Superman & Lois
Summary: What if Lois's miscarriage never happened? what if she had Natalie?
SPOLIERS to the Tv show
Natalie was still lying in her bed hopping yesterday was just a dream, her dad missing, captured by Morgan Edge.
"Natalie Kent, down here now" shouted Lois from the kitchen.
Natalie rolled out of bed and put on her oversized hoodie and made her way down for breakfast.
She entered the kitchen and said "any chance yesterday was a really bad dream?"
"Sorry sweetie"
Nat sat at the table and started eating her breakfast
"Where are the boys?"
"In the living room" "Any changes today?"
"No Mom, I will tell you If there was, promise"
"I worry about you, your powers appeared at such a young age"
Nat got up and took Lois's hand "I have lived with them since I was ten, I am okay, I swear"
Lois nodded
"Any news from Grandpa?"
"Nothing yet, they're still looking"
"I have an idea, but I don't think you'll like it"
"Then I don't want to know about it, just be careful"
"I will" replied Natalie as she kissed her mom on the cheek and ran back up to her room and put on some clothes.
She ran outside and floated up to the roof of the barn, She sat on the roof and focused her super hearing, listening for her fathers voice, for any sign of him.
From inside the house Jordan and Johnathan were confused about what their 17 year old sister was doing.
Hours later Natalie heard him, she flew up into the air and followed her fathers screams all the way to desert, where Morgan Edge created his own fortress.
Natalie entered the fortress and saw her father on his knees under a red light that seemed to be hurting him.
He looked up at his daughter "Natalie leave, NOW"
"I'm not leaving you here dad"
"Oh but you are" said a voice from behind them.
Natalie whipped her head round to see Morgan Edge.
"What are you doing to him Edge?"
"Oh just giving him a whole new identity"
"No, we destroyed the Eradicator"
"No child, I am the ERADICATOR!"
"That's not possible"
"Leave or I will end your father"
Natalie looked at Clark.
"Natalie go"
"I...I love you dad" Natalie left the fortress, and headed straight for the D.O.D, for her grandpa.
She entered the camp that the army created in the middle of town and headed straight for her grandfather.
"Natalie what are you doing here?"
"They're in the desert"
"How do you know that?" he asked
"Because I was just there, Edge made himself the Eradicator, he's trying to takeover my dad"
"Natalie go home let me handle this"
"No, your way means death for your men and my father"
"Natalie, if what you say is true, its not just Smallville that's at stake any more, now please go home"
Natalie left, worried, she rounded a corner and took off heading for the farm
"Natalie?!" said Lois running out of the house.
"Dad, edge is trying to put another consciousness inside him"
"That's not possible..."
"He made himself the Eradicator and I don't think grandpa is going to try and save him"
"Natalie can you take me into town?"
"Hold on"
Natalie took hold of her mother and took off heading for town.
Time skip
Edge and Clark were at the farm.
"Clark!?" shouted Lois
"Clark isn't here anymore" replied the new Clark who was really Zod.
Johnathan, Jordan and Natalie were watching from the porch, watching their father side with the enemy.
Edge's eyes turned red as he was about to use his heat vision on Lois, Natalie jumped in front of her mother and used her heat vision. Natalie seemed to be the stronger force but when Zod/ Clark joined his heat vision with Edge's, Natalie was thrown back, not strong enough to deal with both of them.
"Kill her" Ordered Edge
Clark/Zod's eyes landed on Natalie.
Eventually Clark/Zod had Natalie on the ground and was abut to use his heat vision when Natalie had an idea.
"Dad! Along time ago you promised you would protect me, no matter what, I know your in there, Come back to me dad, please"
He hesitated, like he heard her. Natalie took that moment to flip him over and punch him, She knocked him out cold. Sam and the D.O.D got him to the chamber and took Zod out of his head while Natalie was taken to the doctor.
Hours later Natalie had suffered a broken arm and some burns on her back at the hands of Zod. She wasn't allowed to see Clark in person, but she was allowed to see him on the other side a sheet of glass.
He was still unconscious. Natalie, Jordan, Jonathan and Lois were all waiting, waiting for him to wake up.
"How hard did you hit him Nat?" asked Jordan
"I didn't think I punched him that hard"
"Come on guys lets go home" said Lois
"Can I stay?" asked Natalie
"Sure, call me if anything changes okay?" said Lois as she hugged Natalie
"I will"
Lois and the boys left while Natalie stayed behind, she wanted to say with her father.
A couple of ours later Natalie had fallen asleep against the wall of the room where Clark was. When she woke up, her hearing kicked in and she heard a tsunami heading for the Indonesian islands.
She went over to Clark
"Dad, wake up there's a problem"
Clark was still out cold.
Natalie left the building and took off heading for the island in the way of the tsunami. When she landed she found a scarf and tied it around her face just below her eyes so no one knew who she was.
She heard the cry's of the people, she flew at superspeed and moved all the people off the island and even a few dogs and she did it all with one arm. The wave was about to hit when she flew over and used her freeze breath to freeze the entire wave. The island was safe, she completed her first rescue.
When the job was done she flew back to the facility where her father was and acted as if nothing had happened.
Three hours later Clark woke up. Natalie still wasn't allowed to see him in person. He turned his head to look at her, she waved at him, he saw that Natalie had a sling on her left arm and he frowned.
Natalie took out her phone and called her mom, she told her that he was a wake.
"Can I see him?"
"Not until we are certain Zod is no longer in his head" replied Sam
"Please, Its clear that he's gone" said Natalie still looking at her father
"I'm sorry Nat, be patient"
The next day Clark was allowed to return to the farm but by that time he hadn't looked at Natalie, he hadn't even been in the same room as her for more that 15 seconds.
Natalie was sitting in her room on her laptop doing some homework for school when she heard Lois and Clark arguing downstairs, they were arguing about the fact that Clark hasn't spent any time with her since he's been back.
Natalie walked down the stairs and stood in the doorway, half hidden when Lois noticed her.
"I'm sorry" said Natalie as she ran out the door and into the barn, she saddled her horse and took off despite Lois shouting at her to come back. Natalie rode all the way to Sarah's house, she knocked on the door and Sarah answered.
"You wanna go for a ride?"
Natalie got on her horse and helped Sarah up and rode into the woods to her secret place.
They sat in the little den Natalie had create for herself.
"So what's up?" asked Sarah
"My dad, he's been ignoring me and I have no idea why"
"Did you ask him?"
"No he was arguing with mom, I didn't get the chance. Maybe he's mad at me"
"Have you done anything to piss him off?"
"That's the thing I have no idea"
A few more hours of girl talk and Sarah had to go home. Natalie was about to leave when Sarah spoke
"Hey Nat?"
"Talk to your dad, there's probably a reasonable explanation"
"Thanks Sarah"
Natalie rode back to the house, she put her horse back in its stall and took the saddle off. Clark approached her.
Natalie turned her head at the mention of her name when she saw it was her dad she got a little defensive.
"I'm sorry" "I shouldn't have ignored you"
"What did I do?" asked Natalie
"You didn't do anything, I didn't have the courage to face you after what I did"
"You didn't do anything, It was Zod and Edge"
"How did you know that would work? What you said I mean"
"You take your promises seriously"
Natalie was about to leave the barn when Clark hugged her, she hugged him back.
"I missed you dad" said Natalie into his shoulder.
"I missed you too Nat"
The hug seemed to last forever, when Lois entered the barn, Natalie went back into the house.
Natalie slept soundly that night, her family was finally back in one piece.
1576 words
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