Let Me Down Slowly
*Horatio's PoV*
"Hamlet, what are you saying?" I asked, arms flung up in desperation.
"I just don't know who I am anymore. It's always been 'Hamlet and Horatio,' together. I don't know who I am away from you," he said. Hamlet was looking down, seemingly unable to meet my eyes.
"I-I get it." And it was true. I understood that he needed space. I wasn't angry about it, just confused.
Five years. It felt so short.
Maybe we weren't meant to be. I mean, getting together at seventeen never really seems to work out, right?
I guess I was delusional, thinking we'd be different.
"I'm sorry, 'Tio. It's not your fault," Hamlet said. I leaned against a wall to catch my breath.
"Sure. It's not my fault that you want to leave me. Not my fault that you don't know who the fuck you are as a person, Ham!" I shouted. It was unfair of me to be angry with him, he had every right to leave me.
"'Tio, please. I didn't think you'd be like this! Can you just try to understand?" Hamlet said. He hadn't met my eyes once throughout the conversation.
"Just leave. Go out, find yourself. Have sex, move away, I don't care! Just get out, please," I told the love of my life.
"I'll see you around," Hamlet said. I heard his footsteps retreat, and there was a metallic clang behind me. He must have thrown his key into the bowl.
The door shut behind him.
I waited for him to come back, and he didn't.
At some point I stopped waiting. I think it was the pain that shook me out of my stupor.
I needed something to take the edge off, to just stop the feelings that barraged endlessly inside me and tore me apart.
There was a bottle of wine in the cupboard under the sink. I twisted the foil from the top.
Maybe I shouldn't do this.
I left the cap on. I wasn't that stupid. Instead, I threw it into the trash can, where it shattered.
Alcohol wasn't my thing, it was his. As were scary movies, old books, and making me feel special.
All of those were gone now. I felt nothing anymore; just an empty, clogged feeling where my heart should be.
The air wasn't silent like I'd expected. Instead, it was pierced by the sounds of sobs and uneven breaths.
Get it together, Horatio. Now's not the time for a panic attack!
I, however, did not get it together. The stress practically pulled me apart at the seams. Somehow in that moment everything became too much. The warm air wafting through the apartment prickled against my skin, the texture of the ugly cream carpet was revolting.
I had no clue what was happening, or how to stop it. My breaths were coming in short and unfulfilling gasps. There was not a clear thought inside my head. Part of me wished I had drank the wine, even if it would have sucked. It felt like I was going to die on the ugly tan carpeting in my living room.
After what felt like an eternity, there was a series of pounds on the door.
"Open the door 'Tio, c'mon! We had dinner reservations ten minutes ago, your hair cannot possibly take this long to style!" Ophelia hollered, jiggling the handle.
Every fiber of my being was telling me to make he go away, but I couldn't seem to be able to control myself.
"I'll kick your damned door down if you're not out here right now!"
This is exactly what I didn't need.
Ophelia slammed open the door, looking frazzled. Her usual Mature-Business-Woman attire was replaced by a rather casual outfit, which came as a surprise to me.
Why is everything changing? Why can't it all stop, and leave me to die.
"Horatio, oh my god what happened to you, you're a mess!" Ophelia rushed over to me, bending towards me fussily.
"Can't. I-I don't want to say," I whined, curling closer to the couch. I couldn't seem to catch my breath, and Ophelia's closeness wasn't helping.
"Why isn't Hamlet here, honey? He usually helps you through these, doesn't he?" Ophelia asks, settling down next to me and grabbing my hand.
The sound of his name sent me spiraling deeper into panic.
"Okay, you know what, new plan! We're not saying that name again! We're, uh, gonna watch a movie! Right now!"
Ophelia pulled me onto the couch, and nestled me under a blanket.
"Damn, why am I so bad with people? It had to be me to solve a panic attack, didn't it? I don't know what I'm doing!" She muttered, wandering into my bedroom.
I sat numbly on the couch, vaguely aware of my surroundings, and still panicked.
He left me. He promised he'd stay with me forever. I knew I wasn't worth it. I should just do it, and get it over with. Then I won't have to bother Ophelia or Ros or Guild or anyone. They don't need me anyways, I'm not good at anything.
I'm going to do it.
Ophelia waltzed into the living room as I was contemplating my death. She handed me a few objects that I barely felt.
