Camp Day 1
Aradhya Purohit's POV
"Ughhh chaman, why didn't you ate your dinner properly?!" Shri groaned, her eyes stil half closed, half opened. Rosh was- eww Rosh was legit drooling while she was asleep, standing. "Rosh come on! You are being gross! Wake up!" I whisper yelled at her. She woke up with a start, and hurriedly wiped her drool.....GROSS I shuddered.
"Alright now we are in kitchen, Shri check if fridge has a lock or something" I whispered in seriousness. "You really need to get admitted in mental asylum men! Who in the world keeps a lock on a freaking fridge!" Shri exclaimed, "Alright miss smarty pants let's go then" I said and raised my hands in surrender manner.
What we are doing here? Where are we? Oh we are in camp, and we are here to eat something as I'm hungry again, because I didn't ate much during dinner. What?! Don't look at me like that! It wasn't my fault that I saw a packet of chips and couldn't stop myself!
"Hey look, I found Dal Chawal, and yeah! Here's roti too!" Rosh said, "Now come on fast eat it and let us sleep you dumbo bhookad!" Shri said, "Yeah Aru eat fast, or else I'll shove the food down your throat!" Rosh added her two cents, "Sheesh guys! Calm down! I know you are teird and all, I'm as well! Let the poor soul eat in peace!" I countered.
Just when I was going to take the first bite of my food a voice boomed in the silent room, "Hey you! Who are you? Thieves? Put your hands up! The guards are here!" What? Hey author please tell me you jumbled this story with another!
"Oh my gosh! No we aren't thieves! We- we j-just came here to e-eat, w-we are s-sorry please p-please don't arrest me!" Rosh stuttered, oh this chaman Rosh, she literally believed they are real guards, I face palmed myself.
I know who these "guards" are, only these two are idiot enough to not to even change their voice. "Rosh stop making fool of yourself, these are just the two idiots." I said, then directed to them I shouted "Anurag, Dinesh, you can stop acting like guards and come out of your hiding place, you know your prank was an epic fail"
"Oh come on, it wasn't a fail at all! Did you see Rosh's face? Oh god- that was-" Anurag started laughing loudly. "Oh my gosh we aren't thieves! Oh my gosh don't arrest me!" Dinesh said in a fake female voice and bursted out laughing.
Me and Shri were also having a hard time to control our laughter. "Oh shut up you lads! And I DO NOT sound like that!" Rosh spit out the words.
We five have actually bonded really well in a spam of one day.......
Six hours back .......
"You know you are a walking time bomb right?" The still shocked Anurag said after watching the disaster I created. "Oh shut up it was all your fault, you put your foot between my way!" I seethed.
"Oh yeah sorry I forgot that you are a blind!" He fired back. I was so angry now and kicked him in the shin, he fell down making an 'oof' sound. Huh, serves him right. I flipped my hair in my mind, proud of what I have done. And made my towards my seat again.
I was sitting quietly on my seat with my two chamans when a unwanted soul graced me by his presence. I know you guessed who it is, so I'm not taking his name and wasting my breathe.
"Oh god! Please tell me I don't have to sit in front of you the whole ride and watch your chamanic face!" Anurag exclaimed. "Oh I am also not very interested in looking at your rotten face. Go find another place to put your sorry arse on" I said, extremely frustrated over my luck.
"If there is someone who is leaving this place is you Miss Disaster" Anurag argued. Oh god this lad! Why can't he be just like his name! NICE! I ignored him completely and got comfortable in my seat.
All the while my two chamans and Dinesh were trying to control their laughter, these are gonna be the death of me one day. "Oh shut up Anu and settle down already! The train will depart any minute now!" Dinesh said to Anurag, I guess he is the most sane one in the duo.
"So, are you guys also headed to the camp?" Shri asked. "Unfortunately yes" guess who answered it. I threw a glare at his direction. The remaining ride was same, me and Anurag insulting eachother and my chamanic friends laughing.
As soon as I came out of the train, I stretched my limbs out and yawned. We reached the camp site, it was right in the middle of the nature and saying it is beautiful will be the underest-statement, I know that's not the word but you understand it right?
