Commented by Inbox chat by EmotionlesSycoCyber7
-Slight waring ; self harm content
A/N: if you arn't comfortable with this subject please don't read this.
It was a calm and quiet evening in the Deckerd room.... or it was until their was yelling.
Power joe looked at Drillboy in shock of what just happened. The yellow power shovel was going to open his mouth when Drillboy slammed the door in rage and tears.
A few seconds passes by, as Shadowmaru pops out of the ventelation/celling. Shadowmaru looked at his boss, then his fello teamates and left.
As the violet ninja made his way to the bedrooms, he decided to pay a little visit to the scocceer detective. He tapped the vent a couple of time to open it, as he openned it he droped down with out making a sound. When his pedes quietly tapped the ground he carefully closed back the vent that he came from.
When he closed the vent he looked over to his friend, he was slightly shocked to see him in tears. Tho what shocked him more was that on Drillboy's night stand their was a knife, that had fresh oil on it. Shadowmaru looked at Drillboy slightly confused and in slight anger, he picked up the bloded knife and sat next to the orange bundle. The ninja wanted to make it as quick as he can as for when, and why did the youngest build team member did this. He held up the knife as the bot and asked in a ferm voice.
'' Do you know what this is? And don't think about lying to me Drillboy... ''
The bot looked at the knife as his ears(or whatever the things on the side of his head are called) went down, and looked away from the knife. Seconds grew by as BP-501 was still waiting for answers. Apon seeing the await, the younger bot nodded his head. Shadowmaru looked at him in sadness as he led out a sigh.
'' Why did you do it? ''.
The violet bot asked.
Drillboy gave a slight smile as his optics where filled with sadness.
'' Self punishment... ''.
Shadowmaru looked at the knife as he put it back on the shelf to show the others later.
'' When did you start doing it? ''.
The orange bundle looked at him in confusion before moing farther onto the shadowing part of the bed.
'' Ever sence the day I failed to save boss and got punched onto a wall by Power joe... ''.
BP-501 looked at him in confusion, Shadowmaru thought that the day he failed to save boss was the day he was onlined for the first time. He looked at Drillboy who continued crying, he decided to transform into his canone form and snuggled a bit with him, well until he started to clm down atleast.
An hour passed as Drillboy fell into recharge. The canine decided to pick up the knife as made his way back to the deckerd room, tho he wasen't happy about it.
When he arrived at the room, he transformed back as he dropped the knife he had in his mouth to his hands and headed streight to an empty desk. Out of slight anger he slammed the knife on the desk, slightly scaring the others. The build team, Yuuta, the chief, the commissiner, and Deckerd looked at him a bit confused.
Shadowmaru snapped in anger as he showed the knife.
'' No one knew about that knife...... what's so special about it? ''
Power joe asked.
Shadowmaru death glaired Power joe. Power joe got scared for a second until the multie shape shifter started talking.
'' Tell me one, just one, reason why Drillboy isn't here right now? ''.
Mccrane looked at the ninja confused.
'' Maybe because he's either outside playing scoccer to get his mind off of things, or maybe in his room because he's still mad, about what happened. ''.
Mccrane said.
'' Okay those are two good reasons but no, thats not why... ''.
Power joe started to think about why his fellow teammate wasn't there. He looked at the knife until an idea popped in his head.
'' Because of the knife....?? ''
Shadowmaru looked at Power joe.
'' And do you know what most people do wen there's a knife near them? ''.
He asked
'' To cut food??? ''
Dumpson asked really confused about the question.
'' And what if they don't have any food to cut? ''
Shadowmaru continued.
Mccrane was the first one to catch on what was going on.
'' Is he okay?!? ''.
The crane asked.
The others warn't catching on what was going on. Shadowmaru made his way out of th door leaving the knife on the table.
'' Mccrane, fill them in, I have someone to check on before he decided to use something mor deadly. ''
Shadowmaru left.
The bot transformed into his wolf form and started running down the halls towards Drillboy's room. Arriving at the door, the canine opened the door, and closed it back when he got in. The younger bot looked at him as he sniffed a little.
'' Who knew you were so vigilant... ''
The orange bot said as he looked at the canine. The wolf looked at him and jumped on the bed as he layed on his lap. Drillboy looked as the wolf and started to hug him as he layed back down. Shadowmaru picked up a blancket and cover the bot with it as he layed next to him.
'' Feeling better? ''
the ninja asked.
'' I don't know anymore.... ''.
The orange bot said.
'' Could you stay with me tonight?? ''.
The wolf looked at his friend as smilled as he layed closer to him, and started to make some makeshift purrs. The young build team member took Shadowmaru in his arms as he put a blancket over the dog's frame and hugged it while he slepped thru the night.
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