One Small Action (One Small Truth Sequel - Ashton/Michael/Luke/Calum)
Hi Sophanators! x
I know you have all be so patiently waiting, and I am so happy to finally post a sequel to 'One Small Truth'! If you haven't read 'One Small Truth', go read it now, although this can act as a stand alone oneshot if you wish to just read this on it's own. If you haven't read the other story, this is a 5sos ot4 story, so if you don't wanna read a foursome, please don't read.
I have literally spent wayyy too long writing this. But I had to push myself to be perfect. You all loved the first foursome so much and it was a huge bar to live up to, to make this one even better than the first. I feel really proud of this though, and I am really hoping you all love it just as much as I do.
I legit posted the first foursome basically a year ago, August 8th last year. So much has changed in a year and I just wanted to thank all of you for the never ending support and love that you give me. I honestly cannot tell you all how much it means to me, thank you from the bottom of my heart! x
Anywayyyy, please enjoy this smutty, dirty, gay foursome action. Sorry, I had to star out a few words so that wattpad would let everyone read it. Please don't forget to comment, vote, and fan me! I love y'all, thank you for reading :)
Sophie Horan Tomlinson Irwin Hood Malfoy xxxxxx
One Small Action
One Small Truth Sequel (Ashton Irwin/Michael Clifford/Luke Hemmings/Calum Hood) (Foursome)
Ashton yawned, blinking his eyes open to see all the boys curled up with him on the couch. Images of earlier that afternoon flashed through Ashton's mind and he felt his face grow warm and a smile form on his face.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, Ashton noticed it was early evening. Best to sneak out quietly and go take a shower without waking his lovers. Biting his lip, Ashton ever so gently lifted Luke's arm off his chest.
Un-tucking himself from Calum's side, Ashton slowly pulled himself away from the pile of limbs. "Where are you going?" Calum mumbled, turning his head to look at Ashton.
Caught in the act, Ashton's face flushed red again. "No-no where. Just going to-" Ashton started, but was cut off. "No you aren't, come back here," Calum ordered, gripping Ashton's wrist and pulling him back.
"I wasn't going anywhere Cal," Ashton said. "You definitely aren't now," Calum responded, slowly leaning over and kissing Ashton's neck. "Calum-I..." Ashton broke himself off this time with a quiet groan.
Feeling victorious, Calum smirked and moved to press his lips against the older boys' lips. Ashton responded eagerly, kissing Calum back. Just as Calum's hands made their way into the blond boy's hair, there was a cough.
"Are you two really starting round two without me?" Luke asked with a pout. Calum pulled back, while Ashton giggled. "Of course not Luke. Get your ass here and kiss me," Ashton teased.
Calum bent down, giving Luke room to lean over and press his lips to Ashton's, earning a moan from both boys. Ashton tugged Luke closer, biting at his lip.
Catching Ashton's drift, Luke opened his mouth for Ashton to explore. Grinning into the kiss, Ashton slipped his tongue passed Luke's soft lips, running it over Luke's. Luke's breath stuttered, his eyes squeezing shut tighter.
Calum, watching from in between, had to bite his lip not to groan. He felt his boxers grow tight as he grew hard watching the scene in front of him. The two boys kept at it, Ashton pressing himself further into Luke as the need for contact burned through him.
The kissing turned messy, as both boys grew desperate. Luke pulled away, gasping for air. He hovered his lips over Ashton's, nipping at them as he rested his forehead against the older boys'.
"Fuck, guys, are you trying to turn me on?" Calum panted out. Luke smirked and shifted his body to hover over Calum's. "Mmmm, yes we are. I like you turned on," Luke raised his eyebrow, grinding down slightly into him, causing Calum to gasp.
Ashton grinned and let his hand travel teasingly over Calum's, now prominent, erection. "Shit, Ash," Calum said through gritted teeth. "You are sexy when you're all flustered and desperate," Ashton replied.
