Chapter 2: A Perfect Team?
(One week later)
Luke drove in for SmackDown this week, but he couldn't forget that his match for the episode was a mixed tag team match as he was going against the winners of the second season of the Mixed Match Challenge R-Truth and Carmella while he teamed up with the cute yet wild Liv Morgan.
Luke: I still can't believe that I have to team up with... her
He heavily sighed and shook his head as he was walking into the arena. Luke had his headphones on, so he could zone out from the people. As he was walking, he saw someone jumping and waving their arms trying to get Luke's attention. The Pinoy Nomad reluctantly looked up and saw Liv.
Liv: Luke!
He looked at the Problem Child with a straight face while he groaned. He walked towards the pink haired Superstar while she had a bubbly smile on her face.
Liv: Luke, it so great to see you again!
She hugged him while Luke had a disgusted look on his face.
Luke: I was hoping to not bump into you
Liv: oh come on, you don't mean that
Luke: so what do you want?
Liv: let's be somewhere else where we won't be bothered
Luke: ugh, fine
Liv: come on!
Liv grabbed Luke's hand, but he pulled away.
Luke: don't touch me
Liv: ooh feisty; let's go!
She skipped down the hallway with Luke walking behind her.
Luke: what's with this girl?
He whispered to himself.
Luke continued to follow Liv for another minute until they stopped in front of a door, but it wasn't any door; it was the door to Luke's locker room. The Pinoy Nomad was shocked of this.
Luke: why here?
Liv: so we can be alone, just the two of us
Luke: my locker room is the only place where I can be by myself, so I can concentrate
Liv: do I have to mention that we have a mixed tag team match later? I wanted to talk to you, so we can go over our strategy
Luke: fine
Liv: yay!
Luke shook his head before he unlocked the door. Then the two walked in and closed the door. The Pinoy Nomad sat down on the couch and went on his phone while Liv sat on the opposite side. She then looked at Luke while her cheeks began to turn red. Liv then slowly slid over to Luke without him knowing until their arms touched.
Luke felt a touch on his arm; he looked to see Liv sitting so close to him while she had a cute smile on her face. Luke had a look of discomfort on his face, so he quickly got up and sat at a nearby chair while Liv giggled; she laid on the couch while in her gloating position.
Luke: why do you act like this?
Liv: I don't know, sometimes I don't know what I'm doing
Luke: you said you want to talk strategy, so what?
Liv: oh yeah, so I'll do my thing while you keep Truth occupied
Luke: straightforward enough; okay, you can leave now
Liv: no, can I stay here with you?
Luke: what? No!
Liv: aww, why not?
Luke: this is my locker room, and this is where I want to be alone
Liv: aww, it's sad that you want to be alone
Luke: I don't need your sympathy, Morgan
Liv: okay okay, don't need to blow a gasket; I'll see you out there, handsome
She did a kissing sound with her lips before she left Luke's locker room. The Pinoy Nomad shook his head as he shut the door. He took a deep breath and then thought to himself.
Luke: easy Luke, it's just one match with that immature girl and that's it; you'll move on and focus on your singles career
(An hour later)
Luke was already in his ring attire until he got a knock on the door.
Luke: what?!
Producer: Luke, you're up!
Luke: sigh, time to go to hell
He went out of his locker room and made his way to the gorilla. As he was walking, Luke felt something or someone jumped on him.
Luke: who the hell is this?!
His response was a cute giggle.
Luke: Liv?!
Liv: you guess right!
Luke: what are you doing on me?
Liv: give me a piggyback ride, please?
Luke: I don't do piggyback rides, Morgan
Liv: aww come on, my Riott Squad sisters always give me piggyback rides
Luke: well I'm not Ruby or Sarah, so get off me!
Liv: come on please, just this one time?
She looked at Luke with puppy eyes and a cute pout, forcing Luke to groan and eventually give in.
Luke: fine
Liv: yay! Now let's go!
Luke walked to the gorilla with Liv riding on his back; she laid her head on his shoulder while having a dreamy look on her face.
(A few minutes later after entrances were made)
Liv and Luke were talking or arguing on who gets to start off first.
Luke: I want to start!
Liv: no, let me start!
She said while bouncing.
R-Truth was standing on the ring apron while Carmella was in the ring.
