Pacific Rim/Glee
The character I'm using is Sebastian Smythe, played by Grant Gustin, but that will be the extent of the Glee part of the story.
"You guys are pretty good" said Sebastian who was sitting in the empty auditorium.
"What the hell are you doing here Meerkat?" asked Santana who was on stage with the New Directions.
"He's spying" said Rachael
"I'm not actually I just wanted to say..."
"Sebastian Smythe!"
Sebastian turned around to see military personnel at both exits, he also saw his old friend Marshall.
"Oh hell no!"
"We need you back in the Jaeger program" he said walking down the steps.
"No, I have a good life now, I don't need this"
"You were a Jaeger Pilot?" asked Mr Schue
"Youngest ever, killed five Kaiju by the time he was thirteen"
"Woah" said Kurt
"We only have Five Jaeger's left Sebastian we need you back in Gipsy"
"Gipsy was destroyed along with my brother, in case you forgot" he said walking up the steps to leave before Marshall spoke again.
"We fixed her and we need you, the attacks are becoming more frequent, we can't keep up, your the only one who knows Gipsy's systems, we don't have time to train another team"
Sebastian stopped walking and sighed, he said "I said No"
Sebastian walked out and left the school, what he didn't know is that the New Directions followed him. Sebastian walked through the halls of Dalton and entered his dorm room when there was a knock at the door and the New Directions walked in.
"Do come in" he said as he turned around, shirtless.
"You need to do this" said Rachael
"I don't need to do anything"
"Why won't you go back?" asked Blaine
"You see these scars?" he said lifting up his arms so they could see "When I was thirteen my brother was ripped out of our Jaeger and killed while we were still linked, I solo piloted it back to base and I walked away and I swore to myself I would never go back"
"That's why you have to do it, For your brother" said Kurt
"I felt him die Kurt, his fear, his pain, I felt it all. I can't go back"
"Your afraid" said Santana
"Damm right" he said as he looked at her with watery eyes.
"What is it you always say 'Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement something else is more important than fear'" said Artie
Sebastian sighed he knew they were right, he was afraid, but being afraid wasn't going to stop him from going back.
"Sometimes I really hate you guys"
The door opened and there stood Marshall waiting for an answer.
"When do we leave?" he asked
"As soon as your packed" replied Marshall
"What about school?" asked Rachel
"That's what I was going to tell you in the auditorium, I graduated early" he said as he pulled his army duffel bag out from under his bed and started packing.
Sebastian was all packed and standing outside the school surrounded by the New Directions, they hugged him and said goodbye. He got into the helicopter and he was off.
When they arrived, they walked into the base and Sebastian said hello to his old friends.
"You will see your co-pilot candidates later today, I expect a choice by the end of tomorrow"
"Yes sir"
Sebastian walked into his room and changed for training, he left his room and made his way to the training room, he past other Jaeger teams on the way, they all looked at him with confusion in their eyes, probably wondering why a teenager was on the base. He entered the training room and watched the candidates sparring.
Sebastian whistled to get their attention and they all stopped immediately.
"Who here knows who I am?" Everyone put up their hand
"Who here know how old I was when I first stepped into a Jaeger?" A lot of people put their hands down.
"Who here knows How many Kaiju I have killed?" Everyone put their hand down.
"That's what I thought, not one of you knows anything more than my reputation. Well here's a history lesson for you, when I was ten years old my father and I piloted Gipsy Danger, we killed five Kaiju by the time I was thirteen, but on my second last mission my father was injured, so my brother took his place. His first mission, he was ripped from Gipsy and killed...So if you want to re think the reason your here I suggest you do it now" A few people left with no judgement.
"Ridding them hard already Smythe?"
Sebastian turned around to see a petite girl with short black hair with blue highlights.
"Mako...Good to see you" "Let the training begin"
After a few hours most of the candidates washed out, Sebastian was determined to find a co-pilot.
"You got sloppy Smythe" said Mako from the side of the room.
"Lets see what you got"
Mako entered the ring and the fight ensued. Obviously she won, unknown to them Marshall was watching them with a few visitors.
"Nicely done" said a familiar voice to Sebastian. He looked up and saw some of the New Directions.
Sebastian stood up and said to Marshall "I want her as my co-pilot"
"All due respect sir, I wasn't asking"
Marshall sighed and left.
"Your gonna be great"
'We are ready for a Gipsy test run' said a voice over the PA system.
"You guys are gonna love this" said Sebastian "Come on"
The New Directions followed Sebastian and Mako to the observation deck.
"Is that the Gipsy Dragon" said the guy who monitored the Jaeger teams.
"You know it man" said Sebastian as he hugged him. "These are some friends of mine"
"Welcome to the ops centre, you go get ready, we gotta test her"
Mako and Sebastian left the observation room and a few minutes later they were on a platform, in their suits, being lifted towards Gipsy's head.
"Comms check, dragon you hear me?"
"Loud and clear"
"Connect when your ready"
Sebastian connected his feet and back to the harness and so did Mako.
