Lonely || Eren x Reader
Your the same age as Eren :3
Requested by @GrisCat
"Did you hear about Titan Boy?"
"He can turn into a Titan!"
"Is he even human?"
"He's going to kill us all!"
"Stay away from him!"
Stay away from him!
He's dangerous!
He's not even human!
I sighed heavily, hearing all of the rude comments about the new boy in the dungeon.
He can't be that bad!
He probably wasn't any different than he was before, right!
I feel so bad for him.
I looked down at my tea, watching the steam rise and hit my cheeks. I've been in the Survey Corps for a while now and I've seen some shit. But this is something new. A boy who can turn into a Titan! That could be a way for humanity to win! But I don't see why he's so dangerous. Sure he can turn into a Titan- but I'm guessing that's only when he choices to turn. So you would have to act careful around him- but other than that, he's pretty normal. But wouldn't you just see him the same way though? Before you knew that he was a Titan- you would treat him like normal right? But once he turns you try to avoid him, try to kill him. I don't understand them sometimes.
He's my age right...? 15 I can recal...
"Oi. [LN]." I heard Levi walk into the room, "want to come down to the dungeon to see that Titan boy Jaeger?" I looked up, seeing Erwin and Levi stand by the door.
"M-Me?! W-What about P-Petra o-or-!" "We chose you because we believe you would be most responsible."
Wow. Such an honor.
"W-wow. T-thank you," I stood up, "I'll follow."
"Good," Erwin smiled, "then you wouldn't know who you would be feeding food to." I stood in front of them, my eyebrow raised.
"F-feeding, sir...?"
"Yes. You will be in charge of giving Jaeger his basic meals; breakfast, lunch and dinner." I sighed.
What a shitty job. But whatever Erwin orders something, always do it. Never deny your Commander.
"Yes sir."
As we made our way to the cells, I heard Hanji laughing loudly- the echoes bouncing off the walls.
"Oh? Your going to kill all the titans?" I heard her say. As we made it to the cell, I peeked inside, seeing a brunette boy with greenish/blue eyes chained to his bed.
He looked psychotic, his eyes with dark circles underneath them with his chains yanked to as far as they could go.
"I'm going to kill..." He stared straight at me, "all of the titans!!" He yelled, yanking at his chains again. I jumped, but quickly regained my posture- refusing to show cowardliness in front of my captain and commander.
"Oi." Levi tapped on the metal bars, "[YN]s going to be feeding you your food everyday until you can prove you are human." Levi unlocked the cell door, slowly opening.
"Levi Heichou!" Hanji put out her hand, hesitant about his actions.
"It's fine Hanji," he reassured her. He looked at me, grabbing my arm, "[LN]." He shoved me inside with Jaeger, "try to talk some sense into him. We know you can do this." He shut the door, leaving me alone with Jaeger in the cell room.
I walked over to him slowly, watching him carefully. He did the same, his big turquoise eyes following my every move. As I reached the side of his bed, he shifted his weight- making me flinch, but I stayed my ground.
"Oi, Jaeger. If you do anything funny I'll kill you on the spot." Levi called out.
I looked at a empty space on his bed. "May I sit down?" I whispered in my most polite voice.
He didn't say anything, but instead moved a bit, moving some chains for me to sit down. He seemed astonished really, his eyes wide, his mouth barely gaping open. It looked like he needed some company.
"Thank you." I sat down, looking up at him. "What's your name?" I asked sweetly.
"Eren." He mumbled. I smiled, "that's an awesome name Eren. Mines [YN]." I tilted my head to the side, giggling like a little girl.
"Hanji." I turned around, suddenly sounding serious, "keys." I stuck my hand out.
"W-what?" She held them up, but not giving it to me, "why?"
"Just trust me." I smiled, curling my fingers a couple of times. She sighed, looking over at Erwin and Levi who seemed just confused as her. She tossed me the keys. I grabbed them, reaching out for Eren's hand. He pulled his hand back, confused. I shook my head, motioning for his hand again.
"Eren. Trust me."
He thought for a few more moments before pulling out his hand. I grasped it gently, unlocking his chains. As I did this, Hanji, Levi and Erwin gasped.
"[YN]!! Are you crazy!?" Hanji yelled.