Calum's eyes fluttered closed as he let the two boys' hands grace over his body. Ashton nudged his head into Luke's, catching Luke's attention. He leaned over to mutter something in his ear, nibbling at his earlobe as he pulled away.
Luke squirmed, his breathing increasing at Ashton's words and actions. He nodded, his eyes flickering to Calum's face, before he shifted away. A disgruntled Calum pouted as he watched Luke pull away.
It was soon replaced with a pleased groan as Ashton repositioned himself so he was straddling Calum's hips, their hardening dicks brushing through their boxers. The eldest boy rotated his hips, causing Calum to throw his head back into the couch as the pleasure burned through his body.
Luke slipped away and crawled back to Michael, still sleeping peacefully. Luke smiled, biting his lip as he admired Michael's body. He felt his cheeks heat up at the thought of Michael and what he was about to do.
Luke trailed his hand over Michael's cheek, running his fingers through his hair. "Mikey, wake up," Luke mumbled into Michael's ear, kissing right behind his ear before trailing kisses up his neck.
Just as Luke reached his lips he pulled away, leaning down to suck on his neck instead. Michael groaned and his eyes fluttered open, seeing Luke marking him. "Mmmmm, best way to wake up," he said, his voice deep and scratchy from just waking up.
"Then you'll love what's going on," Luke replied, hovering over Michael's body and tilting his head to the two older boys' next to him. Michael shifted his gaze, seeing Ashton slowly, almost on purpose, grinding into Calum.
Groaning in the back on his throat, Michael tore his eyes away to meet Luke's. "You started without me, huh?" Luke smirked, and slightly shook his head. "Just entertaining ourselves while we waited for you. I got bored of waiting though," Luke murmured, his own hips slowly working their way into a gentle rock with Michael's.
Rolling his head forward, Michael bumped his head into Luke's, causing their lips to crash together. Humming in agreement, Luke kissed the pink haired boy beneath him. They soon broke apart when they felt a shift on the couch.
Luke's gaze locked on Ashton, who had pulled away from Calum and was now standing next to the couch. He cocked his head to the side, wondering what Ashton was doing. "Are you okay, Ash?" Luke asked, concerned. He reached out for Ashton, who didn't quite react as fast as Luke would have liked.
Frowning, Luke propped himself up and grabbed Ashton's arm, pulling him close. The boys' hips brushed, as Luke looked Ashton in the eyes. "Is anything wrong?" Luke asked, combing his fingers through Ashton's curls.
Shaking his head, Ashton let his eyes close for a second as he relished the feeling of Luke's fingers sweeping through his hair. "Nothing is wrong, I just- ummm- I was just thinking...." he trailed off.
Ashton glanced at Calum, their eyes locking. The younger boy flashed Ashton a smile, nodding his head in approval, and a hint of encouragement. "I was just thinking, maybe we could all, you know, go take a shower together?" Ashton asked, flicking his gaze to his other two bandmates.
"You mean, "take a shower", huh?" Michael asked, adding air quotes and raising his eyebrow at Ashton. A deep blush crossed Ashton's cheeks, and he nodded at Michael.
"Yeah, that sounds great to me. I'm up for it," Michael agreed. "I'm in, let's go," Luke added, pulling himself up and going to join Calum, who was now hovering at the end of the couch and waiting for the other boys.
Extending his hand, Ashton offered to help Michael up. As he did, Ashton leant up to whisper something in his ear. A huge smile crossed Michael's face and he beamed at Ashton, pulling him into his arms. "You're beautiful," Michael said simply before kissing Ashton.
Tangling his hands in Michael's hair, Ashton pressed his body into Michael's and kissed him back. A groan was heard as their bodies rocked together, images of sex rushing through their minds.
"Later, I promise," Michael, whispered to Ashton, cheekily squeezing Ashton's ass. Hissing, Ashton nodded and dragged his nails down Michael's back before winking and slipping away.
"Fucking tease," Michael murmured as he watched Ashton join the other boys. Luke and Calum looked over at Michael. "Are you coming?" Calum asked. "Oh, I will be coming all right," Michael, said, winking and sauntering over to his lovers.
