Hamphelia because MeganasaurusRex asked for it
Surprise my guys, gals, and non-binary pals! It's a straight ship for once! I had a request from the lovely MeganasaurusRex to do some Hamphelia stuff, so here's that!
Also, like everything else I write, this follows about 0% of canon Hamlet. Just warning y'all.
*Ophelia PoV*
"Horatio, can you come here?" I shouted, knowing full well that my roommate could hear me. His exasperated sigh echoed through the apartment.
"What the hell 'Phe? I was just about to finish my chapter!" Horatio complained, poking his head through the bedroom door.
"Opinions on my outfit?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You look fine, like always. Maybe consider some other shoes," Horatio said, eyebrows furrowed as he fixed my Chuck Taylors with a disapproving glare.
"Excuse you, I love these shoes, and they look great!" I replied, feigning annoyance.
"How am I supposed to tell? You're a woman, yay! Curves and shit," Horatio said, jokingly.
"Yeah, okay, wrong person to ask, nevermind," I said distractedly, scanning the piles of shoes beside my bed for a viable option.
"Can I go now?" Horatio asked, glancing longingly at the volume in his hand.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get back to your book," I replied, waving a hand over my shoulder flippantly. Horatio spun on his heel and walked away.
"Thank you!" He called over his shoulder.
I returned my focus to myself. (Calm down, honey. I'm not Narcissus himself, I was fixing my eyeliner.)
Maybe Horatio had a point. My worn out Converse didn't really complete my look, but then again I didn't care. Hamlet had me, he didn't care if I wore All Stars or stilettos, as he should.
Speaking of Hamlet...
"Dear god, could Hamlet be less punctual?" I wondered aloud, glancing at the digital clock beside my bed.
"It's a wonder I love that boy," I muttered, taking a final look at my outfit in my close-up mirror and then grabbing my bag.
"I look fine, end of discussion," I reminded myself.
When I stepped out of my bedroom, Hamlet was standing in front of me. He smiled when he saw me, eyes glimmering with emotion. The face of my boyfriend was never one I could read, but tonight seemed different. Hamlet looked happy, something I rarely ever experienced.
"Hello darling!" He exclaimed, pressing a kiss to my hand, and another to my cheek. His voice was filled with an inexplicable zeal, and it made me smile.
"Hello there, Prince. Ready to go?"
Hamlet nodded, intertwining our fingers.
"I thought we'd change things up a bit tonight," he said, guiding me out the door. I blew a kiss towards Horatio, who barely glanced up from over the top of his book, which was understandable. It was a book after all, the rest of the world barely compared, especially for Horatio.
Hamlet brought us towards the conservatory.
"Mr. Lynch said he'd let me use the telescopes tonight," Hamlet said, a confident smile adorning his face.
"Sounds like fun, even if the stars are just boring lights in the sky," I replied, stepping through the open stone door and scaling the winding steps. Another door led me to the largest telescope I had ever laid eyes upon.
"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love you, Ophelia," Hamlet replied.
"Someone's waxing poetics, I see," I mused, inspecting the lens of the telescope.
"Shut up, I'm trying to be romantic," Hamlet replied, spinning a large wheel. There was a loud groan of metal against metal, and the lens cover slid away from the telescope.
"It's pointed towards Saturn right now, if I'm not mistaken."
I glanced through the telescope, and saw a fuzzy, dim celestial object that could easily be mistaken for a smudge on the lens.
"Using my minimal knowledge of astronomy, I'd say you're correct. It's completely out of focus, though," I told Hamlet.
"Turn the knob on your left, it should expand the image."
I fumbled for the handle for a moment, and then spun it. The image gradually became more clear, showing me the millions of stars that made up a galaxy. It was breathtaking.
"Feels like me when I put on my glasses," I joked. All jokes aside, the galaxy was beautiful. Somehow, looking at the planets through a telescope made them seem more tangible.
I pulled away from the telescope and turned towards Hamlet.
"Babe, it's beautiful. Thank you for this. For everything."
Hamlet smiled. It was the most genuine smile I'd seen in a long time.
"Ophelia, I'll do anything for you. I love you more than words can describe. These cosmos aren't vast enough for the depths of my love for you. You make improve my life in every single way, and I will love you to the grave, and whatever comes beyond," Hamlet whispered, pulling me towards him. I allowed myself to be enveloped into his brace, the weight of his words settling comfortably on my heart.
I did not have the vocabulary to rival Hamlet's, so I did the next best thing.
I put my hand on the back of Hamlet's head and pulled him into a kiss with a picture of the cosmos behind us, feeling for the first time like I was at the center of the universe.
I hope you all liked it, it was interesting to write, and I had fun with it! May you all find someone who is willing to make you the center of their own universe.
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