ChristMESS pt.2
[Friendly reminder: there'll be a little smutty in it. Also some parts could be triggering or i dunno. Also this chapter is so damn long.]
*Eight days later*
Well, it makes me sad that tonight is Christmas Eve. I didn't imagined that this year I would spend Christmas with only my best friend and not with my boyfriend. But possibilities are endless though, we can call Serena's friends to hang out with us, or we can just go clubbing tonight, or maybe there's a chance for Christmas miracle as well.
I'm here for like more than a week now. I didn't talked with Ashton, but he sent me so many texts and video calls and I ignored him in any possible way. I don't want to talk to him. I'm still mad at him because fucking hell he cheated on me. Even though it was "just" a make out session. I don't believe that was all what happened between him and Naya. I feel like there were more things but he won't tell me anyways.
Our closest friends want me to give Ashton a second chance, so they want me to talk to him first. But I don't listen to them, nor like to Michael. I only talked with Calum, but I made him promise me that he won't tell it to Ashton. He told me that Ashton is such a mess without me. And it looks like he's about to going insane because he misses me so much, and he wants me back. I asked Calum, if he saw Ashton broke down or something. And what surprised me is that when he told me Ashton once cried in front of him and Mikey. I've never ever seen him crying, because he's such a strong guy. Cal told me he talks about me all the time, and how much he loves me, and how much he misses me. And he said that to them if he won't got me back he would just die because he no longer can live without me. To be honest I cried when Calum told me that on facetime, it just broke my heart so hard because I feel the same as Ash.
But I still don't know what to do. I'm still hella mad at him, sometimes I feel like I hate him because he cheated on me with that Naya girl. Serena told me that she deleted that photo where Ashton holds her hand. Serena thinks that Ashton made her to delete it, so he can prove me that he loves me and he doesn't want anything from her. Well I don't know what to think and believe about it. Maybe Naya just deleted it because it wasn't that aesthetically pleasing for her like her other photos on Instagram. Or maybe Serena was right, and Ashton made her to delete it. I don't know.
What I know is that I was such a crying mess in this week. So many fucked up theories and thoughts ran through my mind about what kind of thing he has with Naya or how he feels about me. There were times where I wanted to give everything up. I wanted to call him to tell him that I want to break up with him because this won't work between us. Then there was a tough moment when I wanted to just scream into nowhere to let out my anger and pain. I cried a lot, I remember that every night I cried myself to sleep. This whole situation just so wearing, I'm so exhausted by everything. I barely can think straight, sometimes I don't feel anything just emptiness and tiredness.
And if these bullshits aren't enough for me every damn thing remind me of Ashton or what he did to me. Sometimes I wanted to hate him, but then I realized that I can't because I'm so deep in love with him. I can't help it, if I think about him all of the good and sweet memories what we have in the past two years of dating just pop up in my mind and melt my heart. But as soon as I look at the lock screen of my phone I see the load of notifications of his missed calls or video calls or his texts and I remember everything why I left him more than a week ago.
"Uh, Serena?" I called her from the middle of the living room, she was in the kitchen.
"Yeah?" she answered not bothers to take a look on me.
"I go for a walk. I need to clear up my mind." that was the time she popped her head out of the kitchen.
"But Luke it's really cold out there. And I thought that you hate it when it's cold?" I just shrugged and I was about to put my jacket on but I turned around to face her.
"I don't know when I'll come home, so don't wait for me or anything. Okay?"
"Yeah, be careful." she nodded her head and she gave me a reassured smile.
When I stepped out of the apartment's door the cold night air already hit my face. So I snuggled my face deeper in my scarf. And it's snowing right now, I really love watching it. It's just so beautiful and calming. And another thing what reminds me of Ashton. It's so fucking good, really. This Christmas would be the third one what we spend as a couple, but I guess it won't happens. I hate this because I really loved cuddling with Ashton on the couch and under a soft and warm blanket while it's snowing outside. I loved how his body was so close to mine, I could feel his warm skin pressing onto my colder one. And as I rested my head on his chest was so calming to listening every beat of his heart. I miss every damn thing about Ashton.
I sighed to myself when I entered in a Starbucks. I looked around and thank god there's only around ten people. Well no one wants to go for a fucking coffee in the freezing cold at nine, and on Christmas Eve. Shit tomorrow is Christmas and it makes me cry, ugh...
As I was in the short queue I felt that someone stares at me. I looked around but I didn't caught anyone's eyes.