"Alright bud, I got you your phone and some earbuds because Google said they'd help. Now go enjoy some music and relax, okay?"
Ophelia squished next to me on the couch, and rubbed my shoulders reassuringly.
Eventually, my breaths lengthened, and my jaw unclenched. Whether she knew it or not, Ophelia's presence was very soothing. Maybe she was brusque sometimes, but she was there when you needed her.
"I'm thinkin' about getting pizza, what about you?" Ophelia asked, flipping through the TV channels seemingly at random.
I nestled further into her side and nod. Ophelia settled on a random movie, and tossed the remote to the side.
"So," Ophelia began gently, "Can you tell me what happened earlier?"
I closed my eyes, willing my tears away. It worked, marginally.
"H-Hamlet, he e-ended things."
"He did what? Oh, that boy! When I find him, he won't know what hit him!" Ophelia said, turning to face me. There was a fierceness in her eyes that petrified me. I realized that I had started to cry again, and the force of my sobs shook my shoulders.
"Honey, c'mere. That boy doesn't deserve you if he let you go. He doesn't even know what good he's missing," Ophelia soothed, stroking my hair. I sobbed louder, clutching Ophelia's T-shirt like it was the only thing keeping me grounded.
"Why'd he do that? I t-thought we were going to get married! I-I'd already picked out a ring!" I sobbed.
"Dear lord Horatio, he really had poor timing!" Ophelia said, squeezing my shoulders tightly.
I didn't say anything, I just let the tears dribble down my cheeks until I couldn't cry any more.
I let out a ginormous yawn, and Ophelia stared at me, amazed.
"Alright buddy, let's get you to bed." She exclaimed, pulling me gently from the couch. I really was exhausted, and I let Ophelia lead me into my bedroom and tuck me in.
"Feel better, honey, okay?" She whispered. I nodded numbly and turned towards the window, not wanting to look at her anymore.
"I'll be back tomorrow," she told me, shutting the door softly behind her.
Hamlet was right to leave you, you're nothing. You're so naive, thinking he actually loved you. How stupid! No one could love a monster like you!
The thoughts returned, more vengeful this time. They weren't anything I wasn't accustomed to. My wrists and thighs were proof. High school had not been kind to me, and I hadn't reacted well.
You need to do it, Horatio. C'mon, you know you have to! This is the only way.
I'd been clean for several years, but this was the tipping point.
I threw the sheets off me, and padded over to the bathroom. I flicked on the light and it flickered ominously.
You finally learned to listen, you pitiful little child. Now get on with it!
There was a box of replacement razor heads underneath the sink, and I grabbed one.
A different voice in my head stopped me momentarily.
What will Ophelia and Hamlet think if they see you like this? Just put the razor away Horatio, come on. You don't want this, just go to bed.
I put the razor down and walked back to my bedroom. I didn't climb into my bed, though. Instead, I flung open my sock drawer, and dug under the mountain of socks. After a moment, I felt the velvety cover of the box, and pulled it out.
Inside, there was the ring I was going to give Hamlet next week. The simple silver band was melded around three gems. The outer two were rose quartz, and they were set outside a beautiful sapphire. Hamlet's favorite stones.
It was a waste. All the time I spent designing the ring, the inscription I had carved on the inside. All of it was for nothing.
How stupid could I be? What signs did I miss?
I threw the box on the ground angrily, and kicked it under my bed.
Ophelia was right, I didn't need him!
After a moment, I relaxed my shoulders and slumped into bed, my anger leeching away, leaving only exhaustion.
When I woke up, there was banging and crashes echoing from the kitchen. My eyes watered. I rolled over, expecting to see Hamlet's hulking form beside me, and was met with an empty bed. It stunned me temporarily, and then the events of last night came crashing back to me. It felt like there was an elephant stomping on my heart.
Another clatter from the kitchen shook me back to the present. The noises were loud and forceful, clueing me into the fact that it was Ophelia rattling around my apartment at this ungodly hour.
"I'm making you eggs, and you better eat them!" Ophelia called, her voice followed by a crash.
"Okay, scratch that, I'm making cereal!"
I was not in the mood for Ophelia's brashness, especially that early in the morning.
I stumbled towards the kitchen in search of caffeine. Whether or not I was in any mood to talk to my friend, I knew Ophelia would make me. Better be awake when it happened.