Luke: fine, you start then
The girls started off the match first.
(End of match)
Outside, Liv took out Carmella with her modified version of Chris Jericho's Codebreaker. Meanwhile in the ring, Truth landed a kick to Luke and attempted to hit the Nomad with his signature kick, but Luke ducked it and got Truth with a quick Katipunan Clutch. Meanwhile, outside the ring, Liv looked on in the ring and watched Luke's dominance unfold.
Truth immediately tapped out and Luke released the clutch.
Announcer: here are your winners, the team of Liv Morgan and Luke Ardiente!
Liv immediately got in the ring and as Luke was about to leave the ring, he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him; he turned to see Liv hugging him tight. Luke broke off the hug, but Liv did her usual hug which was jumping to Luke while her arms and legs wrapped around him; she had a cute bubbly smile on her face. Luke had an irritated look on his face.
As Liv got off Luke and let go of the hug, Luke immediately exited the ring and walked backstage while taking out the tape from his wrists. The Problem Child got out of the ring and chased after the Nomad.
Luke walked to the back all unhappy about the match even though he and Liv won.
Luke: what a waste of my time
As he angrily walked to his locker room, he was stopped by Shane.
Shane: Luke, a word please?
Luke: what now?!
Shane: I just want to say that you and Liv had perfect chemistry out there
Luke: what perfect chemistry?!
Shane: although I saw a bit of miscommunication between you two; you and Liv got the win and the job done
Luke: so what do you want from me?
As Shane was about to speak, Liv came in and saw Luke and Shane.
Shane: this also involves Liv as well; hey Liv, can you come here for a second?
The Problem Child happily frolicked towards the two men, much to the chagrin of the Pinoy Nomad.
Luke: so tell me what is this about
Shane: Luke, I'm keeping my word
Luke: what?
Shane: this mixed tag team match is just one time only
Hearing this made Luke a bit satisfied, but for Liv, she was a bit upset of this as she had a sad look on her face.
Luke: you finally got some sense knocked into you, McMahon. And as for you, blue tongue, see you never
Luke began to walk away, but Shane threw a curve ball.
Shane: however...
Luke: ugh what now?
Shane: my dumb father decided that you should have a manager
Luke: didn't Vince get my resume? I work alone and tell him I do not need a manager
Shane: he had a feeling you will say something like that
Luke: oh?
Shane: he said if you don't follow his orders, you're fired
Luke angrily groaned.
Luke: fine, so who will be in my corner for my matches for now on?
Shane: well that's why I called Liv over
Luke: wait... no, anyone but her
Shane: my father's orders, Liv Morgan will be your manager for now on
Hearing the news made Luke cover his face in frustration while Liv had a cute bright smile on her face while she bounced happily.
Luke: don't do this to me, Shane
Shane: sorry Luke, gotta follow the boss; Liv, he's all yours
Shane waled away, leaving Luke and Liv to themselves.
Luke: out of all people on this damn roster, it has to be you
Liv: aww, I know you enjoyed me being your partner, and now I can be with you every week!
Luke: oh Lord, please help me
Liv: and every week, I get the best seat in the house because I'm watching your matches up close
Luke: fine, if you gonna be my manager, I want you to do one simple favor
Liv: and what is that, handsome?
Luke: do not, I repeat do not interfere in my matches
Liv: pinky swear
Luke: okay, we're clear now; I'm gonna go wash up
Liv: wait!
Luke: what is it?
Liv didn't say anything, she jumped into Luke and did her signature hugs, much to the chagrin of Luke.
Luke: we're doing this again?
Liv: you have to get used to my hugs, Lukey
Luke: did you just call me Lukey?
Liv: yeah, it's adorable
She hugged Luke tight while she smiled, but then she did something that caught the Pinoy Nomad off guard; she kissed him on the cheek. Liv then got off Luke while she blushed and giggled.
Luke: what was that for?!
He wiped his cheek with his hand while feeling disgusted.
Liv: a friendly kiss, another thing you have to get used to, Lukey
Luke: whatever, I'll see you next week
Liv: bye bye, Luke
The Pinoy Nomad left to his locker room while the Problem Child skipped away.
(In Luke's locker room)
The Pinoy Nomad finished showering and he changed into his casual clothes. He sat down on the couch as reality slowly hit him, Liv Morgan is now his manager; he is no longer the lone wolf he has been in his entire career.