After I paid for my coffee I walked out of the shop. I wanted to take a long walk in the snow and sip on my coffee, and hoping that it'll clear my fucked up mind. It was really cold outside but I liked how the chilly breeze touched my face. I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't paid attention where I step. And that was the time when I stepped on an icy spot. I almost slipped but someone grabbed me from behind by my waist so they're kept me in balance. Those strong arms around me and the way they hold me was so familiar. Ashton? I looked down to check if my sense were right. The long fingers and rings just proved that I'm right.
I immediately turned around to face him. And yeah, my eyes met those beautiful hazel green orbs which I fell in love with long time ago. I gaped at the sight of his handsome face.
"Ashton?" my voice was shaky and quiet. How could he find me? How could he knows that I'm here or it was me?
"Hi, Lu." he smiled at me. My stomach twitched, and my heart started to racing so fast in my chest. Neither of us said anything, nor made a move. But the tension was strong between us. Everything turned awkward as we just stared at each other. And it doesn't helped that Ashton's arms were still around me. I had to break the intense eye contact because I can't even look in his eyes longer than two minutes not to tearing up.
"I missed you so bad, baby. I... I." I avoided his eyes to trying to hold back my tears so I just stared at the paper cup in my hand. Ashton leaned in to my ear. "I'm sorry, Lu, I didn't wanted to hurt you. I hope you still know how much I love you." his voice cracked a bit as he whispered in my ear. My eyes filled with tears. "I feel ashamed of what I've done, especially to you. I-I was such an asshole to you." a tear drop already rolled down on my cheek. He wiped off my tears with his thumb.
"I know I screwed everything up between us. But I still love you, Luke, and I, I just want you to forgive me? I'll totally understand if you don't want to, or if you don't want to see me ever again. But I want to ask you for one thing, only one..." I looked up at him. "Please forgive me, Luke, because I won't be able to live like that way, anymore." I was in pure shock of what he just said so I can't respond to it. "Please, say something, Lu." he took my free hand in his. I gulped because I can't say anything.
"I-I..." it hurts to look deeper in his teary eyes. I can clearly see his emotions through his eyes; fear, shame, sorrow but most likely love. Now I know that he regret what he'd done. "I love you, Ashton." suddenly I burst out as I sniffled. His tears rolled down on his face as his smile grows bigger and bigger. I guess those are just happy tears. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and he lifted me up a bit. I smiled at him as I circled my free arm around his neck. He pulled me closer to him and slowly attached his lips on mine. I kissed him back, not gonna lie I missed his kisses so bad. It feel so good, honestly so fucking good. It sent shivers down my spine all in a good way. It gives me goosebumps because Ashton is just a freaking good kisser. I let his tongue to slide inside of my mouth, and when our tongues met I let out a muffled whimper. He can't help it just smiled so big into the kiss.
"I love you too, baby." he grinned at me after he puts me down. "So that means, you're...?"
"Well, I-I don't know, Ash. I don't know what truly I want. I mean, I want you back of course, but then I still need some time to think." he nodded.
"Are you still mad at me? I know that I broke your heart, but... I won't begging you for give me a second chance, because I don't deserve it. I only ask you to forgive me." he caressed my side. "I want you to know that I was about to going insane in the past week. You're the love of my life, Luke. I can't even think or function without you, I can't live without you, babe." he looked deeply in my eyes.
"I know all of it, even though I didn't read your texts. Cal told me."
"Oh, I didn't know that you two..." he pulled me closer to him by my waist. "I'm sorry for what I've done, I don't know why I was a dick to you." he kissed my forehead, he murmured something under his breath. He then realized I have a coffee in my hand and he took it from me to have a sip.
"It's probably cold now." he grinned and shrugged while he sipped on my cold coffee. But soon enough he let out a 'brrhh' sound what made me laugh at him.
"Actually it was so cold and awful." he giggled. "I missed your laugh, you're so adorable." I blushed and I wanted to say something about it, but he already kissed me so deeply. I snuggled closer to him because fucking hell I'm shivering from that freezing cold snow. "Oh, you're cold. Let's go home baby."
I don't know how but we end up making out on our couch. Everything happened so fast after we got home. Ashton was so gentle with me. He took off my jacket, along with my scarf. Then he made us some tea. He made sure to care about me not to get cold or something. And as we sit on the couch under a warm and soft blanket, I snuggled closer to him while we talked about everything what happened between us. I rested my head on his chest and I almost fell asleep as I listened to his calm heartbeats. I put my legs on his lap to get closer to him, he just caressed my leg with his fingers. It was such a good feeling to be this close to him. I missed him so fucking much.
I pulled back a little just so I can look in his eyes, he smiled at me. I traced my fingers on his jaw and I kissed him softly. "I love you." I whispered onto his lips what made him smile like a fool.
