Sebastian Smythe/Barry Allen
Sebastian Smythe was a name no one had head in over ten years, not since Dalton Academy Graduation. He had in fact moved back home to Central city, back with his guardian Joe and best friend Iris who was now his wife.
What everyone at Dalton didn't know is that Sebastian Smythe, technically, never existed. You see Barry Allen has D.I.D (Dissociative identity disorder) and Sebastian was his alter. But Barry was alone now, since he was imprisoned in the speedforce, he had seen hide nor hair of Sebastian, it was strangely calming but at the same time he missed Sebastian, they had become close after he had stopped being a jerk. Barry missed him so much he decided to talk to Caitlin about it.
Barry walked into STAR labs nervous about talking to Caitlin.
"Hey Barry" said Caitlin
"Hey, where is everyone?"
"Coffee run, why?"
"No reason, Can we talk?"
"Sure, everything okay?"
Barry followed Caitlin walked into the med bay and sat down.
"There's something I haven't told you, about me"
"I have...Okay this is harder than I thought...I have D.I.D"
"Dissociative identity disorder?"
"Yeah and I think the other gone"
"Other you?"
"Sebastian, I haven't been able to talk to him since the speedforce and..."
"You miss him"
"Yeah, before I could hear him all the time, we had conversations, we were friends"
"I get it, when Devoe locked Frost away I missed her too"
"Is there anything you could do?"
"I could try but Sebastian is different than Frost, I just don't want you to get your hopes up, Okay?"
"Okay, thank you"
Thirty minutes later the team walked in with coffee in hand, they saw Caitlin giving Barry a brain scan.
"What's up?" asked Cisco nodding at the window to the med bay
"Don't know" said Iris who knew exactly what they were doing, she was the only one who about Sebastian.
Caitlin and Barry walked out of the med bay and had a look at the images they captured of Barry's brain.
"Something we should know?" asked Cisco making Caitlin and Barry jump.
"Just a routine check, nothing to worry about" lied Caitlin
Cisco went back to scanning the city for threats, not satisfied with their answer.
"Did you find anything?" asked Iris
"She knows" said Barry, reassuring Caitlin it was okay to talk about it with Iris.
"Nothing, maybe we should talk to Cecile"
"That sound like a good idea Barr"
"I'm not sure"
"She might be able to get through to Sebastian"
"Someone say my name?"
Caitlin, Iris and Barry turned round to see Cecile.
"Woah, Barry watch the language" said Cecile reading Barry's thoughts.
"Sorry, We...I was wondering if you could help me with a...personal problem"
"Sure, I'm guessing this is a secret?"
"Yeah, not even Joe knows"
Barry stopped shielding his thoughts from her, she read his mind and saw his problem.
"Barry...I'm sorry, I'll do what I can to help"
"Speed lab?" questioned Caitlin
"Speed lab"
The four of them made their way to the speed lab leaving a confused Cisco and Joe in the cortex.
Cecile and Barry stood in the middle of the room while Caitlin put sensors on Barry's temples. Caitlin and Iris watched Barry's brain waves from the monitors. Cecile took Barry's hands and dove into his mind.
Inside Barry's mind
"Barry?" questioned Cecile
"Who are you?" asked a familiar female voice
"Your...your Nora"
"No I am the speedforce, you shouldn't be here"
"Barry asked me to help him find someone"
"Yes, where is he?"
"Follow me Cecile West"
Cecile followed Speedforce Nora through Barry's mind, eventually they arrived at what looked like a cell.
"Sebastian?" questioned Cecile
"You know me?"
"I know what Barry knows, help me"
"Why is he in here?" asked Cecile
"Speedsters are of one mind, not two" replied Nora
"But locking Sebastian away is hurting Barry, he is a part of Barry, you cant deny him his friend"
"He is no friend of mine"
"That doesn't matter, he is a friend to Barry and locking him away without his knowledge is hurting Barry, Barry's welfare is all you should care about!" shouted Cecile
The speedforce seemed to be conflicted, she knows deep down that Cecile is right, she's the one hurting Barry, not Sebastian.
"Perhaps you are right Cecile West"
"I am right, you need to release him"
"I do not have that power, only Barry has that power, he must face what he fears most, to release Sebastian"
"We'll get you out of here, I swear"
"Thank you, say Hi to Barry for me"
"I will"
And with that Cecile left Barry's mind.
"Did you find him?" asked Barry
"I did, The speedforce locked him away in your mind"
"What? Why?"
"Twisted logic, to release him you need to do what you fear most"
"Barry, what are most afraid of?" asked Iris
"Telling Joe" said Barry hesitantly "I don't if I can"
"You already did"
The four turned to see Joe and Cisco standing in the doorway.
"Damm" was all that came out of Barry's mouth.
"Caitlin, Cecile, Cisco, give us a minute would you?" asked Iris
Caitlin, Cecile and Cisco walked out leaving Joe, Iris and Barry alone.
"Explain, now"
"I have D.I.D"
"He has more than one personality dad" explain Iris
"After my mom died, the first few days I was in shock, well it wasn't shock, I wasn't actually in control"
"Who was?" Asked Joe
"Sebastian, but after my imprisonment I haven't herd anything from him and I asked Caitlin and Cecile to help"
"You've been dealing with this since that night?"
"Yeah but I was diagnosed when I was in Ohio with my aunt and Uncle"
Joe walked up to Barry and hugged him.
"I'm sorry I never noticed" said Joe as he pulled away from the hug.
"So this Sebastian?"
"He was a bit of a jerk back in High School but he changed, I think you'd like him"
"I hope I get to meet him someday"
"Me too"
One hour later
"Hello?" said Barry answering his phone
"I'm on my way"
" Yes sir" said Barry hanging up and putting his phone back in his pocket.
"I gotta go, body downtown"
"Have fun" said Cisco
Barry looked at him funny, how could he have fun at a murder scene.
"You know what I mean, just go"
Barry sped off through the city and to his murder scene, but of course he took his time as he was always late and he didn't want to be suspicious showing up seconds after the phone call. After a few minutes of aimlessly running through the city he stopped at the crime scene which was in a casino.
"Allen, for once your not late" said Captain Singh
"Afternoon to you too Captain"
Barry got to work, he was very good at his job as a C.S.I though not everyone he worked with appreciated him.
"Allen?!" shouted Singh
Allen walked over to the captain who was talking to a familiar witness.
Allen looked up at the nickname
"Excuse me, do I know you?"
"Seriously Seb, pulling that card?"
"I have no idea what your talking about, my name is Barry" said Barry, he was silently cursing Sebastian.
"That's Santana, she's an old friend"
Barry was shocked, Sebastian was back, Barry wasn't alone anymore.
"Allen finish up and head back to the station"
"Yes sir"
Barry gathered up his C.S.I kit and caught a ride with Joe back to the station.
"Sebastian's back by the way"
"Yeah apparently it just took some time...he says hi"
"I look forward to meeting him someday"
After months of loneliness Barry Allen was no longer alone, Sebastian may not actually be a real person, but he was to Barry and that was all that mattered. Sebastian was Barry's safety net and he wasn't going anywhere any time soon. He had neglected his duties but now he was never going to leave Barry, because weather they'd admit it or not, they needed each other.
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