The sound of people talking echoed from the hallway, then faded away. The girls and Nick must have taken Charlie to the living room. Bibiana felt the tension in her neck and shoulders begin to subside. Climbing beneath the covers of her bed, she hugged her teddy to her chest and closed her eyes. When she felt steadier, she propped herself up on her pillows and reached for her book. Moments later, a knock on the door drew her eyes upwards. Marking her page, she turned her book upside down on the nightstand.
"Come in!" she called out.
The door opened, and Nick hovered in the doorway. She was pleased it was him; of all her housemates, he was the one she felt most comfortable with.
"Come, come!" She waved him into the room.
"I wanted to check on you." Nick's forehead was wrinkled with concern. "You seemed... out of sorts. Bad news?"
Bibiana forced a smile. "No... not at all. It was just my sister."
"Oh!" He seemed surprised. "How is she?"
"She's doing well. She loves Paris and her new job. Not having to go to castings and all that."
Nick sighed dramatically. "Oh... to be one of the chosen few. She is so lucky."
Bibiana laughed. "You'll get there, darling."
"Don't know about that," Nick said flippantly. "Can I sit?"
"Of course." Bibiana crossed her legs under the covers to make room for Nick to perch on the end of her bed.
"Was that Charlie arriving?" Bibiana raised her arms above her head and stretched. "I thought I heard something?"
"Yes." Nick tucked one long leg underneath him as he sat down. "Iman and Shortie are giving her the grand tour. Did you want to join?"
"Nah! I'm guessing the grand tour will lead her to this room eventually. Our room."
Nick laughed. "How do you feel about that? Sharing, I mean. I guess it's one thing sharing with your sister, but it must be a bit weird not knowing the person?"
Bibiana tucked her hands under the covers. "It's not an issue. I've been doing this a long time. I went to boarding school. Did you know that?"
"No, I didn't. It's not the same thing though, is it? We're adults now." Nick laughed. "Sort of!"
"You don't know how good you've got it here." Bibiana said. "You've never stayed in a model house."
"You mean one of those group homes assigned by an agent?"
"Yeah. They charge you the earth and then pack you in like sardines."
"That's just fucking sad. I'm lucky with my agent—that girl's got my back."
"Yeah...," Bibiana grinned. "Think about it. You could have landed up sharing a room with Delyan."
Nick chuckled. "There are worse things I suppose."
Bibiana raised her eyebrows. "Really?"
"Well...the boy's not ugly."
"You're crazy."
"No, you're right. You are. I know. He's a dickhead. We were supposed to hang out today and he's just left the house without telling me."
"Jerk." Bibiana squeezed Nick's hand. "Poor baby."
Nick shrugged. "What's to be done?" Absentmindedly, he leaned across Bibiana and clasped one hand over the book on her nightstand. She held her breath. To her surprise, when Nick turned the book over, his face lit up.
"Dying to be Thin!" Nick said, bashing the cover enthusiastically with the back of his hand. "I've read this. It's fantastic!"
Wringing her hands together Bibiana mumbled: "Yeah, I'm into it."
"It's kind of my bible." Nick smirked. "Kidding. Not kidding!"
Bibiana smiled wryly.
Nick's voice dropped an octave. "You do know that she died. Nikki Grahame...I mean." The cover of the book had the image of the author's face on it. Nick stroked it lovingly.
"That's fucked up." Bibiana responded. "She was beautiful."
"Oh...she was just gorgeous. And such mastery over her body! I can't believe she pulled off half the shit she did. The girl is my hero. It's too sad."
A knock on the door announced Iman, who walked in followed by Charlie. Nick returned the book to the nightstand, placing it face down as he'd found it. "We'll talk later, lovely."
Bibiana stood up from her bed, and the two new roommates hugged awkwardly. "Welcome to Chez Pink!" Bibiana said cheerily. "Mi casa es su casa. Make yourself at home."
Charlie grinned, swinging a duffle bag off her shoulders, and placing it on the empty bed. With two strides, she crossed the room and peeked into the ensuite. "Nice," she said. "This apartment is something else."
"You should see the rooftop," Iman said. "I'd like to host a carnival-themed party up there when it gets warmer. I can't wait."
"Sounds gay. I'm in!" Nick said.
Iman chuckled.
Glancing at Bibiana, Charlie said, "Uh... my bags and boxes are in the hall. I'll just start bringing them in, shall I?"
"No problem." Bibiana waved vaguely. "That closet is yours."
"You're going to need some help," Nick said. "Trust me, I tried one of your boxes. It ain't light!"
Charlie laughed. "I've been in Milan a while. I have a lot of stuff still at my old place. Books and things." She made an apologetic face at Bibiana. "Don't worry, I can put it in storage if it's too much."
Bibiana didn't react, lost in thought about how incredibly beautiful Charlie was.
Her blonde hair and olive skin are perfection. How could I ever compete with someone like that? Life is so unfair.
Nick's high-pitched voice brought Bibiana back to the present. "There is space here. Heaps of it. I just don't know how we're going to carry it."
Charlie blushed. "Delyan said he'd help if I needed it."
Nick snorted. "Of course, he did. Mr. Muscles to the rescue."
Iman laughed. "When the damsel in distress is six feet tall and blonde..."
"You guys!" Bibiana looked at Charlie with a sheepish expression. "He's right, though," she conceded. "Unless there's something in it for him, Delyan's not one to be relied on in a crisis."
"Or like ever!" Iman and Nick chorused.
"I'll make do. Don't worry," Charlie said. "You know what they say... If you must rely on a man, you're doing it wrong."
Nick raised his arms and released a mock sob into Bibiana's shoulder.
"Not you, baby," Iman said. "We need you. We love you. We rely on you completely! No question."
"Oh... thank God!" Nick sighed dramatically.
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