"[YN]! What are you doing?!" Erwin demanded.
As I finished unlocking his chains on his wrists and ankles- they warned me to stay away from him. Erwin kept demanding what I was doing.
I finally had enough with them.
"IM TREATING HIM LIKE A HUMAN BEING UNLIKE YOU GUYS!!" I yelled in there faces, annoyed and outraged at there behavior at Eren- even though he wasn't doing any harm.
They all looked at me shocked.
"But-" "shutup four eyes." Levi butted in. He looked at me, nodding at me to continue.
"She knows what she's doing. I believe in her. Just believe in her as well- alright?" I smiled as they all nodded, looking back at me.
I looked at Eren, who just seemed shocked and amazed.
"W-why did you-?"
"Because I know your still human."
He looked at me shocked, but said nothing. I looked down at his wrists, bruises were already formed.
"Are you okay?" I reached for his wrist, but he pulled back.
"I-I'm fine." He muttered.
"Eren." I looked at him, "how many people have called you monster? Not human. Dangerous."
He shifted his eyes to the floor, "to many to count..." He mumbled.
I hugged him, "I don't think your dangerous."
He flinched, deciding on wether to hug back or not. But after a while, he hugged me back, clinging onto me tightly. As I pulled back, I could see tears form in his eyes.
"Y-you know. Your the one person that actually cares about me down here.." I wiped a tear away from his eye.
I smiled, "Eren. Ill always be there for you- okay?" He nodded. "Good. I'll be back with your dinner. In the mean time, try to relax." I reached down to hold his hand. I squeezed it, "there's always that one person who will care about you." I whispered.
As I walked back and locked the cell door, I tossed the keys to Hanji.
"Nice job [YN]." Erwin patted my back.
I shrugged, looking at all of them, "don't even think about chaining him back up again- if I find him chained up, one of you guys are going to have to deal with me." I threatened, not to harshly- considering they were my corprals. But I tried to sound somewhat threatening.
Hanji laughed as Levi crossed his arms, "can't make any promises." Both me and Erwin rolled our eyes as we began to walk off. But before we left, I took one last glance at Eren- smiling warmly at him, to which he actually smiled back.
You and I are going to be great friends.
"Oi, go give that brat some lunch." Levi demanded, giving me a tray with bowl of soup and a steamy potato. I nodded, heading down the stairs towards his cell.
As I made my way there- I heard chains clanging together. I quickened my pace, wondering if they actually chained him back up again.
Levi I swear.
I turned the corner, seeing Eren picking up one of the chains. Startled- he quickly dropped the chain. I unlocked the cell door, not even bothering to close the door.
"I'm sorry if I startled you!! I thought they chained you back up."
He scratched the back of his head, chuckling, "no it's fine- aren't you going to close the door?" He sat down on his bed as I set down his tray.
I sighed, looking at the door and at him, "I'm to lazy. I can trust you not to run- right?" I punched his shoulder lightly.
He rubbed his arm, "heh- yeah..." He looked down at his food, just staring at it. I was about to say something but he sighed, "why do you trust me? Aren't you scared of me?"
I split his potato in half, giving him one of the pieces, "why wouldn't I? All you can do is turn into a Titan right? Your still the same person you where before."
He took a bite out of the potato as I set the other piece down. "But," he said with a mouth full of food. A piece of potato got stuck to his chin.
"Oh," I pulled out a handkerchief, "you got something on your chin." As I wiped it off, he blushed, swallowing his food.
"I'm just a stranger to you."
I giggled, picking up his soup bowl, "not anymore! Your my friend now!" I smiled, picking up a spoon.
"Are you just doing this because they told you to?"
I blinked at him, "you mean Levi Heichou and Commander Erwin? No. They actually thought you were a threat. I think the only reason why there keeping you alive is because Hanji wants to research on you. I actually want to be your friend, I don't care if you seem dangerous to others- your still human." I dipped the spoon into the soup, holding it up for him to eat, "open wide!" His face flushed red again as he took the spoon into his mouth, pulling away quickly.
"Don't you have any friends?" He asked, swallowing the soup.
I nodded, "yes. But by the looks of it- nobody wanted to even come near you. What about you? I'm sure you had friends before this all happened."