"Love you too, baby." he pulled me in his lap so I straddled him. "You're so beautiful." he brushed his fingers through my long curls. I blushed and I wanted to hide my face in the crook of his neck, but he kissed me again. He wrapped his arms around my back and I placed my hands on his shoulders. It don't took so long that the kiss get heated. His tongue slid inside my mouth and it sent shivers down my spine. It felt extremely good and right, and I want even more of him.
I caressed his sides and as soon as I slide my fingers under his shirt he moaned into the kiss when he felt my cold palms pressing to his warm skin. I rolled up his shirt to his torso and he just grabbed his shirt to take it off. I bit my bottom lip when I stared up and down on his shirtless body. "You're so hot." I muttered, and he just smirked at me. He was so happy with himself. I kissed him again and he already made the kiss deeper and heated. He grabbed my ass with both of his hands and squeezed it a bit. I hissed as I pulled away, his smirk grows bigger and bigger.
I leaned in to his neck to start kissing and biting on it. I already found his sweet spot, right under his ear and I sucked on his skin. Leaving dark marks on it. Then he took off my white t-shirt. He run his hands down on my chest, and I let out a few shaky moans at the touch of his hands. He put his hand on the back of my neck to attach our lips together. With his other hand he pulled me closer to his body. As our shirtless bodies pressed onto each other I shuddered at this feeling, it was so goddamn good and hot. Fuck it's such a turn on. I already feel how he grows harder under me. It's still makes me content that I make him have a boner.
I slowly started to grind on him and he moaned as our clothed crotches pressed together. Then he kissed down on my neck, leaving dark red hickeys all over my neck and collarbones. Ashton really loves to leave visible marks on my skin to make sure everyone would see it, so they'll know that I'm dating someone. A throaty moan escaped from me as Ashton kissed and licked on my nipple. He knows that how my nipples are so sensitive and how much I love it when he plays with them. "Oh my god." I dug my nails in his shoulders while he giggled at me.
I kissed him deeply and he quickly responded to it. He grabbed my ass again and he stand up with me in his arms and started walking. I wrapped my legs around his waist, so I probably clinging on him like a koala bear. It made me chuckle into the kiss.
As soon as we arrived in our bedroom he placed me down on our big ass bed. I looked up at him when he stepped between my legs. I pulled him closer by his hips and I peppered his muscular stomach with small kisses. He run a hand through my hair and pulled it gently. Then I grabbed his belt to undo it, also I unbuttoned his jeans then I tugged them down. After that he took off my jeans as well, leaving me just in my boxers.
He laid me down on the bed, so he hover over me. Ashton looked deeply in my eyes and I was so lost in his beautiful hazel green orbs. I circled my arms around his waist to pull him closer.
"Do you want it? Because I don't wanna force..." I cut him off with a quick kiss.
"I want you Ashton." I whispered onto his lips as I smiled softly. He grinned and pecked my lips more. Then he hooked his fingers in the hem of my boxers. I nodded my head in consent, Ashton smirked at me as he tugged them down. I hissed a bit as my hard member sprang free. He ran his eyes down on me and my face turned into a light pink color.
"You're so beautiful." he muttered before he kissed me. Then he get off of me to take off his own boxers and I bit my bottom lip as I watched how his muscles flexed when he stepped out of his boxers. I didn't noticed when I took my dick into my hand to slowly pumping it at the sight of my boyfriend. I moaned when Ashton turned back to me. He smirked when he saw what I was doing. He crawled back on the bed. "What an eager baby boy you are?" he chuckled softly as he hovered over me again.
"D-do something, p-please." I pleaded as I spread my legs out. He grind our hard members together and both of us moaned at the feeling. He then grabbed something from the nightstand's drawer. "Shit" I muttered under my breath as he covered his fingers in lube. He smirked at me before he kissed me so hard and deep. I let his tongue to slide in my mouth. He traced his lubed fingers to my entrance. I whimpered into the kiss as he slowly pushed a finger inside of me. "F-fuck" I moaned when he moved his finger in and out of me. Soon enough I begged for more of his fingers. Ashton just chuckled at how eager I was now. But he did as I told and he moved and circled three of his fingers in and out of me. I was a moaning mess underneath him, I wanted more of him. That's not enough.
I grabbed his muscular shoulders, I peppered wet kisses on his neck, he respond with a moan. After I pulled back a bit so I can look straight into his hungry eyes. He licked his lips so hotly just to drive me crazy even more. "Prove me how much you love me, Ash." my voice was so raspy, and barely audible.
