Chapter 27: Homecoming Part 1
(December 20)
It was Christmas week, so that means all of the WWE Superstars were at home celebrating the holidays with their families since they have already taped the shows for Christmas and New Year's.
Luke had already purchase two round trip tickets for himself and Liv to the Nomad's home of the Philippines to celebrate Christmas with his adoptive parents, Damian and Camia. The couple had already packed up early as their flight was in 12 hours.
Luke: it's gonna be a long flight plus a 4-6 hour trip from Manila to Baguio
Liv: ohh, it's gonna be so tiring
Luke: I know, but it will be worth it for you to meet my adoptive parents
Liv: I'm excited and nervous
Luke: I'll be by your side
Liv: yeah, ready to go?
Luke: yeah, let's go
The couple locked their house and drove off to the airport. After they went through security check and getting their carry on bags through, the two sat down and waited for their gate to be opened.
(A few minutes later)
Their gate has been opened, and the couple went inside the plane and took their seats, which Liv got the good seat next to the window, so she can look out for the view.
Luke noticed Liv felt cold and saw she was wearing shorts.
Luke: babe, why wear shorts inside a cold plane?
Liv: s-so you can touch my bare legs
Luke: well I don't want you to shiver
The Nomad took out his jacket and put it over Liv's thighs, however he put his hand under the jacket, so he can touch her soft skin. Liv smiled and melted as she laid her head on his shoulder.
After a few minutes, the plane moved and then took off from the runway and begun the long flight to the Philippines.
(21 hours later)
It was 5:30 p.m., December 21 and the plane has touched down at Manila, Philippines. Luke and Liv slept through the flight and they were all feeling the jetlag. As their plane made a complete stop, they waited for the other passengers to get their luggage and exited the plane.
The two went out of the plane and made their way out of the airport with their luggage. The Nomad rented a car and feeling the fatigue from the flight, the two drove off to a nearby hotel to rest.
(A few minutes later)
The two checked into their room and Liv immediately jumped into the bed and slept. Luke dropped his bag and joined Liv in the bed to rest from their flight.
(The next day, December 22)
Liv and Luke had their well deserved rest, but they were feeling hungry.
Liv: Lukey, let's get some food to eat
Luke saw this was a perfect opportunity to show Liv some of the Filipino cuisine.
Luke: we may go to a restaurant, but I want to show you some of the famous Filipino street food
Liv: oooh, a taste of your culture, let's try it!
Luke: alright, we can leave our bags here
The two went out of their hotel room and walked around the streets of Manila in search of street vendors selling food.
Luke: most of the street food are deep fried, so you will have oily fingers
Liv: babe, food is life
Luke: you got a good point
The two walked around and spotted a vendor selling fish balls.
Luke: this is one of the staples of Filipino street food, babe. Fish balls
Liv: deep fried fish balls?
Luke: yup, and it's cheap too
Liv: it looks and smells good, let me try it
Luke: alright
The Nomad bought two cups of the deep fried balls and Liv proceeded to eat one. Her eyes lit up as she chewed on the fish ball.
Liv: mmmhhh, oh my god this is delicious
Luke: it's good with the sauce
Liv dipped another ball in the sauce and nodded as she tasted the sauce dipped fish ball.
Liv: I want a whole bag for a snack
Luke chuckled and nodded.
Luke: let's get you a big Ziplock bag because there's more street food you have to try
Luke got out a big bag and bought 15 fish balls for Liv. They then continued to look around and spotted another vendor selling spring rolls, known as lumpia.
Luke: try some lumpia, babe
Liv: oooh they look like egg rolls
Luke: oh yes, they do
Liv: give me ten
Luke: ten lumpia to go
The Nomad but 15 lumpia, five for himself and ten for the Jersey native.
Luke: here you go
Liv: ooh hot
Liv blew the roll to cool it down before she took a bite, and her eyes lit up at the delicious taste.
Luke: you like it?
Liv: ohh this is delicious like the fishie balls
Luke chuckled and smiled as his girlfriend enjoyed his culture's cuisine. Liv put her ten pieces of lumpia in her bag and couldn't wait what Luke has in store for her next. As the two continued to walk, they saw a man carrying two pots on a wooden pole.
Vendor: taho! Taho!
Luke: taho!
Liv: babe, what is that?
Luke: it's a sweet and delicious snack with syrup, tofu and tapioca balls. Also a big common favorite here
Liv: ooh tofu
Luke: it's also a good excuse for me to try tofu since I'm not really a fan of it
Liv giggled and went with Luke as they bought two cups of the sweet tofu treat.
Liv: just drink it?