"Now who's the tease?" Calum asked, pushing Michael up against the wall. "I would say you, you're the one pushing me up against the wall," Michael teased. "Fuck you," Luke said, leaning in to kiss Michael as Calum grinded into him. Ashton slipped onto Michael's other side, kissing and sucking love bites into Michael's neck.
"We didn't make it far," Luke said, biting at Michael's lips and sliding his tongue over his bottom lip. "Mmmm, we didn't need to," Michael gasped, as Calum rolled his hips, their cocks brushing together. "Wall sex works," Ashton grinned, half dry humping Michael's leg.
"Desperate are we, Ash?" Luke teased. "Screw you, Luke," Ashton said, pouting. "You are more than welcome to screw me," Luke shot back, grinning proudly at Ashton. Ashton's eye's narrowed slightly. "Oh, I will," he replied lustfully.
Ashton turned his attention back to Michael, resuming marking Michael as his. He let his hand trail back, squeezing at Calum's ass as he did. "Fuck," Calum mumbled, grinding sloppily into Michael.
Tilting Calum's head, Ashton attached his lips to Calum's once again, kissing him hungrily. "Maybe wall sex isn't the best idea?" Luke half-asked gripping Michael's face to latch his lips onto Michael's.
"I like this though," Michael panted against Luke's lips, sliding his hand down to massage Luke's hardening dick through his thin boxers. "Fuck, so do I," Luke groaned back, arching into Michael's touch.
"As much as I am enjoying this, and fuck it I am, I think we should head upstairs," Ashton said, his cheeks tinted pink from making out with Calum. "I think he's right," Calum said. He linked his hand with Ashton, and his other with Luke, tugging the boys' upstairs.
Michael was hot on their heels, his arm snaking around Calum's waist to keep contact. Calum's steps faltered at the contact before he sped up, leading them to the biggest bathroom in their house.
"I'll set it up," Ashton purred, winking at boy before tantalizingly sliding out of his boxers and sauntering into the large shower. The three boys' turned to look at each other.
"I'm not going to lie, that fucking turned me on," Luke groaned, rubbing at his own erection. "Join the club, " Michael replied, grinding into Calum's ass, showing how turned on he was.
"He does it on purpose, I swear. He likes seeing us all flustered and horny for him," Calum concluded. With his dick straining to be free, Calum needed some kind of release. He tugged Luke's other wrist and placed Luke's hand on his dick.
Luke immediately started to palm Calum. He quickly changed his mind though and slid his hand into Calum's boxers. He wrapped his fingers around Calum's length, squeezing a little. A sigh left the older boys' lips as he finally got the contact he needed.
"Hey, babes, the showers ready," Ashton called cheerfully. He poked his head out and saw the other boys grinding and touching, his smile disappearing. "Are you going to have sex without me?" Ashton asked his voice betraying how left out he felt.
"No, of course not. You just left us in such a state after that stunt you just pulled, we were just releasing some tension," Calum explained. Ashton's smile was back again after hearing Calum talk.
"I left you with a little problem, huh?" Ashton grinned. "More like three very big problems," Luke answered, pulling his hand away from Calum to take off his own boxers. "May I join you?" Luke asked Ashton. "Mmmm, you may," Ashton replied with a laugh.
Luke sent the other two a wink and slipped into the shower, closing the door behind him, as he backed Ashton up against the wall. "You caused me a very big problem, Irwin. I want you to fix it," Luke said boldly.
Ashton gulped. Before he could reply, the door opened as Michael and Calum joined them. "We are gone for like twenty seconds and yet I feel like we missed a years worth of sexual tension," Calum smirked, seeing the rather compromising position of his other lovers.
"Come join the party then," Ashton replied, glancing past Luke to Calum. He raised his eyebrow and nodded slightly, both Calum and Michael responding.