Ashton smiled at me before he pecked my lips. He pulled back from me to sit on his ankles. After he poured lube in his palm he covered his rock hard cock with it. He pumped his cock in kind of a slow motion tease me. Ashton looked at me but I can't help it, I just stared at his huge length while I took my bottom lip between my teeth. And yass it's all worked because I moaned so loudly at the sight of how my boyfriend works on himself. "Please, Ashton... I-I..." I whimpered as I grabbed one of his thick thighs.
"Be patient baby boy." he giggled. He positioned his cock at my entrance. Then he pushed himself in me so suddenly like the air just stuck in my throat. "Ah, you're so tight." he moaned but stayed still to make me get used to his length. He waited till I moaned quietly and he slowly pushed in and out of me.
"Fuck, I missed you so much, baby." he muttered under his breath. I just moaned as he thrusted in me again.
"Yeah... I missed... you too." I let my head thrown back on the pillows because of the pleasure what Ashton gives me is just so damn good. I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him even more close to me. He placed both of his hands on my waist as he picked up his pace a bit. And that was the time when he was fully inside of me. I bit hard on my bottom lip to hold back a loud moan, but a muffled whimper escaped through my lips anyways.
"Don't hold back your moans Princess. I wanna hear all of your little noises what you make." he smirked at me. My hands found their way up on his muscular back. And when he slightly hit that spot in me I dug my fingernails deep in his skin as I scratched down on his back. Ashton's face scrunched a bit and let out a satisfied grunt. He leaned down on me so our bare chests pressed together. Feeling his sweaty and warm skin on mine gave me goosebumps all over my body. He left wet kisses and traces on my chest and I just moaned at every touch of his soft lips and tongue on my skin.
Blue met with beautiful hazel green and I already lost in his colorful irises. No spoken words needed to tell our confessions of love towards each other. It was enough to look deep into each other's eyes to know how much we're in love and how strong our feelings towards each other.
Deep breaths, sweet whimpers or filthy and loud moans, and bare skins slapping sounds filled our bedroom. They were the only things being heard. Sometimes we muttered something under our breaths but it wasn't so audible.
I kissed down on Ashton's neck and I nibbled on his muscular shoulder. Leaving visible hickeys on his pretty tanned skin. He took both of my hands above my head as he intertwined our fingers. I gaped as he thrusted in me harder than before, small pleased gasps leaving my lips what made Ashton to smile all the time.
It doesn't took so long when I started to feel my orgasm building up in my lower stomach. I moaned louder and louder when Ashton thrusted in and out of me harder and faster. I grabbed Ashton's hands tightly, my nails digging in the back of his hands, probably leaving marks later. Then he let one of my hands go and he caressed my chest and stomach with his free hand. I whined quietly at feeling his warm hand against my stomach. Suddenly he grabbed my hard cock and I shivered at his touch what made me moan so loud. Then he pumped my cock as the same rhythm as he thrusted in me. I moaned at every touch of his large hand around my cock, and I whined so loud at his hard and deep thrusts. I was so done, I was wrecked by my boyfriend. I loved the way he made love to me. I loved every minute of how Ashton makes me feel, and how Ashton confess his love for me.
"Come for me, love." Ashton whispered with his hot raspy voice. That was the time when he hit my prostate several times with every thrusts. I closed my eyes, I arched my back, and I shouted my boyfriend's name as I came all over our chests. I tried to catch my breath but I was so busy staring into those beautiful irises while his slowed his pace to pushing in me deeper but sloppier. I moaned at his every thrusts, as I admired this beautiful man, aka the love of my life.
I know he was close to his high as he moaned repeatedly. He pulled back and placed both of his hands on my waist and he thrusted in me for a few times till he filled me up with his cum. He let out a satisfied grunt as he collapsed on top of me. Both of us panted heavily. He peppered small kisses on my shoulder before he buried his face in my neck.
"Merry Christmas, baby." he whispered on his hot raspy voice.
"Merry Christmas Ash." I chuckled softly. Then we whispered to each other those three meaningful words. I wrapped my arms around him, but he just scoffed then let out his cute ass giggle what I adore the most.
"We should take a shower, baby." I just nodded my head.
I woke up to as someone caressed my bare back softly. I slightly opened my eyes, then I smiled to myself when I realized that I'm in my love's arms, cuddled so close to each other. Feeling his almost naked body -well both of us just wearing boxers- on mine is actually the best feeling ever. I snuggled to his chest to bury my face in his neck close to his collarbones. He wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer to his body. I took a deep breath to take in his amazing and fresh scent. I drew patterns on his warm skin as I remembered what happened last night between us.