"Alright Mako this isn't training, drifting is rough, piece of advice, don't get stuck just let the memories and feelings flow, don't latch on"
"Copy that"
"Prepare for neural handshake"
Suddenly Sebastian was being connected to Mako and vice versa, after a few seconds the connection was strong.
"Connection complete, you guys okay?"
"Peachy" said Sebastian
"I'm okay" said Mako
'Alert Kaiju attack imminent' said the automated scanning system.
"Open the doors" said Sebastian who looked at Mako, she had the same idea.
"Are you nuts we still haven't ran the tests"
"We are the only Jaeger ready, the others will take at least twenty minutes and hundreds could die by then, now open the doors"
The ops centre
"We are the only Jaeger ready, the others will take at least twenty minutes and hundreds could die by then, now open the doors!"
"Open the doors" said Marshall
"Can they hear us?" asked Rachael
"Good luck Sebastian"
"Thanks Rachael"
"Deploying Gipsy Danger"
The huge doors opened and the platform under Gipsy moved and then the Jaeger started to move, it turned around, saluted the ops centre and walked out into the ocean.
"Awesome" said Kurt and Blaine in unison
Back to Gipsy Danger
"Where we going man?" asked Sebastian
"The coast, you can intercept it in four hundred yards"
"Copy that"
Sebastian and Mako walked four hundred yards and waited for the Kaiju to attack.
"Where is it?" Sebastian asked Mako.
The Kaiju came bursting out of the water and pushed Gipsy into the Hong Kong Pier. Gipsy got to its feet and readied it self for a fight. The Kaiju charged them but they slipped to the side and grabbed it from behind and pulled back over their shoulder and into the water.
"It doesn't touch the city" said Sebastian "Nobody dies today"
The Kaiju got back to its feet and charged the Jaeger again, but this time Gipsy pulled out its swords and sliced the creature in half from head to toe.
"Yeah!" shouted Sebastian
"Dragon ...... a second sig..."
"Say again your breaking up"
Just then a second Kaiju pushed Gipsy into the water from behind. The cock pit was sparking and Sebastian's head was bleeding.
"SHIT! what the fuck was that?!" Shouted Sebastian who was getting his bearings.
"A second Kaiju" said Mako
"There's never been two"
Sebastian looked at Mako, but he saw the Kaiju charging them out the window.
Gipsy moved just in time to trip up the Kaiju. It went face first into the edge of the pier, but of course its not that easy to kill these things, it got up and was heading for the city when Gipsy picked up its tail and pulled it back to the ocean.
"Not today you ugly piece of shit" said Sebastian
Gipsy pulled the Kaiju over its head by its tail and into the water, they pushed their sword into its chest but before the creature died it took a chunk out of Gipsy's arm. Both Sebastian and Mako screamed in pain, as they were connected to Gipsy and to each other.
"Sebastian your vitals are spiking"
"Mako's crashing!"
Sebastian decapitated the Kaiju to make sure it was dead then disconnected and ran over to Mako.
"Mako?....Mako can you hear me?"
"Yeah" she whispered
"She's out of it, I'm gonna disconnect her and pilot back alone"
"Smythe that's dangerous"
Marshall sighed and looked at the New Directions, they all looked worried.
"Be careful, piloting alone is draining on the body"
"I know I've done it before"
Sebastian disconnected Mako and lay her on the floor, he walked over and re-connected himself and switched to solo piloting. He piloted Gipsy back to base with a beat up arm and no co-pilot. When Gipsy was docked Mako was removed and taken to the medical facility they had on site.
The second Sebastian was on solid ground he was hugged by Santana.
"That was awesome man" said Artie
"Are you okay?" asked Racheal
"Yeah, arms a little sore though"
"Your bloody insane Dragon" said a man walking up to Sebastian with a sling on his arm.
"Nice to see you too Herc"
Herc walked up to Sebastian, they stared at each other then laughed and hugged.
"Get that arm checked Sebastian...There's a Helo waiting to take your friends home"
"Thank you sir"
Marshall walked up to Sebastian and said "Oh and don't ever shout at me again"
"Yes sir"
He walked away and Sebastian smirked.
"We're gonna miss you man"
"No you won't but I appreciate it Blaine"
"Be careful" said Racheal who kissed him on the cheek.
"No promises"
The New Directions left and were on their way home when Sebastian took of his suit and made his way to the medical wing to see Mako.
"You good?" he said leaning in the doorway watching Mako's head get stitched.
"Yeah you?"
"Few bumps and scratches, a major sore arm but other than that, Peachy"
"We did it"
"Yeah we did, two Kaiju, by our selves"
"You two are bloody insane" said Chuck, Herc's son, from the doorway "You should've waited for backup"
"Chuck enough, nobody died, can you honestly say we've been on a mission with no casualties?"
Chuck left knowing his father was right, nobody died that was a win in Herc's book and Sebastian's.
"You wanna quit? now you know how dangerous it is"
"Hell no" said Mako
"Then lets go, we got work to do"
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