"Morning sunshine. Here's your breakfast!" Ophelia chirped, sliding a bowl of oatmeal across the counter towards me. I ignored it, opting for coffee instead.
"Not hungry," I mumbled, pushing buttons on the coffee pot until it spat out my reason to live.
"Eat the oatmeal Horatio!" Ophelia said, shoving the bowl in front of me again.
"I'm not letting you starve yourself over that boy! Now eat!"
I shook my head, grabbing the cup of coffee that had just been poured from the machine, and retreated to the living room.
The voice in my head had returned, and it seemed like it was planning on sticking around.
You shouldn't eat anything. Maybe Hamlet would have stayed with you if you were thinner. You don't deserve it anyways!
"Don't walk away from me! I made this oatmeal with love Horatio, and you have to eat it!" Ophelia barraged. She strutted into the living room holding the bowl, and placed it in front of me again.
"I'm not leaving until you eat this," she informed me. Knowing that this was a battle I would only end up losing, I reluctantly picked up the spoon.
The oatmeal stuck in my throat, strikingly similar to the lump of dread that hadn't left my throat since last night.
Every bite felt like lead. I felt guilty for eating, my sense of rationality was impaired.
I was getting worse and I couldn't stop it.
(Time-skip to a few months later)
The bottle felt heavy in my hand. Unreasonable heavy for something so small.
My insomnia had gotten increasingly worse the last few months, up until the point where I couldn't sleep for days. Nothing worked, not clearing my head or drinking bedtime tea, or any silly at-home remedy. Only meds made a dent in the restlessness, the strength of the prescription hiking each week.
I held the latest bottle, a dull orange container of Xanax. It was hardly time for bed, it was barely two in the afternoon.
But I wasn't taking these for sleep.
I had decided that living was too hard. I was cutting nearly every single day just to feel something. I hadn't seen Ophelia or Laertes in weeks, or anyone for that matter, and Hamlet hadn't been heard from since he ran away.
It felt like nobody cared.
Hands shaking, I twisted the cap from the bottle and shook out a handful. My nose wrinkled in disgust.
Jesus, how do people do this, that's so much! I could hardly swallow one pill...
Here goes nothing.
"Horatio, open up, you haven't been returning my texts all week!"
Laertes, great.
"Go away, Lae! I'm busy!" I called.
God, they just couldn't let me die, could they.
"Open the damned door!" Laertes said. There was the unmistakable click of the lock opening, and the door flung open.
Laertes eyes landed on me, and he looked confused. That is, until he noticed the pills.
"Christ, Horatio, put those away!" He shouted, slapping my hand. The pills scattered across the floor, clicking dully as they hit the tiles.
I was crying again, harder than usual.
"Hey, c'mere. I know it's been hard since he left, but you gotta stop doing this Horatio. Ophelia and I can't be here all the time, and I know you don't want to do in-patient," Laertes said, pulling me into his chest.
"Have you been taking your meds?" He asked, gentler this time. I shook my head.
"'Tio, you have to take care of yourself!" Laertes chided. I looked away from his overly-tired eyes, not wanting to see the look of pity that had replaced his usual smiles. I didn't need anyone's pity. I just needed my boyfriend back.
"Hey, you have to stop being so caught up on him! I know he hurt you and I know you still love him. But he's gone now," Laertes said.
I guess I was easier to read than I thought.
"I promise that nothing like that will happen to you ever again, not while Ophelia and I are around!" Laertes declared, the pity on his face replaced with a tight, burning anger.
All of his words felt like empty promises.
If it already happened under your watch, what's stopping it from happening again?
(Time skip to about a year in the future)
*Hamlet PoV*
I ran a hand through my hair for what was probably the thousandth time that evening. Standing outside of what used to be my apartment, deciding whether or not to knock was pretty nervewracking. I didn't even know if Horatio still lived there, I just knew that I needed to try to talk to him.
I'd made the largest, most unforgivable mistake last year. I'd left Horatio.
I thought I'd be better off alone, that I could figure out how I felt. As it turned out, I was just scared of the commitment. I'd tried to get over Horatio over and over, and the guys I'd been with in the past year could attest that my attempts were pretty half-hearted, to say the least.
Whatever I did, I just couldn't forget him. I don't think I ever wanted to.