"Morning, Princess." he whispered in his raspy morning voice, before he kissed my forehead. I smiled again, my lips slightly brushed his neck.
"Good morning babe." I hold back a yawn. Then I tilted up my head to face him. He gave me a big smile so his dimples were showing. It made me smile at him as well. I leaned in to peck his lips softly.
"I love you." he muttered onto my lips. "Hope you don't regret what we did last night?"
"Of course not. I really loved it." I smiled at him to prove that I'm more than okay that we made love last night. "I missed you so fucking much." I kissed his jaw. "So if it wasn't that obvious, I forgive you, Ashton." I smiled at him. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, then he grinned at me in relief.
"Oh thank god." he giggled and he placed his hand on my neck right under my jaw. He caressed my cheek with his thumb. It just melt my heart when he looked deeply in my eyes. Both of us smiled fondly at each other. He pecked my lips so softly and it sent shivers down my spine. God, I'm so in love with this beautiful man.
"You know I wanted to hate you, but I just couldn't. No matter what, I will always love you, Ash. You're not just my lover, you are my best friend, my soulmate, my everything. You are the love of my life. Nothing could ever change how I feel towards you." he's eyes began to filled with tears and he kissed me softly. I can feel how much he loves me through this long kiss.
"I love you, Lu, with all my fucking heart. I can't be thankful enough for you. You're like my guardian angel. I don't know how I deserved that the heaven sent their beautiful angel to me." now it was my turn to tear up. He never called me an angel at it just makes me weak and fall for him even more, if it's possible.
After that we just cuddled in bed for like half of the day. And that was the rightest thing how to spend Christmas together. It felt so good to be this close to each other and laying in the bed in your boyfriend's arms. I felt his every slow heartbeats under my palm, it was so calming and such a beautiful moment to share with my love. There were hours when we talked about everything what happened between us. And there were minutes where we barely talked just kissed or stared into each other's eyes.
It was around seven pm when Michael called Ashton. He got all mysterious about something,
I don't even know what they're talk about. Ashton just played with my hair while he talked to Michael on the phone. I just kinda guessed he would go out with Michael or something. But he doesn't mentioned me that I'm here with him, or I will go there with him. And it made me feel doubt that I matter anything to him.
After he ended the call he kissed my cheek and pulled me closer to his chest. "What's up baby boy? You're just so quiet now."
"Where are you going with Michael?" no I'm not jealous because I know nothing ever happened between them. They're just best friends. And Michael is the straightest guy I ever know.
"Ugh, well... do you know Michael hosts a party tonight? We wanted to go there together before..." I nodded my head as I remembered it.
"Oh, I totally forgot about it. So you'll go there?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Baby, you're coming with me as well. Just if you want to?"
"Yeah I wanna go with you." I smiled at him shyly.
"Great." he kissed my cheek again while he pulled me in a hug. "But why did you thought that I won't take you with me?" he murmured in my ear. I just wanted to shrug it off because I don't want him to feel how insecure I am right now. "Lu, why do you feel like that?"
"I-I don't know, Ashton." I shrugged again. He pushed himself back a bit to look in my eyes. He caressed my jaw then he swept my curls out of my face. "Ugh... while you talked to Michael on the phone you didn't mentioned me that I'm here with you. Or that you'll take me there." he just started giggling and it doesn't helped me to understand his actions.
"Oh baby, it's not like that." he pecked my lips then he kissed my cheek. "You wanna know why I didn't mentioned that you're here or you'll come with me?" I nodded my head. "Because you'll be the biggest surprise there. Y'know no one knows that we got back together and stuff so it'd be fucking awesome that we go there all holding hands and... and being those lovebirds what we used to be, huh?" he smiled while he talked to me. Not gonna lie it surprised me so much that he want to do this.
"I love you, Ashton." I pressed my lips onto his soft ones.
"Love you to, baby." he kissed my cheek before he wrapped his muscular arms around me.
We were late from Michael's party for like almost an hour now. Yeah it's gonna happen so easily when you got back together with your boyfriend and you two just end up making out while you dressing up.
So when Michael or Calum called Ashton where the hell he is, he just said he's almost there and he blamed the snow why he's late. But never failed not to mention me. Also Serena texted me too because she changed her mind and she's coming to this party and she asked me to join to them. But I didn't replied to her text. So no one knows that I'm gonna get there as well, they just guess that I don't wanna spend Christmas with our friends.
Ashton took my hand in his when he slowly and quietly entered in Michael's house. He pulled me behind him, I already hear the loud conversations from the living room, and some Christmas song plays softly from the speaker. Ash wanted me to hide behind him but no, I can't because I'm much taller than him. "Hey, I'm here!" he shouted from the hallway.
