Another imaginary scenario
Yes. Yes another one. Idk what to post. AU!
Gregory walked through the old pizzeria.
Gregory: "Mike really wasn't lying when he said this place was old.." "But it can't be that bad. Just get the things he needs and get the fuck out."
???: [Is watching]
Gregory took some parts from the old pizzeria that Michael needs for repairing the animictronics. He was completely unaware of who was watching him in the shadows.
Gregory: "Alright. I'm done time to get out...this place gives me the creeps."
???: "Wait!"
Gregory: "AHH!!"
Gregory jumped on a party table. He stares in horror.
???: "Don't be scared...I promise I won't hurt you." [Smiles]
Gregory backs up. That smile...disturbing.
Gregory: "Sorry...I need to leave now." [Runs off]
???: ...
Time skip
Gregory ran through the pizzaplex. He tries his best to get to Michael's office with the parts and..maybe to hide as well.
Gregory: "Mike! Help. I need help."
Michael: "With what?"
Gregory: "Your psycho brother is chasing me that's what!!"
Michael: "Psycho brother?"
Gregory: "Evan dumbass."
Evan: "New friend~ come out please. I promise I won't hurt you."
Gregory shivered and Michael sighs.
Time skip
Evan walks into Michael's office looking around for Gregory.
Evan: "Mikey?" "Do you know where my new friend is?"
Michael: "You mean Gregory?"
Evan: "Yes!" [Smiles]
Michael: "Sorry. I don't. Maybe check Freddy's room."
Evan: "Okay!" [Leaves]
Gregory came out of the cupboard he was hiding in.
Gregory: "Thanks Mike." "Here's the parts you asked for."
Evan: "Gregory!"
Gregory: "Fu-" [Runs]
Some time later..
Evan: "I found you friend! Let's go to my house now!" "We'll be playing all the games!"
Gregory: "Mike! Mike help!" "Michael Afton! Help me!" 😭
Evan drags Gregory with him as Michael left his office and to parts and service. And Gregory...was fucked.
At the Afton's house
At the Afton's house Elizabeth set up a play wedding for the two knowing how obsessed her brother is with Gregory. Evan seems happy with this idea and actually put on the wedding dress Elizabeth gave him as a joke. But I think he's taking this too seriously...Gregory is also tied to a chair in a suit.
Elizabeth: "Evan do you uh..." "Hold up I forgot the lines-" [Reads] "Who needs this anyway." [Tosses the paper] "Evan would you like to have Gregory as your best friend forever?"
Evan: "Yes." [Smiling]
Elizabeth: "I still can't get over that you actually pit on the dress- anyway. Gregory would you like to-"
Gregory: "Fake wedding or not I really just want to leave. Your brother is a psyc-"
Evan: [Is holding a knife still smiling]
Elizabeth: "Gregory would you like to have Evan as your best friend forever?"
Gregory: [Legit shaking] "Yes I-I do..."
Elizabeth: "Wonderful. You may give your bri- hus- best friend? Yes best friend. You may give your best friend a a uhm- a..hug."
Evan: "No hugs let me kiss you Gregory!"
Gregory: "Nooo!!" [Evan attacks his face with kisses]
(Platonic. Gregory is 11 Evan is 10.)
Michael: "I'm ho-"
Michael: "what the fu-"
✨The end✨
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