia, (the woman in the picture) my birth mother
Liv: was she cruel as Julio?
Luke: oh yeah. When she grew up, she ruled the town as mayor and she is manipulative and wicked
Liv: and how did you got involved?
Luke: well, when "my mom" met and married a dashing man named Raul, my birth father. Then a couple of months later, Emilia gave birth to two sons, me and my older brother Arnaldo.
Liv: was Raul a good father?
Luke: hell no, he was a damn cheater
Liv rubbed Luke's back to ease him down.
Luke: a few years later when me and Arnaldo were 10 years old, that's when things get rough. Julio saw in his eyes that Arnaldo is worthy to take the throne, not Emilia
Liv: and how did your grandfather treat you?
Luke: he kept berating me and hurting me physically and emotionally
Liv: oh my god, Luke
Luke: but a few years later, I decided I had enough. I dropped out of Ardiente High School and I ran away from home. Luckily, I saves a lot money which was enough for me to get to Baguio City where a nice middle class couple took me in as their own
Liv smiled at Luke.
Luke: however, even though I found two people who I call my mom and dad, my life hasn't been easier. My adoptive parents sent me to a nice high school, so I can finish my studies.
Liv: what was the bad part?
Luke: since I'm an Ardiente, the students were afraid to go near me and didn't bother to talk. Other students tend to bully me for my wealth. I didn't had that many friends
Liv slowly started to tear up.
Luke: however, despite all the bad social stuff, I managed to finish high school and went on to college where I got my degree. Then my adoptive parents suggest to me that I should pursue a career in professional wrestling, so I can stand up for myself, and they gave me their full support. Now, hear I am, in WWE with you
Liv smiled and blushed.
Liv: have you made contact with the Ardiente family?
Luke: hmph, no, from what I heard; Julio passed away from old age, Arnaldo committed suicide because of his insanity, Emilia is in prison on a life sentence for the crimes the family committed and as for Raul, people don't know what happened to the guy
Liv: thanks for telling me Luke
Luke: no, thank you Liv
Liv: for?
Luke: for listening, this wasn't easy to tell because I really want to forget about my biological family and their evil deeds
Liv: well any time you have a rough time, you can talk to me
Luke smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder.
Luke: thank you, Liv
Liv: aww, come here
She pulled Luke in for a tight hug in which the Nomad happily returned. Then Luke sneakily slid his hand down Liv's hip which made her jump.
Liv: ahh, that tickles!
Luke mischievously smiled.
Liv: Luke, don't please; I'm very ticklish!
He put her hands on her hips and gently poked her causing the Problem Child to laugh.
Liv: Luke no! Hahaha!
He gently dug his fingers into her hips while Liv continued to laugh. After a minute, he stopped tickling Liv. Luke was laughing at Liv's expense.
Liv: that wasn't funny!
Luke: but you sound so cute when you laugh
Liv heavily blushed. Then she felt a sense of electricity running through her body; she looked down and saw Luke's hand on her bare thigh; Luke realized what he was doing and he quickly took his hand off while Liv blushed heavily.
Luke: sorry
Liv: it's okay
She giggled.
Liv: you said you never had any friends, but now you have one
Luke: who?
Liv: meeee!
She hugged Luke, making the Nomad smile. He returned her hug.
Luke: thank you so much, Liv; you changed me
Liv: aww, it's nothing Lukey, and besides I'm safe and secured when I'm with you
She laid her head on his shoulder.
Liv: so what do you want to do now?
Luke: movie?
Liv: yes!
Luke turned on the TV and went to his Netflix account. He let Liv choose the movie.
Liv: Fast and Furious!
Luke: now you're speaking my language!
They both laughed and Luke selected Fast Five. They made themselves comfortable with Liv laying her head on Luke's shoulder while Luke had his arm around Liv.
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