"Just come in Ash!" Michael replied to him, not bothering to come to the door where we took off our jackets and shoes. Ashton kissed me on the cheek before he took my hand in his again to lead me to the living room. Ash greeted them again with a loud "Merry Christmas my friends!". Everyone in this room remained silent all of a sudden when I stepped in the room after Ashton. They were so surprised about that I showed up after a while. Well let me guess, they didn't expect that I'll come here. And as they noticed that Ashton and I holding hands it was just the best feeling ever to looking around all of our friends' shocked expressions. All of them were so shook as they realized that we're just got back together.
"Hi!" I waved with my free hand, and that was all what I could say because I grinned so hard, I tried to hold back my laughter. Ash looked at me and I locked eyes with him. He smiled at me so fondly and I can clearly see in his eyes how much he loves me. I mouthed an 'I love you' to him as I leaned in to press a soft kiss on his lips.
"Oh my fucking god!" Mitchy was the first one who got himself together after the shock. "So our fave couple made everything up, right?"
"Yeah-yeah, we are." Ashton pulled me closer by my waist as he circled a hand around me. I can't stop smiling, my heart just so full of love and hope.
"So that's why you were late? I bet you two just ended up making out, right?" Brian teased us with a smirk on his face. I blushed a bit but Ashton was so happy with himself as he winked at me.
"Who would doubt that Lashton won't be late for the first time and they'll be there on time without tryna choke each other with their tongues?" now it was Calum's turn to roast us. I'm blushing so hard by the embarrassment. Everyone chuckled at Cal's joke, along with my boyfriend.
"That's the holy truth." Ashton admitted it.
"Thank god that you two are get back together. Just because we don't have to deal with your bullshit." Michael laughed as he walked in front of us. Then everyone just started dancing again. "Honestly I'm glad for you two." he hugged us together. After he pulled away he smiled at me and I mumbled a 'thank you'. He stared at us for a good two minutes. Then he bursts out in a laugh. "What are you guys? Horny bunnies or what the fuck?" he pointed on our neck covered in dark hickeys. "Dammit boys." he laughed it out. "Um, Luke, can I steal your man just for a second?" I nodded my head. Ashton pulled me to his chest and kissed me so hard what made Mikey to scoff. I kissed back Ash but his tongue already slide inside my mouth.
"Guys, come on!" Michael groaned as Ashton pecked my lips before he pulled back from me. Mike muttered something under his breath but I can't help it just laughed at how pissed off he looked. Then I let go off Ashton's hand and we shared a fond smile with each other.
I watched as they walked out of the room then Serena's face appeared in front of me.
"Hello, buddie!" she hugged me. "You didn't answered to my calls and texts. I was worried about you last night, but you didn't bothered to tell me where the hell you are! You didn't even told me that you were with Ashton. Where the hell did you even meet him? And how the heck you ended up together again?" she bombed me with loads of questions. I told her how I met with Ashton last night on the street.
"So we just started talking and shit, and he kissed me. It was really good, y'know I felt like fireworks exploded in my stomach as we kissed slowly, and ugh it was such a passionate kiss." for a second I thought I caught some jealousy in her eyes as she looked down on the floor. Wow that really surprised me. When I started talking she looked back at me. "And you know that was the moment when I realized how much I love him. So we ended up at our flat and we talked about everything." her eyes traveled down to my neck and chest as I scratched my skin. When she noticed the lots of hickeys on my skin she just gasped loudly.
"Oh my god, Luke! You... you slept with him?" suddenly she snapped at me and she looked so angry, I literally have no idea why she acts like this. "You really let him to get in your pants again? After all of this? After he cheated on you? And you just really slept with him? Oh my god you're such a slut, Luke!"
"Hey, get off my back, okay? Yes, we fucked all night long and I didn't even regret to scream his name so loud that our neighbors could hear! What the actual fuck, Serena?" I'm about to getting so angry at her as well. "I love him no matter what. I don't care if he had a made out session with that girl, as long as he's still in love with me and if he regret what he did."
"But... I thought you hate him? He was such a douchebag with you, Luke. He cheated on you with an insane bitch, and... and if he already did this to you he will do it again. You shouldn't forgive him. He's no longer good for you Luke." she grabbed my arm but I snapped her arm off of mine.