Luke: yeah
The two drank and ate their taho and enjoyed the sweetness of the syrup.
Liv: ohh this is sweet and delicious
Luke: I miss this so much for a long time
Liv: feel at home yet, babe?
She giggled.
Luke: oh yes I am
The two finished their taho and disposed the cups in the trash bin.
Liv: Lukey, I remembered you were gonna show me your old stomping grounds
Luke: oh yeah, PWR
Liv: are they here in Manila?
Luke: they should be, the arena is a bit far, so we have to travel by car
Liv: I got snacks, so let's go!
The couple went back to their hotel, so Luke can get the car keys and drove to the arena hall where PWR is on.
Luke: PWR is like any other indy promotion, but some big names performed here
Liv: ooh, anyone in particular you want to step in the ring with?
Luke: TJP, Jeff Cobb, Jake de Leon the PWR Champion
Liv: I only remembered TJP
Luke: oh yeah, me too
Liv: how about women?
Luke: I only know Crystal is the first woman to wrestle, there may be others, but I have not heard of them
Liv: ooh okay
After a 30 minute drive, the two arrived at the venue where PWR is currently holding an event.
Luke: I must not forget my important piece of hardware
The Nomad reached into his bag and got out his WWE Intercontinental title.
Luke: so they know exactly who I am
Liv giggled and two got out of the car. The guard let them in and the PWR management team allowed them to run in and make surprise appearances so the crowd can jump out of their seats.
Luke: looks like the women have a match, babe
Liv: perfect
Liv smirked and saw there was a one on one between Crystal and the Star of PWR, Jhemherlhynn.
(In the ring)
The two women were trading punches and Crystal looks to win the match, but interference came in the form of another member of the PWR women's division, Robynn.
Robynn and Jhemherlhynn proceeded with a 2 on 1 assault on Crystal until they heard the WWE entrance theme of Liv Morgan.
The two women, including the crowd and commentators were in surprise, shock and awe as they saw a WWE Superstar inside a PWR arena.
Liv ran down the ring and took down Robynn and Jhemherlhynn with clotheslines a enziguris while the crowd cheered loud. The challenger to Becky Lynch's SmackDown Women's title sent Jhemherlhynn over the ropes and then lays out Robynn with the Jersey Codebreaker.
Liv helped Crystal to her feet and the Filipina wrestler was in awe at the sight of the WWE Superstar. Crystal bowed and shook hands with Liv as the two women raised their arms while the crowd applauded.
(A few minutes later)
Liv met with Luke and the two hugged.
Liv: that was a loud crowd out there
Luke: oh yes, because they know who you are, babe
Liv: now it's your turn
Luke: oh yes, watch me
The Nomad looks to interfere in the tag team main event between TJP and PWR Champion Jake De Leon versus Jeff Cobb and Quatro.
(In the ring)
TJP took down Quatro with the Detonation Kick, but the match broke down and ended in a no contest as New Japan's Jeff Cobb took down both TJP and Jake De Leon.
Cobb stopped his assault as Luke's theme played and the crowd turned to see the WWE Intercontinental Champion in the PWR arena. Luke had his signature coldhearted look on his face, similar to AEW's newest star Hook as he stared down at the big Jeff Cobb.
Luke raised his title before putting it down and running in the ring to trade shots with the United Empire member.
Cobb pushed Luke to the ropes, but the Nomad ducked a right hand and took down the big man with a German suplex.
The Nomad took out Quatro with a spinebuster before getting him up and took him down with the Super Polymerization.
TJP fazed Cobb with the Wrecking Ball Dropkick followed by the Alipin Drop from Jake De Leon. Then Luke measured and waited for Cobb to get back on his feet.
Cobb stumbled to his feet and Luke got Jeff Cobb in the fireman's carry position while the crowd cheered loud as the Nomad flattened Cobb with the Super Polymerization.
Luke helped TJP and Jake to their feet while the three are given a standing ovation. The Nomad grabbed his WWE Intercontinental title and raised his arms with TJP and Jake as the PWR event came to an end.
(Time skip to their hotel room)
Luke still felt the adrenaline and enjoyment after stepping foot in his old promotion for a long time while Liv ate her bag of lumpia and fish balls.
Luke: it felt great to be back home
Liv: the crowd were on their feet while they watched me
Luke: they were also on their feet when I was out there too
Liv: that appearance made me want to take a nap
Liv said as she yawned.
Luke: yeah, let's rest for the day and we're leaving for Baguio tomorrow
Luke and Liv laid together in bed and took a nap to rest as they're looking forward for their road trip to Baguio to celebrate Christmas with Luke's adoptive family.
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