"Why don't we take this over here?" Ashton asked, snaking his hand around Luke's waist and pushing him back into the water. Luke groaned, the water running into his hair and down his body.
"Fuck, that is sexy as hell," Michael hissed out, watching Luke lean back further into the water. Luke peered out at his boyfriends', smirking at their reactions.
"You still want me to fix that problem?" Ashton mumbled into Luke's shoulder. "Mmmm, yes I do," Luke hummed back. "Oh good, then you are in for a treat," Ashton said wickedly.
"And why is that?" Luke asked, his gaze locking with Ashton's. "Because you are going to be given the special treatment," Ashton mumbled, attaching his lips to Luke's neck. "I-mmmm... what's that?" Luke ground out.
"You get all of us. You are the center of attention tonight," Calum supplied, stepping behind Luke to press his body against Luke's. "Think you can handle all of us?" Michael teased, sliding to Luke's side.
"If Calum can handle it, then I can too," Luke said, smirking at Calum. "Don't get cocky, Hemmings. Or you won't be getting any cock," Calum huffed next to Luke's ear.
"Fuck you," Luke groaned out. "You already did. Now it's our turn to fuck you," Calum replied, nipping at Luke's earlobe.
Calum moved his head to glance at Ashton. "Take the lead, Ash. You seem to have this all planned out," Calum said, leaning over Luke to brush his lips against Ashton's.
Ashton moved his hands into Calum's wet hair, tugging on it. "Thank you," Ashton said against Calum's lips, pecking them again before pulling away. Ashton bit his lip for a second, pondering his next move.
"Calum, go sit on the bench," Ashton commanded. Licking his lips, Calum walked over to the bench, sliding his hand down Ashton's thigh and ghosting over his dick as he walked by.
Shaking off the shiver that ran down his back, Ashton cleared his throat. "Your turn Mikey. Sit down on the floor with your back against the bench," Ashton said lowly. Michael took his place, leaning against the cool tile of the bench with a smirk.
"That just leaves us two," Luke voiced. "Mmhmm, yes it does. Luke..." Ashton trailed off. "Where do you want me?" Luke asked, tugging on Ashton's wet curls.
"You are going to stand in front of Michael, but you are going to bend over so you are resting on the bench," Ashton said firmly. Luke nodded, detangling himself from Ashton and taking his place, propping himself up on his forearms.
Leaning against the bench, Luke raised his eyes, seeing Calum's dick mere inches from his face. It all clicked in his mind, the position Ashton had made formed a perfect position for the foursome.
Michael let out a breath, his air ghosting over Luke's hard dick. "Fucking hell, that felt good," Luke chuckled, resting his head on his arms.
Ashton couldn't help the smirk that formed on his lips as his other lovers pieced together the position he had arranged them in. He sidled up behind Luke, pressing his hardness against Luke's ass.
"I think you all catch my drift," Ashton said proudly. "How long were you thinking of fucking in the shower?" Michael asked, cocking his head to look at Ashton. "A while," Ashton replied nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Couldn't resist us, could you now?" Calum teased. Ashton's façade faltered for a second as he blushed, but he shook his head and smirked. "Nope, you're arse was just irresistible," Ashton replied.
"Not that I don't love the teasing and all, but would someone just fuck me already?" Luke whined, pushing back into Ashton desperately. "Now look who's horny?" Ashton said, trailing his hand down Luke's back.
While Luke was distracted, Ashton tapped Michael's leg and gave him a slight nod. Michael flashed him a grin and leant forward, wrapping his lips around Luke's, now very hard, cock.
"Ah-ahhh, motherfucker," Luke swore, bucking his hips forward haphazardly. "Weren't quite expecting that were you, Lukey?" Ashton stated, the smirk evident in his voice. All Luke could do was shake his head, as his breathing became unsteady.
There was a pause before Ashton gave Calum a nod. Calum grinned; glad his part of the plan was finally being put into action.
"Hey, Lukey?" Calum asked, his voice low, which caught Luke's attention. Slowly, Luke let his gaze glide up Calum's body, checking him out, before making eye contact with him.
