Trigger warning: suicide and other "darker" topics
Play song for feels
Jess's pov:
I woke up in the darkness, I turned to my alarm clock. Not going off, it was only 2:30. I look to the other side of the bed, empty. Always has been, surely always will be. Who am I living for anymore. Certainly not myself, my friends? Maybe. I've grown distant with all of them really, I never see them. I've locked myself in a world of salitude. I wonder if they'd realize I'm gone. Actually I know they wouldn't.
Jess, you've had this coversation with yourself to many times. Sure Adams told you before "don't commit, there's always something better" but you know your tired of waiting, stop being a pussy and do it!
I got up from my mindful battle with myself and walked into the bathroom. I opened the vanity drawer and looked around. Anti-depressants, anxiety pills, advil. I grabbed them all walked back into my room. I put on my favorite t-shirt and sat down, I put my head down looking at the bottle. I glanced at my scared thighs and the cuts on my wrists, cliche I know but I didn't know what else to do.
I sighed, no more delaying this. I swallowed as many as I could. I started to feel dizzy. "Shit I didnt write a note" I say, I open my notes and type something short. I click save and the world goes black.
Max's pov:
I woke up to my message tone, my phone illuminated my room. I looked at it, it was a message from Jess.
'To whoever finds me like this:
I'm sorry you had to see me like this but I couldn't take it anymore. It being life. I was done, I had no one to live for anymore. My friends left and I had no boyfriend. No one loved me so hopefully heaven will. Thank you for finding me. Don't worry about me though, sorry the suicide note is short but I'm blacking out from the pills so goodbye.
-Jessica Pheniox
A tear rolls down my cheek, as soon as I started reading I was up getting ready to drive over. She's commiting suicide, I need to tell her. That I love her, I always have but I stayed away so I didn't let it slip put but now she might be dead.
I sped over and grabbed her spare key from under the rug. I opened the door and ran up to her room. She was passed out on her bed. I call 911 and layer her on my lap. Oh Jess, why would you do this to your gorgeous self. I look down at my Jessie, she was beautiful. I traced her jawline as the parametics came to my side.
Jess's pov:
I woke to a beeping, I looked around and I was in hospital. "Jessie" I heard, I looked over and max was sitting there. "Max? What are you?" He cut me off my kissing me. "Don't ever try that again. I need you" he says, for the first time in a while, I genualy smile. "I'm sorry" I said, he hugged me tight and I snuggld into the warmth. "Jess" I hear, I look over and Adam, Ross and Shelby are standing there. They come over and join our group hug. "We all love you, don't forget that" they said, and forever it echoed in my head.
Suggested by cheetahwolf
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