We Can Be Heroes
In this Wheels will have an older sister:) She is 17.
2130 words
"Missy Moreno?" said the Government Lady
"Yes" said Missy, standing in her school playground, very confused.
"You'll need to come with us" said the Lady holding up a Heroic headquarters badge.
Missy got into the government car and was on her way to Heroics Headquarters.
"Children, This Is Missy, she will be joining you today, Please try to be respectful" said Miss Granada. "Missy please sit down and continue you studies with the other students"
Missy sat down at her desk and Miss Granada left. The kid behind Missy stretched his neck and head over to the door and listened.
"She's gone!" he exclaimed.
Suddenly the children erupted into chaos, using their powers left and right.
A kid in a wheelchair appeared beside Missy "Hi I'm wheels and yes they call me that because of the chair"
"Okay" said Missy a bit snippily.
"You probably think I'm in that chair because my legs are weak but its the opposite, my muscles are so dense my bones cant support 'em and I got lucky cause my brains the same way, Supercharged"
"You talking about yourself again little Brother?" said Mira as she floated down beside her brother.
"Just introducing my self"
"Yeah right, your ego's almost as big as Dads. I'm Mira, Wheels and I are the kids of Miracle Guy, Pleasure to meet you Missy"
"And you Mira"
A head appeared in between Wheels and Missy "Who's you new friend guys?" asked the head.
"Missy, this is Noodles, we call him that because..."
"Because he stretches and twists like a noodle?" interrupted Missy
"Exactly" said Mira
"Next is Slow-mo, He's actually moving really fast, but his powers have him stuck in a time warp" Slow-mo waved at Missy, slowly, very slowly.
"And this is Facemaker, His power is that he can change his face to look like anyone" said Wheels
"And next the twins, Fast Forward and Rewind. Opposite powers, Fast Forward, she can speed up time and well Rewind he can reverse it, but only a few seconds. The only thing they agree on is that they don't like each other"
"At all" Said Fast Forward and Rewind in unison.
"This is Oho, her power is that she can draw, Like really well. Picasso, Monet and a dash of Salvador Dali"
"Can I see that?" asked Missy
Oho gave Missy her tablet.
"A kid on floating chairs, Is that me? Why did you draw me at the front of the class?" asked Missy handing that tablet back to Oho
"Oho doesn't talk, she talks through her drawings"
"I know just what your saying" sang Acapella
"No you don't, you have no idea what she's saying. This is Acapella"
"Your power is that you can sing?"
"Yep but I have an unusual range, I can go low" She sang really low "and High"
"She can even sing so low that she makes things float, show her"
Acapella sang low that the chairs started to float and Facemaker climbed up and stood on top.
"Cool" exclaimed Missy
" And this is our fearless leader, Wildcard, There isn't a single power in the world he doesn't have" said Wheels
"Yeah but he cant control them" explained Mira
"I'm working on it, see. Teleport" Wildcard set his book on fire instead of teleporting it.
A fire truck made out of water came floating over and put out the fire.
"And finally but not least Guppy" said Mira
"How are you making that?" asked Missy
"My mommy is Lavagirl but my daddy is Sharkboy so instead of Lava, I move water. I need water to use my powers"
"And you?" Missy asked Mira
"Me? Well umm, Flight, super strength, super hearing, laser vision, freeze breath, Mind reading, Telekinesis and I have power over the elements"
"Wow that's cool" said Missy
"Yeah while I get dense legs and smarts, very cool" said Wheels sarcastically " she can also create forcefields"
"Oh right I always forget about that one"
"What about you Missy? what are your powers?" asked Wildcard
Missy looked shocked that he asked.
"Or do you not have any"
"Can we put on the news I want to see if there's any news on our parents" said Missy sitting back down at her desk
'Breaking news, The president has approved a full Heroic deployment, even Marcus Moreno has come out of retirement, which means this is big'
"He's not supposed to be there" said Missy confused
'Oh my, we are just getting word that two of the Heroics have been captured by the alien intruders, Miracle Guy and Ms Vox'
The camera changed to the Aliens dragging away Miracle guy and Ms Vox.
"Dad!" exclaimed Wheels
"Mom" whispered Acapella
'I'm sorry to be reporting this, but all of our heroes have been captured, all but Marcus Moreno
Missy's bracelet lit up "Dad?!"
"We had a deal"
"I know, I'm sorry, You know what to do, I love you"
The news saw Marcus take his swords out and jump into the aliens grasp.
"DAD!" shouted Missy with tears running down her face.
'The Heroics have fallen, May god save us all'
Mira stood up and went over and hugged Missy whilst she cried.
"I thought the Heroics were unbeatable?" said Guppy as Acapella hugged her.
"Missy what did your Dad mean 'You know what to do'?" asked Mira who broke away from Missy.
"It was our plan, If anything happened to him I had to go to my grandmothers house"
"Then that's where we go" said Mira
"Says who?" asked Wildcard "I'm the leader"
"As long as Marcus Moreno is alive, he is the leader and a good leader leads by example, now we have to follow his" explained Mira
"We are safe here, we're not going anywhere" ordered Wildcard
"No we're not, look" Missy took Oho's tablet "The aliens are coming for us next" Missy showed the picture of an alien coming through the vent. "Oho's power isn't that she can draw, Its that she can draw the future, We have to leave"
"Fine but we leave because I say so, got it?"