"Y-yes, Cal?" Luke asked his voice catching as Michael slowly flicked his tongue over the top of Luke's dick.
Calum let his gaze flick to Ashton one last time, for reaffirmation. Ashton smiled and bowed his head. "Blow me," Calum said, his eyes fluttering at his request for Luke.
Luke's breath caught in his throat, and he nodded, his eye's flickering down to Calum's very large cock in front of his face. Bending his head, Luke took Calum into his mouth.
Ashton let his eyes focus on Michael, who was very occupied with blowing Luke just right. His lips were wrapped perfectly around Luke's dick, sliding up and down with precision.
He made sure to be careful, not pushing too far until he got the all clear from Ashton. Ashton had currently leaned away, letting the water from the shower run over his fingers, acting as a lube.
Stepping back behind Luke, Ashton ghosted his fingers around Luke's hole. Luke gasped around Calum's dick, chocking slightly as Ashton's fingers distracted him. "Keep sucking Calum off," Ashton said firmly.
Fingers glided over skin as Ashton pushed his fingers into Luke's ass. It caused Luke to thrust backwards, temporarily stunning Michael. Michael whined, as Luke pulled most of his dick out of his mouth.
Luke tangled his fingers into Michael's hair, playing with the soft pink locks as an apology. Michael showed his acceptance of the apology by tracing soft patterns into Luke's thigh.
Once Luke had adjusted to Ashton's fingers being inside him, he tugged at Michael's hair. Michael moved his head forward and took Luke back in his mouth again, humming in pleasure.
A pace was soon set. Ashton opened Luke up, focusing on finding his prostate. He grinned in satisfaction when he found it. A moan ripped from Luke's lips when he did.
Calum hissed out, as the vibrations from Luke's moan ran across his dick. "L-Lukey," Calum gasped. Luke dipped his head, running his tongue over the top.
Ashton saw his opportunity and pulled his fingers out of Luke. Luke whined, suddenly feeling empty. He wanted to call out to Ashton, but that would mean also losing the pleasure of blowing Calum.
In that time, Ashton had stepped back into the rain of shower water. He let the water rush over his body, and he took the time to slick his dick up. Moving slowly, he made his way back to Luke.
"I'm going to fuck you now, Lukey. Are you ready?" Ashton whispered into Luke's ear. He sucked a mark behind Luke's ear, blowing cool air over the red mark he made. Shivers ran through Luke, and he pushed himself back into Ashton to let him know he was ready.
Ashton made eye contact with Michael and Calum. He gave them the signal they had been waiting for. Michael hollowed and sucked hard, his tongue running across Luke's member.
Shudders ran through Luke. His eyes fell shut and he groaned. "Hold still Lukey, I'm gunna fuck your mouth," Calum said, brushing the wet strands of hair off Luke's forehead.
A whine fell from Luke's lips. He nodded eagerly, letting his jaw go lax so Calum could easily take control. Calum tightened his grip on Luke's hair and began to buck his hips into Luke's mouth.
The stimulation started to build for Luke. Having Calum fuck his mouth turned him on even more. Michael instantly knew it and worked even harder, deep thr**ting Luke and letting his teeth graze along the sensitive skin.
Another choked out groan fell from Luke's lips. Just when he thought it couldn't get any better, Ashton pushed into Luke until his hips were flush against his. "Fuck, you're still so tight, Luke," Ashton panted against Luke's shoulder.
Ashton wanted to be rough with Luke, but not too rough to a point where he would hurt him. He gave Luke a minute to adjust, letting the sensations of Michael and Calum wash over Luke.
At that moment, Luke's head was swimming. Michael's tongue flicked over his head and he felt stars swim before his eyes. In an attempt to tell Michael more, he tugged at Michael's pink locks and bucked his hips down into Michael's mouth.
A second later, Michael bobbed his head down and swiped his tongue over the top of Luke's dick again. Luke gasped and his body shook. "Fvck," Luke tried to swear, the dick in his mouth making it hard to talk.