He looked down, fiddling with his thumbs, "yeah, Mikasa and Armin. I have no idea where they are."
I sighed, "aw I hope you get to find them soon."
He nodded, "yeah."
I dipped the spoon into the soup again, "open!" He nodded, taking the soup filled spoon again.
He swallowed it, but his eyes slowly began to turn glossy, "w-why." He stuttered. His eyes began to water.
I quickly put the bowl down, putting the tray on a table next to us.
"W-why!? E-Everybody's s-scared of me! I-I have n-no one! I'm alone!" He began to sob, his head in his hands.
I quickly pulled him into a hug, "no! Shush! Not everyone's scared of you!"
"Oh? Like w-who?" He sobbed onto my chest, hugging me like a scared little boy.
"Your friends. There probably worried about you right now." I said, resting my chin on his head. "Please don't cry- I hate it when I see others cry..."
I closed my eyes, remembering when my brother started to cry...
He was alone. In the house while mom and I went to get firewood. But those men came by. Stabbed him. Left him to die on the floor... Crying to himself as he died a slow death. Everyone around me cried. I couldn't stand it. Mother would stay away from me, crying by the dinner table every night. But one night- those men came by again. They took mom away, leaving me to cry silently in my room. I couldn't do anyhing. I hid under the blankets, hearing mom scream before the front door slammed closed.
I stayed alone in bed till morning. Until I raised the courage, I got out of bed, slowly going down the stairs- I saw a smear of blood by the door, disappearing under it.
I cried by the stairs, wishing none of this happened. But then Erwin hopped into my life, opening my front door as I cried. He carried me to safety, letting me join the survey corps.
I hate it when people cry around me...
As Eren wiped his eyes and let go of me, he smiled, "I'm glad I have somebody like you right now." I nodded, my throat began to tighten up.
"At least we know your human, humans c-cry..." My eyes began to water as I tried to keep it together.
Eren cupped his hand on my cheek, "are you okay..?"
I nodded, wiping my eyes, "y-yeah- you need to finish eating." As I tried to change the subject- he refused to let me go, gripping my shoulder.
"No. There's something wrong. Please tell me. Don't keep it in." He begged, gazing into my eyes with his big green orbs.
I've never told anybody this...
I began to sob, clinging onto his shirt. I sobbed my heart out, feeling somewhat relief to let it out after all these years.
"M-My br-brother," I sniffled, "d-died cry-crying." I stuttered, hugging Eren tightly. I sniffled, sniffing Erens shirt- his scent so warm and comforting. "S-So please." I clung onto the back of his shirt tightly, "don't cry. I want you to be happy."
He pulled me back, wiping my cheek with his thumb, "I promise. I'll be happy for you."
I smiled, "good."
We sat there, with me straddling his lap, he gripped my hips, staring up into my eyes. As the atmosphere began to grow a bit more tense- I began to grow antsy. He just stared into my eyes, his green orbs seemed to grow every second with anticipation. But his fingers began to slowly trail up my hips.
"E-Eren." He gently gripped my chin with his thumb, he forced my head down.
"I-I." He began to grow flustered, "I think."
"What? You love me?" I joked, rolling my eyes.
"Actually. Y-yeah."
He kissed me roughly, bitting my bottom lip harshly. I flinched, pushing him away- pushing on his chest, "E-Eren! That hurt"
He trailed his kisses from my lips, to my chin and down to my neck, "I-I'm sorry, I'm so used to biting my hand."
Confused, I pushed him away again, "your hand? Why-?" "Can you please just shut up and let me kiss you?!" He seemed aggravated but he looked desperate.
"Sorry," I mumbled, kissing him softly. "Go on."
He smirked, kissing my neck, sucking on the crook of my neck. I looked up to the ceiling, closing my eyes. I groaned and moaned under him, grabbing his shirts arm sleeves- I made a ball with my fist. He continued to suck on my neck, probably leaving a hickey.
"Ngh.. E-Eren. Don't leave any m-marks." I mumbled, letting go of his sleeves. He pulled back, glancing at my neck. His lips were covered in saliva, his face seemed flushed and his hair was tangled. He was hot lookin'.
He smirked, "to late."