The team had almost made it out they were at the exit about to leave the building when a group of agents stopped them.
Mira used her Telekinesis and made the agents in front of the door float. "Go!" shouted Mira
"Mira?!" questioned Wheels
"Don't argue with me Wheels, Go, I'll catch up GO!" shouted Mira as she turned around and said "You messed with the wrong teenager" She put up a forcefield in front of the agents whilst the others ran away out the door and into the train. When the train started flying she knew they were safe so she pushed her forcefield back and with it the agents and she ran outside to see the train flying towards a building. She took off with great speed, flying straight for the train.
"She cant turn!" said Missy as Acapella was miming as she was singing.
"It doesn't matter" explained Wheels looking out of the back window.
"We are heading straight for a building how can it not matter?!" asked Wildcard
"It doesn't matter because look" said Wheels pointing at his sister flying towards the train.
She caught up "Hold on, Acapella stop singing"
Acapella stopped singing and the train fell a little but Mira caught it from underneath and steered away from the building with her super strength. They were flying for a while before Wildcard spoke up.
"Where are we going exactly?" asked Wildcard
"Mira can you hear me?"
"Loud and Clear Missy" shouted Mira from under the train.
"You can read minds right?"
"Yeah why?" answered Mira
"Read mine and take us where we need to go"
"You sure Missy?" reading minds was kind of a personal thing, Mira just wanted to be sure.
"Do it"
Mira read Missy's mind and changed direction following Missy's thoughts heading to Anita Moreno's residence.
After a while Mira was getting tired and her muscles were getting sore but luckily they were almost there.
"Hold on!" shouted Mira from underneath the train "This might get a little bumpy!"
Everyone held on to something not like it would matter Mira was to tired and sore to land safely. The train dropped and crashed through a gazebo.
"My Gazebo!" Shouted the women who walked up to the crashed Train.
"Sorry Abuela!" answered Missy (Spanish is not a language I speak so sorry if words are spelt wrong)
"Mira!" shouted Wheels as he exited the train.
"I'm here" said Mira as she lifted the train off of her and stood up wobbly. Luckily Acapella caught her before she fell over "Thanks, sorry for the rough landing, used a lot of energy in the last few hours and these things are heavy, even for me"
"We're all in one piece, no need to apologise" said Acapella
"No way! your grandmother is Anita Moreno, trainer of the Heroics" exclaimed Facemaker
"Come in"
"But we're just kids" said Noodles
Mira coughed, she was no kid, being the oldest at 17 years.
"The kids of the Heroics" said Anita
"She's right, we can save our parents" said Missy
"No we cant" said Wildcard
"Yes we can, we are heroes whether we are 17 or 6, only we have the power to save our parents but only if we work together, we have to be better than our parents"
"Every generation is an improvement of the last, you have the potential to be great, with a little training of course" said Anita as she walked outside. The group followed her.
"Welcome to my training ground"
Time skip
"I got it!" exclaimed Techno
"You figured out how to get us out of here?" asked Miracle guy
"No I figured out how to get the security footage up and running, so we can see what's going on"
The screen flicked through a few cameras before stopping at a cell.
"Are those our kids?" asked Lavagirl as the Heroics gathered around the screen.
Meanwhile whilst the heroics were watching
"ENOUGH!" shouted Mira "We wont get anywhere by bickering like our parents. Don't you see that why they got taken because they didn't work together and neither did we, which is why we are in here"
"We never should've come up here" said Wheels
"I put you in danger again, this is on me" said Mira
"Why do you keep treating me like an egg!?"
"BECAUSE I MADE A PROMISE!" shouted Mira who instantly regretted what she had said and how she said it.
"What?" questioned Wheels
"I made a promise to Mom, to protect you, always. I guess I never realised how much you grown in the last few months. Mom would be proud of you Wheels and I know Dad is too and so am I" said Mira as she hugged her brother. "I'm sorry, I'll try to be less suffocating, okay?"
Suddenly Mira's body was engulfed in a bright golden glow, like energy was surrounding her. Her eyes started glowing as she stood up, everybody backed off.
"What's happening to me?" asked Mira who sounded very scared.
"Wow energy pulse, I didn't know you could do that?" said Wheels
"I didn't know I could, I don't know how to use it"
"Stand in front of the door and let the energy build" replied Wheels
"Wow, I had no idea she even had that power" said Miracle Guy
"Do you know anything about your kids?" asked Crushing-Low
"I am a little busy, you know"
"So are the rest of, but we still make time for our kids" said Lavagirl
Back to the kids
"What now?"
"Now let it out but try to aim the energy at the door" replied Wheels
Mira did just that and she blew the door all the way down the hallway.
"Amazing, now lets go save the world"
Time skip
"Wait so our parents were in there all along, I don't understand?" said Missy
"Things on your planet weren't on track so we needed you to step up and be the heroes you were meant to be" explained Oho who was an undercover alien spy.
"The takeover...Of power from your parents, every generation is always an improvement of the last and well to be honest, we need heroes who will step up when they are needed and you did that!" said Miss Granada who was also an undercover alien.
"Dad!" exclaimed Mira and Wheels
"I am so proud of both of you, How do you feel?"
"Strong!" said Mira and Wheels is unison which made them laugh.
This was the day our heroes fell but others did rise, so when ever you see a hero fall don't worry it wont be long until someone else takes their place. We are the Heroics of the future so don't worry because we're not going anywhere, at least not without a fight.
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