Michael continued his action, working his way all the way up Luke's cock before bobbing his head back down and licking over the top. Each time Michael did this, Luke felt the knot in his stomach grow tighter.
Ashton took this opportunity to start moving. He pulled back and slammed forward into Luke. "Moderfvck," Luke swore, words still slurring together as his mouth was preoccupied with other things.
"You like that, huh?" Ashton teased. Luke nodded his head rapidly. "I think Luke likes it rough, boys. What do you think? Should we give it to him?" Ashton announced, glancing at the others.
"Let's give it to him," Calum replied, his eyes taking in Luke's whole body. He's such a cockslut. Look at him, taking all of us at once. Is that what you want, Luke?" Calum asked, his voice low.
Luke nodded again, words not forming. "You asked for it," Ashton smirked. He pulled back all the way and fully slammed into Luke, his body jerking forward. At the same time Calum thrusted into Luke's mouth. The movement of Luke caused him to deep thr**t Calum, and he choked, tears welling in his eyes.
Setting a quick pace, Ashton relentlessly pounded into Luke. The sound of Ashton's thrusts reverberated throughout the shower. He gripped hold of Luke's hips, his nails digging in as he used all his strength to fuck Luke.
Luke was in Heaven. Scratch that. If there was someone better than Heaven, that's were Luke was. He had never felt better in his life. He groaned as he felt Ashton thrust into his arse, and Calum thrust into his mouth.
Ashton worked on picking up the pace. He pulled back and shifted his hips, slamming in at a different angle. Right as he did, Michael reached up with one of his hands and squeezed at Luke's balls.
A hiss came from Luke's mouth and he struggled to buck both back to Ashton, and down to Michael, all at once. The pleasure was building, and Luke didn't know which to focus on. His head was clouding with the overload.
All of his lover's were being rough with him. Calum slamming into his mouth, causing his throat to burn from constantly deep-thr**ting him. Michael was sucking hard, playing with his balls and letting his teeth and tongue work over his hardened dick.
And Ashton was forcefully thrusting from behind, holding onto him tightly as he continued to pull all the way out and pound back into him at a new angel.
Taking a new approach, Ashton fucked into Luke and grinded his hips down as he pushed in. Luke's head fell forward and he choked out, "Ash-fvfk more, yed, mire." Somehow, Ashton knew that meant Luke wanted more and that he liked it.
Focusing on that, Ashton pushed back in again, grinding down and twisting his hips at the perfect time. Luke uttered more incoherent words, his eyes rolling back at Ashton's actions.
Meanwhile, Michael continued to suck Luke off. He let his teeth trail down Luke's dick as he ran his tongue along the underside. He bobbed his head quicker, swirling his tongue as he moved.
Just as he squeezed at Luke's balls again, Luke desperately thrusted into his mouth. Michael pushed forward, taking Luke all they way and swallowing as he did. Above him, Luke whined and tugged harder on his hair.
Michael zoned in on that and did it again. He took Luke in and deep thr**ted him. When he felt Luke's dick brush against his throat, he swallowed. Luke gasped, rolling his hips down into Michael for more.
Wanting to please Luke, Michael continued, as he stroked Luke's thigh. He made sure to work his tongue over the top as he bobbed down, and to swallow when he took Luke fully back into his mouth again. He could feel Luke twitching, letting him know that he was close.
Above Michael, Calum was starting to become sloppy with his thrusting. He tangled his fingers into Luke's hair and tugged on it. "Not going to last much longer Luke," Calum gasped out.
Moving back as far as he could, Calum pressed his back against the tile wall of the shower and snapped his hips forward into Luke's mouth. "Fuck, you feel so good," Calum, panted out.
Luke used his other hand to grip at Calum's thigh. He dug his nails in, as Calum's dick slammed into the back of his throat. He moaned, causing Calum's pace to falter. "Luke..." Calum said, his tone warning Luke that he was close.
