"Welcome back to the school Eric" said Charles
"Its good to be back Charles"
"You know the rules" he said to a boy behind him "Give it back John"
"Sorry professor"
"Off you go now"
The boy ran off and Charles walked out the back of the school with Eric.
"So why am I here?"
"Her" he said nodding his head towards the girl growing flowers in the flower beds with her powers.
"Who is she?"
"Your daughter...her mother is Helen Bennett"
"I didn't know she was..."
"Neither did she until you were arrested"
"What is her power?"
"She can copy the powers of any mutant just by touching them"
"Does she know that I'm her...?"
"Yes, you should talk to her, Oh and by the way she doesn't talk, she only talks through Telepathy"
Eric walked down the stone stairs and sat next to Rose, she was growing a group of daisy's on the flowerbed.
"Hello Eric" she said in his head.
"Hello Rose, from what I hear you are a very powerful mutant"
"So are you, there's a lot of stories going around this place about you"
"The thing about stories is there's two sides"
"I know that, You just wanted to make a better world for us, but maybe you went about it the wrong way"
"So your my daughter?"
Rose looked at her father.
"Yes, May I look inside?" she said pointing at his head.
"You might not like what you see"
"I know"
Eric nodded and Rose put her hands on either side of his head. She looked inside and saw a lot of pain and suffering, she saw that he had a wife and daughter.
She removed her hands and she had tears in her eyes, she hugged Eric and he hesitated then hugged her back.
"I'm sorry, I would've liked to have met them"
"They would've loved you"
"What was her name?"
Suddenly there was a loud sound from the football fields which drew the attention of both Rose and Eric. The stood up and ran over to the field where they saw one of the boys engulfed in fire and floating.
"Connor!" shouted on of the boys
"Rose, cool down if you please" said Charles who appeared out of no where.
Rose floated up to Connor and used her water manipulation to take water from the lake and put the boy out. She created a bubble of water around the Connor and then after a few seconds she put the water back into the lake and floated back down to the ground with Connor.
"Connor are you alright?" asked Charles
"Yeah, what happened?"
"You got a little caught up in your game and became a walking fireball"
"I'm sorry"
"No one was hurt, its alright"
That night Rose was tossing and turning in her sleep, she always had trouble sleeping. She got out of bed and walked down the stairs and outside. She sat in front of the pond and used her water manipulation and created shapes and designs with the water.
Rose looked behind her and saw Eric standing there.
"Can't sleep huh?"
"I've always had trouble sleeping"
"Well that's something we have in common"
He sat next to Rose and they just sat there for a while in comfortable silence. When Rose fell asleep she leaned her head on Eric's shoulder. When he noticed that she was asleep he picked her up and put her back to bed.
The next morning Rose woke up and put on some clothes and went down for breakfast. She saw Eric sitting with Charles, it seemed what they were talking about was important so Rose decided not to interrupt.
She collected a plate and filled it with pancakes and Nutella. She sat down by herself, after a few seconds the fire boy Connor came and sat opposite her. Rose looked at him confused no one ever sat with her and that was the way she liked it.
"I wanted to say thank you for yesterday"
"No problem"
Connor's friends sat with him so for the first time in three years she had company at breakfast.
"Having fun?" said a voice in Rose's head, she knew it was Charles.
"Yeah, I don't understand why they are here though"
"You saved him and he's grateful and so are his friends"
A few hours later the entire school saw a jet land on the front lawn. They knew it was sentinel services here to find Eric. Charles and the teachers were standing outside ready to defend the school from these agents. Rose was standing behind the teachers in case they needed her, she was ready to defend her school no matter what and so were the other students. They all made their way to the front of the school, they walked through the teachers and they primed their powers, ready to protect the school and Eric.
Suddenly there was a gas emitted and all the students passed out, well that's what they thought. Rose was unaffected by the gas, when the agents had Eric and were making their way back to their jet, Rose stood up and blew the gas away with her elemental manipulation.
"HEY!" screamed Rose into the heads of all the agents.
All the agents flinched and turned around they saw Rose standing there.
"Rose NO!" shouted Eric
"Stand down kid, now!" said the head agent.
Rose's eyes started glowing "Release him, Now!"
"He is a terrorist, you have no authority here"
"He is my father and you WILL RELEASE HIM!"
"You have a kid huh?" said the Agent holding Eric.
"Please don't hurt her"
Rose used her powers that she had copied from her father to crush the jet into a small ball of metal, seconds later there was a ring of fire around them, Rose looked to her left and saw Connor, it was him who created the ring. Rose used her metal powers and unlocked the handcuffs on her father.
Eric ran back to Rose who was using her nature powers to create vines and roots from the ground, they wrapped around the agents legs, the vines travelled up their bodies and completely tied up. The vines started to crush the agents but Eric tried to stop her.
"Rose don't do this, this isn't you"
"You don't know me"
"Your right, but if you do this, you will be locked away and then I will never get to know you, my daughter. You are not like me, you will never be like me, you have to be better than me. Please Rose I don't want to get to know you from a cell, Please Don't do this" said Eric who was standing in front of her.
Rose's eyes stopped glowing at she looked at her father.
Rose was going to collapse when Eric caught her.
"I'm sorry"
"I know, you have to let them go"
The vines and roots went back into the ground and Charles handled the Agents, they left hours later. Rose was lying on her bed and Eric was sitting on a chair in the corner of her room when Charles walked in.
"She spoke" said Charles
"Yes she did"
"She hasn't spoke since she was six and her first word was Dad"
"She is very powerful"
"That she is"
"But she's too much like me"
"Maybe you could be the one to steer her in the right direction, so she doesn't end up like you. You are her father Eric" said Charles
"I haven't been a father in so long, I don't know if I can do it anymore"
"She will help you and you could help her, she will need someone to guide her"
"Maybe I'm not the right person"
"You are" said Rose
Eric and Charles looked at Rose who was waking up.
"She's right, who better to teach her than her father" said Charles
Charles left Eric and Rose to talk. Rose stood up and she walked over to Eric and she hugged him, after a few seconds of hesitancy he hugged her back.
"Thank you for saving me"
"Your speaking"
Rose pulled away and looked at Eric shocked she hadn't noticed.
"Yeah I guess I am, guess I just needed something to talk about"
After eleven years Rose finally had someone to call family, her mother never paid much attention to her but she finally had someone who cared about her.
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