Thunderbirds are Go
Like my other story Alan will be replaced by a girl.
Y/N was lying in her bed on her phone and bored out of her mind, she hadn't slept in two days and she had tried so hard to sleep but the unconsciousness never claimed her, so she lay awake for hours doing nothing.
'Y/N we have a sit...situation' said the holographic image of Brains
"Alright I'm coming" Y/N rolled out of bed and put on some black skinny jeans and a black long sleeved crop top.
Y/N walked into the lounge to see Brains looking at holograms of Thunderbird 1 and 2.
"What's up?"
"I can't reach Scott or Virgil, you need to go to them"
"Alright Launching Thunderbird 3"
Y/N sat in her chair and it descended into the ground and she was on her way to thunderbird 3 to help her brothers.
"5...4...3...2...1" said the computer and Thunderbird 3 was off and into the sky.
Y/N levelled out the ship she she was flying horizontally instead of the usual vertically. It took five minutes to arrive at Scott and Virgil's last known location, Y/N scanned the area but saw no sign of her brothers.
"Brains are you sure this was the location?" asked Y/N over the comms
'Pos...positive, you shou...should be right on of them'
"Well I don't see anything, I don't even see the ships"
'That's no...not poss...possible'
"I am however inside a giant sandstorm, maybe the ships are under the sand"
'The sandstorm only...only just arrived...You shou...should be able see them'
"I don't know what to tell ya Brains I don't see them anywhere"
There was no response from Brains
"Brains, do you read me?" "Brains?!" "Tracy Island Come in, this is Y/N do you read me?"
It seemed whatever knocked out communications with Scott and Virgil had just knocked out Y/N's communications as well.
'Can anyone hear me?'
"This is Thunderbird 3 do you need assistance?"
'I called the Thunderbirds an hour ago, where are you?'
"I'm at your location, I'm tracking the signal stay where you are"
Y/n maneuvered Thunderbird 3 over the top of the civilian and got into the rescue platform and lowered it to rescue the women.
"What took you so long?" asked the women
"Sorry the two ships we sent went missing, you haven't seen them have you?"
"Sorry no"
Y/N and the women got back into the cockpit and Y/N scanned the area for her brothers.
"Scott, Virgil can you hear me?"
There was no response
"Thunderbird 1 and 2 do you read me?"
No response
"Damm, Looks like we're on our own"
'Scan Complete' said the onboard computer
Y/N looked at the scan and saw no trace of the ships or Scott and Virgil.
"Are there any other structures in the area?" Y/N asked the women
"There's a storm bunker about two miles north, that was where I was heading"
"They would've sought shelter if they were aware of the storm, we'll head there"
"Its not really a stable structure" said the women
"Then I guess we better hurry"
Y/N started the thrusters on the ship and flew the ship over to the bunker, Y/N landed the ship right over the top of the bunker to protect it from the storm.
"Scott, Virgil do you read me?"
"Scott your breaking up but yeah I'm right on top of you"
"I got the civilian, I'm making a plan to get you two out, hang tight"
"How exactly are you going to get them out the bunker is completely buried?" asked the women
"I'm working on something"
"You mean your improvising?"
"Yeah but I do It brilliantly" said Y/N getting out of her seat and making her way to the cargo bay.
"Okay what I want you to do is stand here and when I signal you press this button, it will lower the rescue platform for Scott and Virgil, okay?"
"Signal, press button, got it" said the women
Y/N measured the storm itself and she found that is would take three days for the storm to pass and Scott and Virgil didn't have that kind of time so she had to act fast. Y/N made a digging pod and got inside, she opened the cargo bay doors and the pod was dropped, luckily the cargo bay doors were not on top of the bunker but a few feet away, so the pod was dropped onto a pile of sand instead of the bunker itself.
Y/N started to dig away the sand with the digger arms, as she dug she hit something, she believed it was the bunker so she started digging slower. The doors opened and there stood Virgil and Scott.
"Lower the platform"
The rescue platform was lowered from the ship and landed on the ground between the pod and the bunker door. Scott and Virgil got in and the women raised the platform. Y/N was about to get back into the ship when a huge chunk of sand hit the pod and it lost its grip and began to get swept up in the storm but Y/N used one of the claw arms to grab onto Thunderbird 3. She slowly climbed up into Thunderbird three and closed the bay doors.
"Well that was interesting" said Y/N as she climbed out of the pod
"Thanks for the save Y/N" said Scott
"No problem, by the way do you know where your ships are?"
"What do you mean, don't you know?"
"Nope, they weren't where you landed, I think they got swept up in the storm"
"Crap" said Scott and Virgil in unison
"So where can I drop you?"
"Thirty miles east please"
"No problem, we can come back for 1 and 2 when the storm passes"
'Thunderbird three come in'
"This is thunderbird three I read you grandma"
"Are you all alright?"
"Yep all three of us, a sandstorm blocked communications and the storm has swept up thunderbird 1 and 2, we're going to make a pit stop then circle back around to find them"
"Copy that, grandma out"
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