Luke grinned and let his jaw go slack again, openly inviting Calum to use his mouth. "You are such a good boy," Calum said, stroking his hand over Luke's cheek. He then focused back on his job, his head spinning as he worked himself in and out of Luke's hot mouth.
As Calum fucked Luke's mouth, Ashton was working on finding Luke's prostate. Every time he pulled back he changed his angle, slamming into Luke hard and fast. He let his pace falter for a second, when out of nowhere, Luke tightened and let out a moan that had all the boy's reeling.
Calum pulled back for a second to let Luke talk. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Ashton, right there. More please more, oh God. Felt so good, please. Fuck," Luke rushed out. A satisfied smile crossed Ashton's face. He had just found Luke's prostate without trying.
"Oh, like this?" Ashton asked, pulling back and ramming into Luke the exact same way he just had. "MotheroffuckinggodAshton," Luke screamed, his words running together.
"You want more of that? Ask nicely," Ashton said. "Please, Ash, please. Please don't stop, need more... that felt so good, please more of that, right there. Please? Ash I need you," Luke begged.
"Good boy," Ashton said, placing a kiss between Luke's shoulders. He then went back to fucking Luke. Each time Ashton pushed past Luke's tight muscles, he felt Luke squeeze around his dick.
Pants and small curses fell from Ashton's lips, as he gripped onto Luke's hips tighter. He couldn't keep up this pace for much longer. The feeling of Luke around him was starting to be too much.
"Fuck, guys, I'm not lasting much longer," Ashton groaned. He reached up and tugged Luke's hair, dragging his nails down Luke's back. Ashton grinned in satisfaction as red marks appeared on Luke's back.
Feeling Ashton's grip on him change, Luke bucked back shamelessly into Ashton. His hips caused the perfect friction, as he thrusted back as Ashton thrusted forward. Both boys hissed at the friction, pushing them both closer to the edge.
"Me either... I can't..." Calum panted out. His pace was faltering too. The grip he held on Luke's hair was growing firmer by the second. "Luke, fuck... I'm gunna come," Calum warned. He squeezed his eyes shut.
Right as Calum pumped into Luke's mouth again, Luke closed his jaw and sucked hard on Calum's dick. That was it for Calum. "Motherfucker, Lukey, holy fuck..." Calum drawled out. A heavy groan fell from Calum's lips, as he emptied his load into Luke's mouth.
Seeing Calum's face as he climaxed was what pushed Luke over the edge. He could barely give a warning tug to Michael's hair before he was spilling into Michael's mouth.
Michael gagged, not quite expecting Luke to release so quickly. He worked Luke through his high. He continued to suck at Luke's cock until Luke had released every drop. Michael pulled off of Luke with a pop, placing a kiss to the head of Luke's dick as he did.
Luke groaned, his head falling to the tiles as his forearms gave out. Above him, Ashton felt shaky, his entire body burning. He pumped into Luke once more before he came with a scream. "Luke, oh fuck, Lukey..." Ashton panted out, biting at Luke's shoulder as the waves of pleasure crashed over him.
Marking Luke as his, Ashton lazily pumped in and out, as he rode out his climax. When the pleasure wore off, he pulled out of Luke. He collapsed against the floor, leaning up against the wall as water ran over his legs.
Luke moved away from Calum and crouched in front of Michael. "Your turn, Mikey," Luke said, his voice broken and scratchy. Luke reached out and wrapped his hand around Michael's cock.
All Luke had to do was pump Michael a few times and flick his thumb over the head before Michael was coming over his fist. "Shit, fuck... Luke," Michael moaned, gripping Luke as pleasure crashed through his body.
When the sensation wore off, Michael threw his head back in exhaustion. Luke curled up into Michael's side, tugging at Ashton's calf for him to join. Wordlessly, Ashton shifted and tucked himself into Luke's other side.
Calum got up from the bench and sat on Ashton's empty side, leaning into him for support. All the boys sat for a minute, panting and catching their breaths.
