Once Upon a Time
Regina's final curse had returned everyone to Storybrooke but now the town had expanded, castles of every kind, all tucked away in a small corner of Maine.
Emma had her baby, a girl they named Hope, Regina had been crowned the Good Queen. Seventeen years later and Hope had grown up, she was a true princess although she had some unorthodox hobbies for a princess, such as sword fighting and exploring.
Hope walked into the family room and saw her entire family sitting playing a board game.
"Hope where have you been?" asked Grandma Snow
"I was out" she said putting down the hood of her cloak
"Doing what exactly?" asked Emma
"Stuff, I'll be in my room"
Hope walked through the halls of the castle, passing her brother on the way.
"Hey Hope"
"Hey Henry"
Hope walked into her bedroom and into her bathroom, she drew herself a bath and took off her clothes and got in. After her bath she dressed into one of her ball gowns with the help of her assistant, that night was the annual ball commemorating the uniting of the lands.
Once the ball was under way it was time for Hope to enter the ballroom after her parents. Hope left her room and made her way down to the entrance to the ballroom to see her parents and grand parents standing there waiting.
"Hope you're late"
"Sorry Grandma"
"You look beautiful Hope" said Hook
"Thanks dad"
'Presenting Snow White and David Charming'
The ball doors opened and Snow and David walked into the ballroom.
'Presenting Princess Emma Swan and Killian Jones'
Emma and Hook walked into the ballroom, next it was Hope and she was nervous, she hated balls, they were not her thing.
'Presenting Princess Hope'
Hope took a deep breath and entered the ballroom to see hundreds of people watching her. Henry met her at the bottom of the steps and took her hand,
"Deep breaths remember" he whispered
The music started and every member of her family was dancing with someone whilst Hope was standing to the side watching.
"Care to dance M'lady?"
Hope turned around to see a handsome man around her age. He bowed and held out his hand for her.
"But good sir I do not know you" said Hope playfully
"I am Prince Samuel, son of Ariel and Prince Eric"
"Well good sir, It would be a pleasure to dance with you"
Samuel led Hope onto the dance floor and began to dance.
"Wherever did you learn to dance?"
"I am a prince, I have been dancing since I was five and you?"
"You dance beautifully Princess"
"As do you, so what brings you here?"
"My parents brought me along, I would rather be at home practising my sword fighting"
"As would I, I hate such functions"
"You sword fight?"
"I do, My father was a pirate and my grandfather a prince, they were adamant that I learn to protect myself"
"I would love to see you fight one day Lady Hope"
Suddenly there was a loud explosion at the doors, the guards all stood ready to defend all the people in the ballroom. David and Hook drew their swords ready for whatever came in.
"Perhaps you'll get the chance"
Bandits of every kind came in with their swords ready to fight.
"Jewels NOW!" shouted one of the bandits.
"Guards!" shouted Snow
David and the guards started to walk towards the intruders. But all was almost lost when one of the intruders used magic to send the guards flying. One of the swords landed at Hopes feet, she picked it up and nudged Samuel to draw his sword, they walked out to the middle of the ballroom together ready to defend their families.
"What's this? A princess?"
"What do you think you're going to do little girl?" asked one of the other intruders
"Defend my family, by any means"
The men charged Hope and Samuel, they of course held their own against them. After a few minutes all intruders but one had been killed.
"Leave now, while you still can" said Hope
The intruder ran out of the ballroom never to return to the castle, Hope ran over to her family.
"Are you alright?" she said helping her father up
"Are you?" he asked
"I'm fine"
Late that night Samuel was about to leave the castle when Hope came running down the steps at the front of the castle.
Samuel turned around as did Snow, David, Emma and hook who were saying goodbye to their guests.
Hope stood in front of Samuel and leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thank you"
"Of course, I hope to see you again Princess" he said Bowing slightly
He got into the carriage with his parents and they left the castle, Hope turned around to see her family looking at her.
The shrugged and Hope left and returned to her room. That night she was too giddy to sleep, she thought of Samuel much in the coming days. Hope and Samuel met many times in the forest and had started dating, when Hook and Emma found out they were less than happy, but they saw how happy Hope was so they kept their reservations to themselves.
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