I groaned, rubbing my neck, "nice going! How am I supposed to hide this!?"
He shook his head, chuckling, "your not. Your going to let everybody see what's mine!"
"Oi. Little shits."
I jumped, spinning my head over to the door. There stood Captain Levi with Hanji behind him. He crossed his arms, walking in. "I had a feeling this would happen."
Eren squeezed my hip, either from being aroused- or just plain scared. I slowly got off his lap, blushing in an incredible crimson red.
"H-Heichou- I." I stumbled for words, fumbling with my hands. Eren on the other hand... He sat frozen. His eyes wide, his face flushed red, it's as if he wasn't even breathing.
"Just shutup. Your probably the only one that's keeping him sane." Levi moved aside from the door to let Hanji in. She quickly pushed past him, pulling out handcuffs.
"Eren...!" She ran up to him, handcuffing his hands behind his back. "Time to go see what people think of you!" She jerked him up, pushing him out the door.
I followed behind her, "w-wait! What?" I asked, confused on the situation. Eren looked over his shoulder, his eyes wide and confused as well.
"The judge is going to decide wether he gets to live or not. He can either join us, or die like a dog." Levi explained, pushing me out of the cell.
I nodded slowly, following them down the hall.
"Are you okay?" I sat down next to him, wrapping my arm around Eren. Eren was staying with us now but how we convinced the judge into doing that was to put on a act. Meaning we let Levi beat up Eren.
He wiped his nose, "y-yeah. I'm fine." He smiled at me, his gaze slowly fixing on my neck. "I see it's still here. Plain and obvious." He teased, leaning his head in towards my neck. I blushed, pushing him away.
"You could've gone more easy on him, Levi." Hanji squatted down in front of Eren. "He lost a tooth!" She unraveled a cloth in her hand, exposing a small tooth.
"Disgusting." Levi muttered. He plopped onto the couch next to Eren, resting his arm behind his head. "Oi. Eren." Eren flinched, scooting closer to me.
"You like [YN]? Correct?"
Eren blushed, looking at me. I blushed even harder, avoiding my gaze from his. He chuckled, kissing my cheek. "Yes."
Levi nodded, "good. [YN]." I quickly looked up.
"Keep an eye on him. Your still going to need to feed him." He paused for a moment, "I'm allowing you two to sleep in the same room. Only because I don't want Eren to turn into a Titan- I know [YN] will keep you in check."
Eren hugged me tightly, smiling. I giggled, embracing him back tightly. Levi sighed, "but I don't want you guys fucking. I don't want one of my cadets pregnant with a titan." He glared at Eren.
Me and Hanji laughed, but Eren was frozen, wide eyed and speechless. I pressed the side of my face against his chest, "he's joking Eren. But I don't want to get pregnant." I giggled, punching his shoulder gently.
"At least you won't be lonely anymore." I kissed his cheek. He smiled, kissing my forehead.
"As long as I have you I sure wont."
Bonus ending
I held hands with Eren, his hand around my waist as we walked side by side around the stables. Eren squeezed my hip, "you look amazing." He whispered, kissing behind my ear. I giggled, his little affection sending shivers down my spine.
"Oh shut up. I look like this everyday."
He chuckled, his nose nudging the back of my ear, his breath hitting my neck. "I know..."
I giggled as we rounded a corner, seeing the new recruits. Eren froze, standing in place. I tugged at his arm, "what's wrong boo boo?" I teased.
"M-Mikasa?" He stuttered. I followed his gaze- seeing a raven haired girl and a blonde headed boy run up to us.
"Eren!" The raven hair girl and blonde headed boy yelled. The girl suddenly stopped, staring at me with cold eyes.
"Who is this...?" She pointed at me.
"Oh uh, this is [YN]." He hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek. I blushed, seeing the boy and girl freeze. The boy laughed and patted on Erens shoulder but the girl glared at me. She just slowly backed off, turning her back on us- she walked back to the group.
"Armin, what's wrong with Mikasa?"
"Oh. I guess she's jealous. I think she might go for Jean."
"Oh! Jeans here to!?" Eren smiled, "I can brag about [YN] being with me!"
I facepalmed and giggled, thinking to myself.
Oh Eren...
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