Ashton turned his head to look at all of the boys in turn. Luke moved his head to capture Ashton's lips in a kiss. "You did perfect. That was the best plan any of us have ever had," Luke said, voicing the others' opinions.
Lighting up, Ashton beamed at the boys. "I don't even know how it is possible, but that was so much fucking better than the first round," Michael grinned. His voice sounded as used and hoarse as Luke's did.
"I agree, that was fucking mind boggling," Ashton said. "Fucking earth shatteringly good," Calum voiced, grinning. "Best fucking thing I've ever experienced," Luke piped up.
Ashton laughed. Resting his head against Calum's, Ashton closed his eyes. "Maybe we should clean off and rest in bed instead?" Michael asked, eyeing his tired lovers. Calum's eyes lit up and connected with Michael's. "Cuddles?" he asked. Michael smiled and nodded.
Calum was the first out of the dog pile. He quickly washed his hair and body before tugging at Ashton's tired limbs. "C'mon Ash... please?" Calum begged. "But 'm tired Cal," Ashton slurred.
"I'll wash you off myself," Calum offered. "Really?" Ashton asked, perking up. "Yeah, come here, babe," Calum said, extending his hand for Ashton. He took it, letting Calum pull him off.
Calum backed Ashton up into the water, kissing a trail down his neck as he ran shampoo through his hair. Ashton groaned softly. "Knew that would work," Calum muttered against his skin. He finished cleaning Ashton up, getting him to sit down next to Luke again.
"Am I going to have to wash you all off?" Calum teased, looking at Luke and Michael. "Please?" Luke asked, pouting at Calum. How could Calum resist that cute pout? Offering Luke his hand, Calum gently pulled Luke up.
He took more time washing Luke off, making sure to be gentle and wash off every inch of Luke's body. "You were so good," Calum said, leaning up to pepper Luke's face with kisses. Luke leaned down to connect their lips together, humming happily when he got what he wanted.
Calum softly kissed Luke before sitting him down with Ashton. He turned to Michael, who shook his head. "I can take care of myself," Michael smirked, standing up and pulling Calum close.
"Can you really?" Calum asked against Michael's lips. "Mmmm, I can," he replied before silencing Calum by kissing him. Before Calum could deepen the kiss, Michael slipped away and quickly washed off.
A few minutes later, Michael turned the water off. He grabbed his towel and dried off; brining towels for the rest of his band. "I think I like the idea of you all taking care of me like this," Ashton said, as he accepted the towel. Michael just rolled his eyes. Luke and Calum got up and followed their boyfriend's out of the bathroom.
"Whose boxers are these?" Luke asked, grabbing a pair from the floor. "Mine," Ashton said. "Can I borrow them?" Luke asked again. "You're actually asking? That's a shock. Normally you just steal them from me," Ashton teased.
"Shut up, Irwin," Luke said, sliding into the boxers. Ashton, Calum, and Michael picked their own boxers up to wear. "I say we take advantage of that king size bed," Ashton said. "For a third round, already? Are you serious?" Luke asked, shocked.
Ashton burst out laughing. "I meant for us to all sleep in, not fuck... for now at least. That's my goal for tomorrow," Ashton grinned, winking at Luke. "I'm in, sleeping sounds good to me. Fucking tomorrow also sounds good," Calum said with a yawn and a smile. "Agreed," Michael added with a chuckle.
The four boys' soon found themselves curled up in bed together. They were a tangle of limbs, but they had managed to cuddle up to each other comfortably. "I love you guys," Ashton said. "You're such a sap," Michael teased. "I love you all too," Calum added. "Love you all more," Luke, said, his voice drowsy.
"Oh all right... fine, I love you all most," Michael added, once Ashton and Calum had pouted at him. Michael smiled warmly, happy to be tucked in Calum's arms with Luke right beside him, as Ashton curled into Luke's other side. It was true though, Michael really did love his boyfriend's the most, no matter what they said.
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