The sun is setting in the horizon, spitting out orange and purple colours, the green bed under my feet, the fresh air blowing my hairs and giving a sense of freedom and refreshment, the trees were swaying and dancing on the beat of wind and saying good bye to the now vanished sun. It calmed me down, my eyes were drinking all this beauty in, fitting it in my mind forever.
I took a deep breathe in and was about to let it out slowly when someone ran into me making me stumble forward. I turned around to look who ran into me, and my guess was right, it was Anu-freaking-rag. I stepped on his foot purposefully, and he did the drama of how he won't be able to walk properly for his whole life now.
He was about to say something more but he was cut off by a banshee scream coming from his right side. We both turned to see what's wrong. I found out that the scream was from Rosh, and reason of her scream was running right behind her.
A dog. A dog was after Rosh! My breath was stuck inside my throat, my eyes wide. O God this is an emergency! A big emergency! I need to get my phone out and record it! I pull my phone out as quick as Quick silver and started recording. From distance I heard Shri's laughter mixing with my own.
After getting rid of that dog somehow, we went to the camp centre, some campers were already present there and some were still to arrive, so we have to wait there for a while. After everyone's arrival, the senior campers gave us instructions about our first task. So as it was late, our task was to build our tent, they told us to create a group of three people to build a tent.
Of course we three were together in one group and the boys needed one more person to complete the group, they soon found a guy though. The seniors showed us how to build a tent first and then we were off to build our own.
Rosh was having a hard time building the tent, so that's when Shri sassed by saying, "Forget what they taught you in scouts payno. We are gonna do it tommo way" and just then I heard a tent collapse behind me, I turned around and saw that it was Anurag's tent which collapsed so I completed the dialogue saying, "Louis you Idiot!"
He threw me a glare and said, "Shut up and come here and help me!" "What is the magic word?" I teased further, and the reaction I got was so cute, he pouted and grumbled a barely there please, and I started laughing.
Our tent was already set and fine, so we went towards the lads tent to help them, I thought it's gonna be disaster but to my surprise we actually worked really well together, my and Anurag's banter never stopped though. We got to know about the new member of their group his name was Rishi, he seems like a nice guy, not like someone, he is a very positive and happy go lucky lad.
I didn't miss the way Shri was looking at him, Rishi I mean, I will ask her about that later. Now the everybody's tents were up, and the seniors told us to gather at the dining hall, the dinner was ready.
Present time..........
"Hey, where is Rishi?" Shri asked, and I fake coughed, Anurag caught my action, and he also masked his laughter by fake coughing, our eyes locked and I was lost into them once again.
"He is waiting at the kitchen's door, he is keeping an eye out there." Dinesh's voice brought me back to earth, I tore my gaze away and looked at Rosh, who was busy inhaling the food, "And I thought I was the one who is hungry" I said pointing towards Rosh.
We started laughing that's when Rishi entered, "Guys silent! We can get caught because of your monstrous laughters!" He said. Well I can't agree more on it, and we silently made our way to our tent.
We all silently decided to stay in our girls' tent for some time and play some games. So we all settled in the small camp, which was now crowded because of us, I also noticed that Shri was sitting beside Rishi. I guess I am not the only who noticed it, Anurag and me again looked at eachother and passed a small smile to eachother.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Dinesh exclaimed excitedly, and we were not able to say no to his puppy dog face. "So I'll start" Dinesh said, his eyes glowing with an wicked plan. Uh oh.........
Oh my god!!! Guess who updated?!?!?
He he he yes I'm still alive, don't worry, and I am sorry for the late update please don't kill me (๑•﹏•) I'm a innocent soul 。◕‿◕。
So how was the chapter?
What do you think of Shri and Rishi?
What will happen to our poor Dinesh's heart? Comment down your thoughts
And as always honest reviews are always welcome
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Wait!!! Don't go yet!! There is still something I want to tell you guys!
My friends made so many beautiful covers for this book, and I can't thank them enough.
These are the covers made by _aankh_
Please go check out her work, it's fabulous ❤️
These are made by Alia_9
I loved them all ಥ‿ಥ they are so beautiful, why can't I do anything like this ಥ‿ಥ
Well now I'll take my leave. Stay safe
~ obsessing over 1D and acting as if studying
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