"No, Serena. I love him more than anything, he's my everything. And I know that he's so damn in love with me as well. I was a bitch to him when I didn't let him talk to me. Or should I say it was you who don't let him talk to me? But we're fine now and that's the only thing what matters. Honestly I don't care if you don't like it that I got back together with Ashton. I know that you never liked Ashton, and you really hated that we're dating. But I don't give a fuck about it, or about you. So merry Christmas, Serena." that was all what I said to her before I left her alone.
After I got myself a drink I went to Calum who talked to the Lovelis sisters. "Hi guys!" I greeted them with a smile on my face.
"Hey, merry Christmas!" Nia smiled at me and fist bumped me.
"Congratulation to get back with your man!" Rena hugged me tightly and I mumbled a 'thank you' in her ear.
"Um, what's up with Serena?" Calum asked as he pointed on her. I glanced at her above my shoulder. She still looked pissed off.
"I don't know." I shrugged. "After I told her that I forgave to Ashton she just freaked out." Nia started laughing so hard at this. Both three of us looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"Someone just told me that Serena really likes you Luke. And no, it's not just friendly feelings for you." I almost choked on my drink.
"What the actual fuck?! Are you kidding me?" it's so surreal that Serena, my best friend has feelings for me. "No, that's not gonna happen." I shook my head.
"Well then just explain me that she doesn't has feelings towards you. Because she really looks so in love with you."
"Jeez, Nia, don't you think you go far with this, do you?" I squeezed my forehead because that's so gross.
"Not gonna lie, but I saw something before." Calum started. "You're on her lockscreen, bro. And she really hates that you're taken, also I know that she hates Ashton more than as you and Michael hated each other in 6th grade. Also, there's a rumor about that she asked Naya to hook up with Ashton. So you two will break up, and you won't forgive to Ashton and... and yeah she would force herself on you."
"Wait, what the fuck?" I can't believe what Calum just said. "How the fuck you can think that she's into me? Like are you serious? Serena just not like this. She's not..."
"How do you know, Luke?" Nia asked, but I couldn't answer.
"To be honest, Calum is right." Rena looked at me as she pointed at Cal. "I have a friend who's a close friend of Serena. And she told me that Serena is so damn in love with you, Luke. Whether you like it or not, but that's the truth. She loves you, she's way obsessed with you than a friend should. Also my friend told me the same rumor what Calum said. So maybe that's it. That's the real deal."
"Yeah, that's why she freaked out when you got back together with Ash." Nia nodded.
"No way. That's not gonna happen. She knows that I'm gay, so she won't want me in that way because..."
"You can't help it who you gonna fall in love with, Luke. You didn't knew that before that you like boys. But look, you're in love with a man, who's your best friend as well." Calum told me.
"Okay I got it but... Serena won't do this, she's not like that. And I guess I would noticed that if she likes me in that way."
"You didn't even noticed that on yourself when you slowly fell in love with Ashton." Calum started laughing. "You were so hyped up about Ashton, like you talked about him all the time, literally. And the way you looked at him, it was so obvious that you were so into him. And it's the same thing with Serena and you. I caught her staring at you like she daydreamed about you. She always stick to your side like all the damn time."
"Which is so damn annoying, let's be honest." Rena added. "She really want to spend as much time as she can with you. And she started doing those things what you do. Like getting a dog like yours? It's so ridiculous. Or recording herself singing while playing the piano, just like the way you do?"
"Oh, okay I got it but... she likes me, maybe loves me but if she get some nasty girl to hook up with Ash, and shit, it still won't change anything in me to like her. I'm gay as hell and she knows it. Then she won't win my heart, then it's so childish and pointless and fucking pathetic what she wants to do to me." I shook my head in disbelief.
"See? She's the type of a crazy fangirl. You should open your eyes Luke to see her true self. She just want you to break up with your boyfriend, because she still thinks that you will fall in love with her right after that." Calum patted my shoulder.
"I could imagine that she paid for Naya to hook up with Ashton." that was when I get extremely mad at her.
"Is she really that stupid? Because it won't change anything, I won't start like girls just because I break up with my man. Fucking hell, I'm gay as hell nothing could ever change that. Jeeez." I took a long sip of my beer.
I turned around to look at Serena who already stared at me. Her smile just dropped down slowly as she noticed how angry I look right now. I wanted to walk over to her but Ashton stepped in my way.
"Hey, babe." he pressed a long kiss on my lips. Honestly it helped me to forget what I wanted to do. After he pulled away he placed one of his hands on the small of my back. Then Michael patted his glass with a spoon to get our attention and the music is just stopped playing in the background. Everyone remained silent.
"So I wanna thank you for everyone who came here tonight for celebrating Christmas together. It's such a good feeling that I can count on my friends, and that I can call every single one of you as my friend. So merry Christmas everyone!" he raised his glass and we did the same and mumbled a 'merry Christmas' too before all of us took a sip of our drinks.
