Gym class
My best friend one shot
Takes place in elementary school
Today Evan and Gregory's classes are joining each other for gym class. Evan was still very nervous even when he found out Gregory is going to be there. The activity was dodge ball he really doesn't like dodge ball. "Alright now all the big kids up here will pick a little buddy." "Once everyone has a buddy we will all get started!" The teacher says Evan prays that Gregory chooses him what is going to do if he doesn't? Meanwhile Gregory searches the crowd of kids to find Evan. He waits and waits till he could see him standing in the back legit SHAKING. He walked over to Evan and hugs him. "I'll take Evan!" He calls to the teacher and the teacher writes their names down. "Well I guess that's what he gets for waiting so long..." "I'd be surprised if he actually wanted to be with a crybaby like him..." People whispered from all around. "He'll probably cry the moment he gets hit!" A girl whisper yells. Gregory starts to get angry. "Hey! I hear all of you and I don't want to hear anymore of this so just be quiet will you!" Gregory shouts everyone goes silent. He turns away to talk to Evan and then the game starts. Evan hides behind one of the blue mats scared. Gregory goes to find him. "What are you doing here? Aren't you going to play with the rest?" "No. I'm scared." "Oh well don't be scared. I'm here with you!" Evan smiles a bit but is still very scared. Gregory grabs his hand and pulls him up. "Come on! You can't hide here forever!" The two boys run around. Evan passes the dodge balls while Gregory throws them at the others. Team work makes the dream work right? As Evan picked up another ball another kid hits him in the face with another ball.
'Ow..that really hurt.'
Evan started to tear up his face really hurt. It felt like little needles all over his face.
(I hate people who throw like that...)
Evan started to cry. Gregory turned around expecting Evan to throw him another ball but he was wrong. He took the ball Evan had in his hand. "It was you wasn't it!" He points at a kid in front of the two boys. "Yeah. So what?" Gregory got really mad and thew the ball at the kid so hard the kid's nose started to bleed! "Ow! What's wrong with you!?" The kid yelled. "What's wrong with you huh!?" Gregory yells back. He grabs Evans hand and brings him to sit on a bench. "Where does it hurt?" Gregory asked Evan still in tears. "On my cheek..." Evan said pointing at his right cheek. "Alright." Gregory says before moving closer. He grabs Evan's face and kisses him on the cheek. Evan blushed. "Better?" Gregory asked. Evan only slowly nodded. Gregory laughed at his reaction. "Alright since you got hit you need to stay here." Gregory said Evan nods and stays at the bench. Evan watches his crush play admiring him. He's lucky he has Gregory as a friend and he knows it! The game ends and they all go back to their classes but before Gregory left he made sure he gave Evan a hug. "I'll see ya later Evan!" Gregory said before waving and walking away. "Bye Gregory!" Evan said before thinking.
'Wait a minute...'
'Gregory just winked at me!'
Evan turned red at the thought that his crush winked at him. That moment just repeated in his head again and again. He had more trouble sleeping than usual because of it! But in the end he got his sleep.
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