Ssunkipz: water (part 1)
Ssundee's/ Ian's POV
Quinton texted me earlier asking if i wanted to go to his "house". I say that backs he lives in a lake with a glass dome on the bottom. I replied yea and that I'll be there in 30min. So that's what I'm doing now. I'm half way to his "house".
Once I see the lake I jog toward it. As I get closer I see his siting 9n his dock waiting. I smirks as I get an idea. Im gonna scare him. I slowly sneak towards him. once im close enough I push him in. He screams and when he surfaces she seem me laughing my butt(a/N ssundee downs cuse) off. He launches out of the water and tackles me.
He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I am so glad I wore my water proof suit or I would wall how and possibly get a cold.
As he has me over his shoulder I laughing and hits his back. I'm taller than him and he's stronger than fair.
"Quinton!! Please! Don't! I have so much to love for!!!" I say whole laughing.
"Nice try Ian." He chuckles and throws me over his shoulder. I lain in the water and as I was in the air I was screaming and when I landed I think I swallows a crap ton of water cause next thing I know, I see black
Huskey's/ Quinton's POV
As I through Ian I heard him scream. Once he lands, he doesn't come up. I see his sink to the groans and some bubbles. Crap!
I jump in after him. I can't let me crush did. Yes I said crush.
Once I get to him, I grab his and swim as fast as I can to the surface and I lay him on the dock. As he was on the dock, I start to panic. I don't know what to do.
I've seen people do this and I somewhat know what to do. I was gonna do mouth to mouth.
==time skip to when Ian starts to wake up==(I don't want to type that process. I'm a lazy mother fucker)
I finish doing mouth to mouth and nothin works. I strata to cry when I hear a groan. I look at eyes and see he's waking up.
Once he complete awake I hugs him with tears still in my eyes. "O-oh my god I though I killed you!" I hug him tighter
"I wouldn't leave yo--" he's interrupted with a cough. I rub his back told he's done.
"look......I'm sorry for....nearly killing you..." I look away to only be pulled back and to have something get smashed into my lips.
My eyes widen in shock as I relizes that the something being smashes into my lips, was Ian's soft, beautiful lips. As d'dont as I relizes that he's kissing me, I immediately kiss nack, melting into it.
He wraps his arms around my neck while I wrap my arms around his waist. I pull him on my lap and he mangles his fingers into my hair.
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