It was still silence what filled the whole living room. Ashton looked at me with big eyes, then he took out the red cup of my hand and placed it on the table next to us. I was confused at what's he doing.
Then all of a sudden I get so nervous at Ashton's moves and the way he looked at me makes my stomach flutter. His cute dimples popped up as he smiled widely at me. His eyes were so damn beautiful as the Christmas lights reflected in them. I gulped nervously, I don't know why but I sense something and it freaks me out a bit. Ash pressed a soft kiss on my lips before he started talking.
"Luke, just listen to me okay?" I nodded but I was so confused. I don't know if it's the truth or not, but I felt like everyone in the room just staring at us.
Ashton turned his head over and I glanced at that direction as he, he looked at Michael to get some support from him I guess. Mike has a huge smirk on his face. So that means he knows something, but what? I have no idea what's happening right now. Then before Ash looked back at me he closed his eyes for a bit and took a deep breath. After two minutes he locked his eyes with mine and smiled at me softly. He took both of my hands in his.
"Ash, are you okay?" he looked so nervous. I've never ever seen him like this before and it makes me worried. He didn't replied but kissed me slowly. Then he gets down on one knee in front of me. I was in utter shock to be honest. No... no way! My heart just started pounding extremely fast in my chest, I thought it will jump out of its place.
"Luke Robert Hemmings..." he started as he looked deep in my eyes. Just tell me it's not what it looks like. It can't be, right? Ashton looked like he was so out of words, just like me. Both of us were so nervous, but I'm getting so confused even more than before. My stomach twitched and I breathe heavily. Then Ash let go off my hands and he searched for something in his right back pocket of his jeans. First I didn't see what's he took out of his pocket. But then he hold out a little blue velvet box. No fucking way! No... just no!
"Oh my god!" I whispered. My face turned into a really dark red color as I blushed. I feel like I'm about to faint in anytime. My whole body is shaking and my mouth just dried out. He didn't break our eye contact as he slowly opened the little box to reveal a beautiful silver ring in it, tiny white diamonds covered the ring all around it in a line. My chin just dropped down as I realized what the heck is happening. I covered my mouth with both of my hands. Not gonna lie but I'm fucking surprised and I'm out of places. I was literally about to faint, soon enough I'll freak out. No... that's not gonna happen! Literally I'm screaming inside, a lot. And so loud.
I teared up as I looked at Ashton from the ring, and the fond expression on his face made me emotional even more. Ashton looks so breathtakingly beautiful when a big smile appeared on his handsome face.
"Lu... will you do me the honor of being my husband?" he finally asked me. That was the time when I couldn't hold back my emotions and I let out a sob. I don't know what to do. I was just so damn happy and I'm on cloud 9. I can't believe it. I just can't take it. Reality just hit me so hard and I smiled so wide at him as I stepped closer to him.
I nodded and I repeated a several "Yes! Yes, I do!". His eyes filled with tears, but I know those are just happy tears and he let out a sigh of relief. I leaned down to peck his lips a few times. Then he slowly puts the ring on my finger. It's so unbelievable to get engaged by the love of my life. Tears rolled down on my face and I barely can see through them. Ashton lets out a little giggle when I pulled him up to hug him so close to me. He wrapped his arms around my body then he attached our lips together in a long and passionate kiss. I circled my arms around his neck. And everyone applauded and cheered to us. Happiness just rushed through my body and filled my heart with so much love for my boyfr... well for my fiancé.
After I pulled away from Ashton I can't help it just smile so widely at him, he did the same. He kissed my nose lightly and then pressed our forehead together.
"I love you Ashton, to the moon and back." I whispered.
"I love you too, baby, always and forever." he whispered back and he kissed me again.
So this is the second part of my first Lashton one shot. Dammit it was a hell of a ride to write it. I'm sorry for taking this long (actually a month) for me to write it and finish it. But fucking hell i have no time because of work. Also i'm sorry for my mistakes or something, there could be little mistakes in my grammar or misspellings tho.
I feel like it turned out good or at least the way i wanted to. Yeah the end is such a cliché but i don't give a damn about it. I wanted something cute and fluffy and happy ending for this, bc i miss Lashton way too hard lately. So pls let me daydreaming about it lol. Also i'm sorry if my smut is a shitty one. I promise i write a better one in my language lmao, and my homies love it a lot
Um, don't be afraid to push that little star if you liked it. Or just leave a comment on it. I'll appreciate it a lot, like a fucking lot. Thank youuu
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