I braved myself for the screaming I was sure would ensue, and knocked gently on the door.
"Go away Ophelia, I took my meds, I swear!" I heard him call.
Here goes nothing.
"It's actually not Ophelia," I said.
*Horatio PoV*
I recognized the voice, but it was quite late and I wasn't thinking straight. So, I got up and padded towards the door.
Running a hand over my face in an attempt to look more awake, I unlocked the door and swung it open.
What. The. Fuck.
It's been the worst damn year of my life and he decides to just show up, out of the blue.
Not happening. Nope, I'm over him. Hamlet has no place in my life after he stomped on my heart. Not a chance.
I've been talking to this adorable guy who works in the Biology department, and I'm pretty sure he's got a crush on me. I was willing to give him a chance before this happened.
"Horatio, I-" Hamlet began.
I didn't hear the rest of his sentence, because I slammed the door as hard as I could. Right in his face.
It felt good.
It felt like the most satisfying thing I'd done all year. I was done crying over the boy who'd broken my heart! I didn't need him anymore.
*Ophelia PoV*
I was relaxing on the couch when my phone buzzed. This wasn't abnormal, I assumed it was Horatio calling to tell me he was on the verge of a panic attack, and I needed to calm him down. I answered without looking closer.
"Hey, I know it's been a while, but can I come over?"
What? Who the hell is this?
"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number." I said.
I wasn't in the mood for this. I just wanted to relax, it had been a strenuous week at work and Horatio had gotten all worked up over this cute boy at his work.
"Ophelia, it's me." The person said.
"It's me"? Am I supposed to be a mind reader or something? Who's "me?"
I looked at the caller I.D.
Hell no, I am not letting this bitch into my house! Not after he broke Horatio's heart, no way!
"I don't know any Hamlets. This is a wrong number, goodbye!" I practically shouted into the phone. I was having a really hard time keeping myself composed.
There weren't even enough angry words in the English language to describe my feelings towards Hamlet in that moment.
"Ophelia wait, I just want to explain!" Hamlet said, sounding desperate. I paused, my finger stilling above the red 'end call' button.
"You broke my best friend's heart. There's not much to explain!" I yelled.
I was seething. I didn't want to listen to the angry boy on my phone for a moment longer. He didn't deserve my time, or anyone's time for that matter.
Even though I knew he'd be mad at me, I pressed end, and Hamlet's number disappeared.
I let out a sigh of relief, and snuggled back into the couch to continue my movie.
*Hamlet PoV*
Okay, I know that I made a mistake, but it's been a year! I thought that at the very least Ophelia would have gotten over it!
But then again, I know Ophelia. She's not one to let go of things. But I do know someone who might hear me out. I send him a quick text and he responds almost immediately.
Lae: I'm at Westby's.
How did I know?
I hail a cab. The driver acknowledges me with a curt nod.
"Where're you headed in such a hurry kid?" she asked, smiling a little.
"Westby's Bar. It's on 3rd street," I said, sliding the seatbelt across my lap and clicking it into place. My hands shook a little, so I balled them into fists and shoved them into my pockets.
"I know the place," the driver responded. She clicked the car into gear with ease and navigated the busy streets. I felt angry at Horatio, at Ophelia. I tried to reconcile with them, and they completely shut me out! I know I made mistakes last year, that's what I came to tell them!
The cab pulled up to the curb, pulling me from my thoughts.
"That'll be 17.50. Cash or card kid?" The driver turned towards me, eyebrow raised expectantly.
I pulled a twenty and a few ones from my wallet.
"Cash. Keep whatever's extra,"
"Thanks. You have a good night now, and don't be driving anyone around now!" I nodded, sliding out of the cab.
Cab drivers aren't usually that friendly to me. Maybe she noticed how upset I was, I don't know. The whole interaction felt weird.
I took a deep breath, attempting to shake off the weird feeling that had settled over me. The neon sign on the door flickered slightly before going out. I rolled my eyes and pushed it open.
"Welcome back, douchebag." Laertes was sitting on the stool closest to the door, phone in his hand. He was smiling.
"Hey, I missed you too," I grouched, slouching into a chair.
"Bro, you made a big mistake last year," Laertes said quietly. He tapped his glass absentmindedly, drink untouched.
I didn't respond. Instead I signaled the bartender.
