The Originals Part 2
(Found pictures on Google or Pinterest)
Izzy woke up in her bed, it seems she had been out for a while. She heard her sibling arguing from the sitting room and went down to see them.
She walked into the sitting room and saw Nik and Elijah fighting with each other, none of them had noticed Izabella standing there, suddenly Elijah and Klaus went flying, they were pushed against opposite walls.
Everyone turned to see Izabella standing in the doorway holding Klaus and Elijah in place on the wall.
"Izzy your awake!" stated Kol
"Stop fighting, NOW!" said Izzy throwing them into each other then dropping them.
"I'm sorry Love" said Klaus as he stood up
"As am I" stated Elijah
Izzy looked scared as she walked up to Klaus.
"I know who it is"
"Davina's prisoner?" asked Rebekah
Izzy nodded
"Well who's the first person I ever pissed off?" asked Klaus
"Do you really not know?"
Klaus shook his head
"Father" she stated, the room went quiet.
"That's not possible, he's dead" said Kol
"He wouldn't be the first time a Mikaelson came back from the dead" said Rebekah
"Izzy are you certain?" asked Elijah
"I saw him when that girl used me, she is controlling him"
"The witches have no idea who they are dealing with" said Kol
"You are right my Son" said a women's voice from the doorway
They turned around to see Esther, their mother. Elijah moved to stand in front of Izabella, she took his hand as she was scared of her.
"How?" questioned Rebekah
"The witches do not approve of what Davina has done so they resurrected me, the only person Mikael ever listened to" Esther had not yet noticed Izabella standing behind Elijah.
"Then why did you let him burry me?" asked Izzy coming into Esther view, still holding Elijah's hand.
"Izabella?! You were never supposed to be both Vampire and Witch"
"Nik was never supposed to be both Werewolf and Vampire but here we are" "You made them think I was dead! I was alone for a thousand years, you have no idea what that was like"
"I put you in a deep sleep"
"Yes you did, but I still wandered the earth unseen and unheard by everyone. You left me, you sent me away and for that, I hate you"
"I am truly sorry Izabella"
"I don't care" she said as she stormed off
"Izabella?" said Elijah going after her.
Elijah found her sitting at the edge of the pool. He walked up and sat next to her.
"Are you alright?"
"Can I ask you something? and I want a honest answer" she asked
"Of course, anything"
"Where's Henrik?"
"You don't know?" asked Klaus who had come out with Rebekah and Kol.
She shook her head.
"The wolves they..."
Izabella had tears in her eyes "No"
"I was there Izzy, I'm sorry" said Klaus hugging his sister.
"When?" she asked through her tears
"A few days after you 'died'" replied Kol
A few hours later the whole family was sitting at the table having dinner. Izabella was not hungry so she just sat there staring at her Mother with eyes of hatred and fear.
"Is there a problem Izabella?" asked Esther
"A thousand years in a box is my problem Mother" she answered as she got up and left the house.
She wandered through the city eventually reaching a park, she sat on one of the swings and though about how much the world had changed in her absence, she also thought about the fact that her family was not yet fully complete, Finn was missing.
"Are you okay?" asked a stranger walking up to Izabella
"Fine" she replied smelling the blood in the women's veins
"What's a little girl like you doing out here all alone at night?"
Izzy couldn't take it anymore and jumped on the women and bit into her neck and drank her blood. She drank every last drop until she heard her heart stop.
Izzy stood up with blood covering her lips and chin. Izzy ran off and jumped up on top a building and thought about what she had done.
"IZABELLA?!" shouted the familiar voice of Rebekah.
Rebekah had found the body of the women Izzy had just killed, She knew Izabella had done this.
"Over here!" She shouted to the boys
They appeared as if from this air, they inspected the body and found the marks on her neck.
"Was this her?" asked Kol
"I'm not sure"
"Her scent is all over her Rebekah" said Klaus
"She's been in a box for a thousand years we should've known she wouldn't have any control"
"We will teach her, but we must find her first" stated Elijah
They looked around and saw nothing, Elijah on the other hand saw a mess of blonde hair bellowing in the wind from the roof of a nearby building.
"There" said Elijah pointing to the building
They sped up and found Izabella sitting on the ground clutching her knees, the blood on her chin still fresh.
"Sunshine?" said Rebekah who sat next to her
"Bex?" Izzy looked up at her sister "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to"
Rebekah hugged her as she cried "We know, It was an accident"
"I tried to stop..."
"Shh, Its okay, we should've taught you control, this is on us"
After a while Izabella fell asleep in Rebekah's arms, Rebekah picked her up and sped home with the rest of her siblings, as they walked through the door they were greeted by Esther.
"What happened?" she asked
The four vampire ignored their mother and walked up the stairs and into Izabella's room. When they walked in they saw that the bed had not been slept in and that there was a pillow and blanket on the floor by the window.
"She's been sleeping on the floor" realised Kol
"The bed must have been too soft for her" said Klaus
Rebekah placed Izzy on the bed and left the room with her siblings. They went down to the living room and they sat in awkward silence.
"We should've know she wouldn't have any control, why didn't we teach her?" asked Rebekah
"We were so caught up in her return we forgot" stated Kol
"Where is the fake Kol?" asked Elijah
"In the basement, he's still claiming to be you" said Klaus nodding at Kol
"Mikael must have been the one to compel him"
"And Davina put the shapeshifter spell on him" stated Esther who had joined her children much to their distaste.
"But why, they had to have known Kol was returning and that their ruse wouldn't work for long" said Elijah
"Maybe they wanted something?"
"They wanted me" said a voice from the doorway
"You should be sleeping sunshine" said Rebekah
"What do you mean?" asked Kol
"They want me because I am powerful"
"That you are"
They retreated to their rooms one by one, leaving Esther and Izabella alone in the living room.
"I am sorry for what I did to you"
"Do they know?" asked Izabella
"No they do not"
"Good, they cannot find out that Nik and I are full siblings and that I am a Vampire, Witch and Werewolf"
"You are an imbalance of nature daughter, a true immortal"
Izabella walked up the stairs, but instead of going to her room she knocked on Rebekah's door.
"Sunshine?" questioned Rebekah as she opened the door.
"Um...can I stay with you?"
"Of course you can"
Izzy walked into her sister's room and they fell asleep on the bed as they once did over a thousand years ago.
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