The Last Witch Hunter
Kaulder and Chloe were lying in bed, Chloe with her head resting on Kaulder's chest and Kaulder lying awake running his hand over her hair when Kaulder's phone went off waking the sleeping witch.
Kaulder picked up the phone and looked at the caller Id, it was Dolan.
'Sorry to wake you Kaulder but we have a problem'
"How bad?"
'Out of'
"We're on our way"
Kaulder hung up the phone and sat on the side of the bed.
"Five more minutes" said Chloe through her mess of red hair.
Kaulder chuckled "You got it"
Kaulder got up and put on some clothes, he went over to his vault and used his ring to open it, he took out his blade and a few other things he thought he would need.
"Where we going?" asked Chloe from the doorway of their bedroom.
Kaulder turned around and walked over to her, he pulled her close and kissed her.
"Great" said the witch sarcastically.
"Come on, we gotta get ready"
An hour later the two hunters were walking through the doors of an insane asylum in upstate New York. It turns out this asylum was only for insane witches.
"Thank you for coming Kaulder, I didn't know what else to do" said the nurse who met them at the front door.
"How can we help?" he asked as they walked inside.
"One of our patients, he started acting...strangely, his mother is waiting for you"
The two hunters walked into a conference room where the mother was waiting, but Chloe got a bad feeling.
"Miss Cavanaugh?"
The lady turned around and Chloe's eyes went wide.
"Hi mom"
"Mom?" said Kaulder who was clearly confused.
"What are you doing here?"
"Chloe's with me" said Kaulder
"Why are we here mom?"
Chloe was nervous she didn't know her brother was in an insane asylum because of her.
"He was never the same after what happened"
"We need to see him" said Kaulder, Chloe silently thanked him for changing the subject.
The nurse led them into the day room where Henry was, he was sitting in a wheelchair looking out the window. Kaulder walked over to him and sat on the edge of a sofa that was nearby.
Henry looked at him and his eyes changed like he was performing magic.
"He's doing magic...How?" asked Chloe
"I have no idea, that's why I called, he's supposed to be catatonic and..." said the Nurse
"Catatonic witches cant do Magic" interrupted Kaulder
"This is my fault...I did this to him" said Chloe as she walked away.
"Chloe" said Kaulder who went after her.
He found Chloe sitting on the steps out the front of the building.
"You alright?"
"This is my fault Kaulder, He's like that because of me"
"Then maybe we can try and help him"
Chloe looked at him, she leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Thank you"
"We're not going to get anything done out here" he said as he stood up and held out his hand, Chloe took it and they walked back in and went over to the nurse.
"Can we see his room?"
"Follow me"
The nurse led them through many corridors all of which looked the same, there was no colour, no paintings, nothing.
They walked in and were surprised at what they saw, the walls were covered in witch symbols and runes.
Kaulder noticed something on one of the walls, it was him and Chloe holding hands.
"Miss Cavanaugh is you son a Foreseer?"
"I'm not sure he was never able to show any of the signs, why?"
"This" said Kaulder who looked at the drawing "This is us"
"The council room...The dreamwalkers" said Chloe
"I think Henry is trying to tell us how to help him"
"No absolutely not, I will not have you destroying my son's mind completely"
"No offence Miss Cavanaugh I wasn't asking for permission" said Kaulder who walked past her with Chloe.
They walked through the hallways and back to the day room.
"Are you sure about this Kaulder?"
"Only if you are, I know you can do this" said Kaulder "Remember one word"
"One word"
"Good luck"
Chloe took her brothers hand and placed her other hand over his heart, the word she thought of was 'broken'. She entered his mind and when she opened her eyes she saw the damage she had inflicted as a child.
Chloe turned around and saw her brother, but he was a seven year old boy. He stood there, he looked scared and alone.
"No one has ever been here before, how are you here?"
"Its complicated but I came to help you"
"Then you need to go through there" the boy said pointing at a door that had appeared behind Chloe.
Chloe walked over to the door and the second she touched the handle a bright light transported her, she was face to face with her brother but as he was in the present day, a twenty year old man.
"Hello Chloe, its been a long time, I missed you"
"I missed you too, I'm so sorry..." she said with tears running down her cheeks.
"Its alright, Its was an accident, I understand that and deep down so does mom"
"How do I fix this?"
"You must forgive yourself"
"I can't I took 13 years of your life away from you"
"Yes, but now you have the chance to give me back the rest of my life and to give me back my sister" He said taking Chloe's hands "Its was an accident, you didn't mean to hurt me, Its wasn't your fault"
"You knew about me and Kaulder, you drew it on the wall of your room, your a foreseer"
"Yes and I never thought my sister would end up with the witch hunter" he chuckled
"Honestly I didn't think so either" she said with a smile.
"I hope you had a good life"
"I did, I own a witch bar and I help kill the witch queen"
"My sister, the badass...Something is wrong, in the real world, he needs you"
"But Henry...?"
"He needs you more than I do right now, Remember forgive yourself, or we will never be together again"
"I will"
"Good luck"
Chloe exited Henry's mind and she saw Kaulder lying on the ground unconscious and all the nurses and orderly's were also unconscious. Chloe scanned the room and saw her mother lying on the floor behind the sofa. Chloe saw Kaulder's sword at her feet, she picked it up and followed the carnage through the hallways, she looked into every room looking for the culprit, then she heard it, a howl that reverberated thought the asylum.
"Werewolf" said Chloe into the air.
The large werewolf rounded a corner and looked directly at Chloe, she was about to be in deep shit. The wolf started charging her and she put up a magic shield that pushed the wolf back to the other end of the hallway, that seemed to really piss it off. It charged her again but this time Chloe slid on the floor through the legs of the beast and thrust the sword into its stomach.
The creature started to bleed, the black goo creating a puddle on the floor. The wolf was still standing though, Chloe used her magic to set the beast on fire and it charged her backhanding her into a wall before it burned alive, its bunt corpse fell to the ground in front of her. Chloe sat up leaning on the floor she felt a warm liquid on her forehead, she reached up and felt the blood dripping from a cut. She got up and made her way back to the day room, where she saw Kaulder coming around.
"CHLOE?! Are you okay?" said Kaulder getting up and running up to Chloe who looked like she was about to collapse.
"Where is it?"
"Dead, Burned alive"
"Some life you have Chloe"
Chloe turned around to see her mother standing there.
"I assume you couldn't help him"
"I kinda got interrupted with the werewolf and all and I did make some headway actually"
"Good headway or bad?"
"You know what mom, I didn't mean to hurt him and you need to stop blaming me, I accept what I did, It was a accident, I was nine what did you expect from me, you always told me I was a monster because I had this gift"
"Dreamwalking is not a gift"
"Maybe your right, but maybe, just maybe your wrong"
"She's right mom"
Everyone turned around and saw Henry standing there.
"It was an accident, it wasn't her fault"
Their mother walked over to him with tears in her eyes and hugged him.
"Are you okay?" asked Kaulder
"Yeah I am"
"You were amazing today, helping your brother, killing a werewolf"
"I'm always amazing"
"She got you there Kaulder" said Henry "She is always amazing"
Henry walked up to Chloe and picked her up in a hug. Chloe got her brother back, she forgave herself and It felt like a huge weight was lifted.
"Thank you" said Henry "For loving my sister" Henry held out his hand in front of Kaulder.
"Anytime" he said shaking his hand.
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