"Scotch on the rocks," I told him.
The glass slid across the counter moments later. I placed it onto a worn coaster and looked back to Laertes.
"I know I shouldn't have left! I do! I just feel like Horatio could have handled things better! He slammed the door in my face, L. Did you know that?"
I was pissed. I just wanted to move on! Everyone else was making this into such a big deal. I hated it. I mean, come on, it's not like I cheated on the guy! I just wanted some room to grow.
"Hamlet, you better be joking," Laertes said. I turned to him, suprised.
"No, I'm being serious. What the hell do you mean?" I asked. Laertes shook his head, chuckling darkly.
"What I don't think you realize, is that while you went galavanting off with throwaway boys for a year, you left the rest of us back in the real world!" He said.
I pulled my eyebrows together, confused.
"I don't really know what yo-" I started. Laertes cut me off.
"Hamlet, listen to me!" He said sharply.
"Horatio started cutting again. He also attempted suicide! He hasn't been with anyone since you left, and he barely eats! This is because of you, and your selfish decisions."
I was speechless.
Horatio did that because of me?
"Look, I didn't know about that! I'm sorry!"
Even to me the words felt empty.
"Sorry doesn't cut it this time Hamlet! 'Sorry' doesn't make up for the dozens of times I've found your ex lying on the floor of his bathroom covered in his own blood and sobbing in the past year! It doesn't erase the times that Ophelia has had to bring him back from the edge of a panic attack because you, the only constant in his whole damn life left him by himself!" Laertes jabbed.
He was close to yelling at this point. He was never one to raise his voice.
His words nearly made me flinch.
"Apologizing won't heal the part of Horatio that you ripped out of him last year. I don't think anything can bring that boy back from where you threw him Hamlet. You forced change out of someone who was perfectly fine with everything they had!"
I felt a few tears roll down my cheek, but I was too shocked to wipe them off.
"You nearly broke the only person who ever loved you, Hamlet. And if you think that you can just come back and expect him to welcome you back with a hug and a nice dinner, then you've never been more wrong," Laertes has lowered his voice. The words seemed more stinging when they were quiet.
"Leave Horatio alone, Hamlet. He'll talk to you if he wants to," Laertes finished. He scraped his chair back and threw a ten dollar bill on the bar.
He was gone without another word.
*Horatio PoV*
I was going to do it! I'd thought about it a lot the past week (probably too much, now that I think about it) and I was finally going to do it!
I was going to tell Levi how I felt. I mean, it seemed like he could like me. Besides, he was a nice guy.
There was no way this could go badly, right?
Yeah right, this could end very badly.
I'm just going to do it during lunch break. I'll ask him how he feels. Simple and easy.
I hope I can do this.
I watch the time on my computer flick over to 12:00 and I pull back from the desk.
I can do this.
I swear everyone in the building could hear me drag my feet across the tiled floors as I walked the corridor to the cafeteria.
Levi sat at the table closest to the door, seemingly ready to leave at a moment's notice. He didn't even glance up from his computer as I walked in, completely enveloped in his work.
Please find a way to let me down slowly.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. It didn't work.
"Hey Levi, mind if I sit with you?"
"Sure, go ahead," he said, peeking over the laptop at me. He smiled when I slid into the seat across from him.
"C-can I talk to you about something?" My voice shook a bit when I asked.
Oh, real smooth. Great job, dipshit.
"Of course you can, 'Tio, you don't have to ask," Levi replied. He tore his gaze from the computer, shutting it off.
"What's this all about?" He questioned.
I glanced around, making sure nobody else would hear my confession. My heart pounded in my throat, making blood rush to my cheeks. I felt lightheaded.
"I-I was wondering if you'd, uh, like to go out with me?" The words rushed out of me so fast, I wasn't sure Levi would be able to understand what I'd told him.
Levi sighed, pushing his glasses up into his hair and leaning back in his chair.
"Horatio, I'm going to be completely honest with you right now. I like you, but you're totally hung up on someone else," he said.
"What? I'm not-, no! You're wrong, I-I don't like him anymore!"
"You have to get over that other guy before you should even think about being with me, Horatio," Levi said. He stood up, grabbing his lunch tray and stepping away from the table.
"You've got my number, call me when you've figured things out, okay?"
I didn't say anything for a long time. Levi didn't move, staring at me expectantly.
