A long time ago in a bunker far away there lived three siblings Dean, Sam and Izabella Winchester. They were hunters, they hunted anything supernatural in nature and they were very good at it. This is the story of how the youngest sibling, Izabella, came to be possessed by their very good friend, the Angel, Castiel.
Izabella was sitting at the table in the kitchen eating a freshly made breakfast made by Dean.
"When did you learn to cook?" she asked tasting the food which was surprisingly good.
"Well since we have somewhat of a home I thought we could do this more often, have actual meals"
"Huh" said Izabella as she dug into her food.
Sam walked in looking very tired, he took a plate from Dean and sat down next to Izzy and started eating. Izzy was very surprised when Sam was about to eat his bacon, being a vegetarian Sam never ate meat so Izzy took the bacon from his plate and ate it herself.
"Oh, thanks"
"Are you okay Sam? You seem out of it"
"I'm fine"
"Okay...anyone seen Cas lately?" Asked Izabella
"Not for a while, why?"
"Had a weird dream last night and I think he was watching me sleep"
"Creepy but okay"
Hours later the three siblings were in sioux falls helping Jody Mills with a demon problem in her town.
When they found the demons they didn't want to go in without back up, even if Izabella was a witch and Jody had joined them in their hunt they didn't know how many demons were there or what they wanted, so Dean decided to make a call.
"Cas we could use a little help right now with a demon problem"
Dean and the others looked around but Cas was nowhere to be found so they went in. At least thats what Izabella remembers because the second they walked in she passed out along with the others.
Izabella woke up and saw that she was in a white room with Sam, Dean and Jody.
"Where are we?" She asked sitting up
"No idea" said Sam
A figure appeared out of nowhere, he was wearing a grey suit and had a confidence everybody knew, the man was an Angel.
"What do you want?" Asked Dean
"I want Castiel and you will give him to me"
"As you can see featherbrain he's not here"
"On the contrary, he is right there" said the angel pointing at Izabella
"Me? That's impossible"
"Don't play games with me I know he is inside you, come out Castiel we must talk"
"I told you he's not in here, I would know"
Suddenly the others were pushed up against the walls of the room and held in place by an invisible force while the angel slowly walked towards Izzy.
Izzy walked backwards away from the angel but hit the wall behind her, she was stuck when she heard a voice in her head.
'Stay calm I won't let him hurt you'
Izabella knew the voice it was Castiel, she had no idea how he came to be inside her but she was glad.
The angel stopped when Izzy smiled, she looked up at him and her eyes were glowing like an angels would.
"Hello Zadkiel, what do you want?" Asked Izzy/Cas
"Castiel, brother, I thought we would never meet, too scared?"
"Of you? Never, my concern was for Izzy and it always has been"
"Why do you care for her so?"
"My duty was to protect her, that is what I have always done and what I will always do"
Zadkiel sighed and said "Raphael wants to talk"
"You sided with him? Why?"
"Becuse heaven has to change just as the world has" he answered pulling out his angel blade.
"I do not wish to harm you brother" said Izzy/Cas
"Too bad"
Zadkiel lunged at cas but he moved out of the way, he didn't want to fight him while he was inside of Izzy, he didn't want to put her in danger.
Zadkiel kept trying to fight cas but he wouldn't fight back and zadkiel was getting annoyed.
"Is she so important to you that you would die for her?"
"Yes and I would also kill for her" said cas who pushed zadkiel against the wall and stabbed him with using own angel blade. "Im sorry brother, Izabella's safety always comes first"
Zadkiel was dead and the others were returned to the warehouse they were taken from.
Cas/izzy looked at Dean, Dean looked confused and kinda angry.
"How long have you been inside her?"
"Since last night, I sensed danger so I had to see it with my own eyes"
"So you just hopped in and took Izzy for a joy ride?"
"No Izabella was in control I was only watching"
A bright light exited Izzys mouth and eyes and the form of Castiel stood before the group whilst Izabella collapsed into Cas's arms.
"Take her to the bunker, we'll be back tomorrow" said Dean
And with that Cas picked up Izzy and disappeared, the reappeared in the bunker, specifically Izzy's room. Cas put her on her bed and put a blanket over her, he sat on the edge of the bed and spoke to her not knowing she had woken and was listening to him.
"My duty was to protect you, I don't know why but I feel I failed, I'm sorry"
"You didnt" said Izzy
Cas looked round at saw Izzy looking up at him.
"I'm always known you were close by, you were always there"
Cas smiled at her.
"Will you stay? Just until I fall asleep?"
"Of course"
Izzy moved over and castiel sat on top the bed while Izzy snuggled into him and started to fall asleep.
"You didn't fail Cas" she said before she completely conked out.
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