Luke: Liv, she intrigues me and also interest me in a way. How is she handling my rudeness in a positive yet cute way?
He thought about it, but Luke also remembered the kiss Liv gave him on his cheek; he placed his hand on where Liv kissed.
Luke: I think her being my manager will work
He smirked before he left his locker room, but it turned into a sly grin. He exited the arena, and went to his car. Luke put his bag in the trunk, and right he was about to leave, he heard screaming.
Luke: what the hell was that?!
He followed the sound of the screaming and hid behind the corner of the arena. Luke peeked around the corner and saw Liv getting harassed by a mugger with a knife.
Liv: please, don't hurt me!
She said while she cried.
Mugger: give me all your expensive stuff, and I won't hurt you, pretty lady
Seeing this made Luke rage from the inside, so he sprung into action.
Luke: hey, leave her alone!
Luke sprinted and he kicked the knife out of the mugger's hand and tackled him down while he landed some stiff punches. He then picked up the mugger and held him by the shirt.
Luke: listen here, you leave my friend alone or I'll make sure that the police won't ever find your body
Mugger: y-y-yes sir
Luke threw the mugger to the ground; the mugger got up and ran off into the night. The Pinoy Nomad turned to see Liv all shaken and frightened from what happened; she covered her face as she cried; Luke walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.
Luke: you okay, Liv?
Liv instantly recognized the voice and she removed her hands from her face and saw Luke in front of him. She ran to him and hugged him tight while she sobbed. Luke felt the pain and sadness Liv went through, so he returned the hug by placing his arms around her body.
Liv continued to sob into Luke's shirt. The Pinoy Nomad comfort her.
Luke: shh, it's okay Liv, I'm here
Liv continued to cry for another minute before she pulled back.
Liv: oh Luke, I'm so happy that you saved me
Luke: tell me what happened
Liv: as I was leaving the arena, that mugger came with a knife in his hand and he threaten to hurt me if I don't give him my stuff. If you haven't came, I would've gotten seriously hurt
Luke: he's gone now, so you don't need to worry
Liv: Luke?
Luke: what is it?
Liv: is it okay if I can get a ride; I'm still shaken of what happened
Luke: of course, let's go
Liv smiled and she followed Luke to his car. They got in the car and drove off.
Liv: Luke, may I ask, but are you staying at the hotel?
Luke: no, I live in an apartment
Liv: okay because I'm still shaken of what happened, but um...
Luke: just say it, Liv
Liv: can I stay with you for the night?
The question made Luke's eyes widen, he looked at Liv with a surprised look.
Luke: look, after what happened, I felt sorry for you, so yeah you can stay for the night
Liv smiled and hugged Luke's arm.
Liv: thank you so much, Luke
He looked down at her hugging his arm then back at the road while he sneaked in a small grin.
A few minutes later, Luke pulled up in front of his apartment building. He and Liv got out of his car and went into Luke's door.
Luke: this is where I live
Liv: wow, it's nice in here
Luke and Liv made themselves comfortable.
Liv: Luke, where's the bathroom? I'm gonna change
Luke: over there to your left
Liv: thank you
The Problem Child went in the bathroom to change. While she was doing that, Luke changed into his night clothes which was a tank top and basketball shorts. He got a pillow and a blanket and put them on the couch.
Liv was done changing in the bathroom, so she came out wearing a shirt and denim shorts. Luke was in a bit of awe as he saw Liv in her natural state and her shorts showing her toned legs.
Luke's mind: wow, Liv is so pretty when in her natural state
Liv: hey Luke
Luke: hey, uh you can sleep on the bed
Liv: are you sure? This is your place, so you should be in the bed
Luke: Liv, I insist and you're my guest, and I want to make you comfortable
Liv lightly blushed.
Luke: don't worry about me, I'll be on the couch
Liv: okay, thanks again Luke
He nodded and he settled in on the couch. As he was about to lay down, Liv hugged him from behind and kissed him on the head.
Liv: thank you so much, Luke
Luke: no problem Liv
Liv got in the bed and made herself comfortable; she then fell asleep.
Luke looked back and saw Liv sleeping peacefully. He then laid down on the couch while he had a small smile forming on his face. Then the Nomad fell asleep.
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