"Okay, okay. I-I'll do it." I conceded. Levi smiled.
"You tell him off, Horatio. Anyone who leaves you behind deserves anything you can throw at him."
"Yeah, don't worry, I'll tell him for sure," I told Levi. He patted my shoulder gently.
"Give him hell." Levi grabbed his laptop and walked away.
That could have gone worse, I guess.
I pulled out my phone and sent Hamlet a text. I had deleted his contact months ago, but I stubbornly refused to forget his number.
'Tio: Are you busy tonight?
Hamlet started typing a second later.
Ham: No.
'Tio: We need to talk, my place.
Ham: I'll be there.
It was oddly satisfying to see how desperate he sounded. There was little sympathy left in me for Hamlet.
Levi was right, I would give him hell.
(Yet another time-skip, to that evening)
There was a knock on my door. I knew it was Hamlet without even looking through the peephole. I unlatched the deadbolt and opened the door.
"Hey," Hamlet said smoothly. He looked different than the last time I had really seen him (last night didn't count). The most notable change was in his eyes. Last time I had seen them they looked empty, devoid of any emotion.
This time they were filled with shame.
"Horatio." He said my name like it was a promise. He said it like he had never stop loving me.
If this was last year, I would have believed him.
"Don't start with that! You can't say my name like you did when you loved me! I won't let you!" I shouted.
A little sympathy I hope you can show me.
"I let you come here so you could explain yourself, not so you could kiss me and make it all better. We're not there yet, and I'm not sure we ever will be!" I was surprised at how firm my voice was.
"Okay, that's fair." Hamlet safe don to the couch, running a hand through his hair half heartedly. It fell back over his forehead after a moment. Hamlet left it there.
"It's not a very good story, and I don't really like telling it. But you deserve to know what happened," Hamlet started.
"Yeah, I do deserve to know what possessed you to stomp all over my heart, Hamlet! So please, enlighten me," I seethed. Hamlet pinked, but he continued.
"I think," he paused. "That I was so totally in love with you that it scared me. I was scared that you'd get tired of me and you'd leave me. I-I just couldn't handle that, I'd be heartbroken."
That didn't hold much water for me.
"So you decided to run away from me, then only person who'd ever loved you, instead of loving me back? Were you scared of what people thought too? Didn't want to be seen as the gay guy, right?" I was livid.
"No, that's not what-"
"Hamlet I've spent this past year pulling myself back from the edge! I've messed up over and over again because of what you did to me! I barely slept at all because I couldn't get the thought of you fucking another guy out of my head! I couldn't even go out with someone else because I couldn't get over you!" I was crying. It hurt my chest, but I couldn't stop talking.
"You let me down! You cut me out of your life, you threw me aside and you pretended I didn't exist! You don't know how much that hurts."
Hamlet stared at me.
"How many?" I asked him.
He didn't even have the audacity to pretend to be confused.
"I-I don't remember, ten, I think," his voice was barely a whisper.
Down, let me down, down.
Not okay. I mean, we weren't together. But still.
"Horatio, it didn't mean anything, I swear. I was j-just trying to get over you," Hamlet said apprehensively.
"Seems like you've done a lot of 'trying' this past year. Just do something!" I shouted, walking closer to him and hauling him up by the collar of his shirt.
"What do you want me to do, Horatio? Apologize? I know I can't make it right! I want to, so badly! But I can't, and it's killing me," Hamlet whispered, grabbing my wrists.
The sleeves on my hoodie had slipped down a little, revealing dozens of scars. I'm sure Hamlet felt them.
And I can't stop myself from falling down.
"This," I said, pressing my lips to his.
When I kissed him, it felt different than it had before. It didn't feel like he was the only thing that mattered, but it still felt right.
I knew that he wasn't thinking about anyone else he'd kissed in the last year.
But I was. I pulled away.
"I'm still annoyed with you. This doesn't mean that we're back to how we were. I'm giving you another chance, even though you don't deserve it, because I never stopped loving you. And love is about forgiveness, right?" I said.
He nodded, serious now. We were both still crying, but Hamlet smiled a little bit.
"I won't blow it this time," he promised.
"I sure hope so."
A/N: One Shot Done!!!
That was really fun to write! Oh, the ANGST!
Love all of you humans, thanks for reading!
Until next time.
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