"CAT!!!" shouted Ladybug, the villain had somehow gotten Cat Noir to cataclysm himself.
Ladybug ran up to him and caught him as he fell, she took his head in her lap.
"You'll fix this M'lady, I know you will"
"What if I can't?" she said through her tears.
"Then Know that I love you, always" he said wiping a tear from her cheek.
Cat Noir blew away in the wind as ashes, Ladybug screamed at the top of her lungs. Rena and Carapace came up to her.
"Get me that Akuma" she said with an furious look in her eyes.
After a long fight they had the Akuma and Ladybug had de-evilised it, but Cat Noir was no where in sight.
Rena, Carapace helped Ladybug search for hours but they came up empty.
"Maybe he went home?" suggested Carapace
"He would've told me he was okay first" replied Ladybug
"We can't search any more tonight, we need rest and so do our Kwami's"
"You right, lets meet up tomorrow"
"See ya" said Carapace as he left.
"He'll be okay, you have to know that" said Rena who hugged Ladybug.
"Thanks Rena"
Rena left and Ladybug used her Yoyo to get to the top of the buildings, she knew Paris like the back of her hand from the rooftops. She ran back to the bakery, she landed in an alley behind the building, she detransformed and let Tikki land in her hand.
"I'm sorry Tikki I'll get you something to eat"
Marinette walked into the bakery and walked straight past her dad, she was too distracted about Cat Noir to even acknowledge him, she walked all the way up to her bedroom. She pulled a cookie out from her stash and gave it to Tikki, she sat down and sighed, seconds later she burst into tears, why had she never told him? Told him of her feelings for him. Why had she never told him who she was?
Marinette climbed up to the roof, she closed the door behind her, but she was not prepared for what she saw when she turned around.
"Hey" said a familiar voice, he was sitting on the ground leaning on the railing
"Oh my god" Marinette ran up and hugged him, he was alive. Cat noir was alive and was sitting on her roof. "I saw on the news that you were cataclysmed, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little tired" he said into her hair as she still had her arms wrapped around his neck.
Marinette pulled away and looked at him, really looked at him.
"You don't seem okay"
"Can I trust you?"
"Of course, I'm great at keeping secrets"
Cat Noir's ring beeped and a green light travelled from his feet to his head, and sat there Cat Noir revealed.
"Hey Marinette"
Marinette hugged Adrien and she felt his arms wrap around her. He started to cry, Marinette pulled away and wiped the tears from his face.
"Are you okay?" she asked
"Yeah rough day, sorry"
"You don't have to apologise for having a bad day, especially the one you've had"
"You don't seem surprised by the fact that I'm Cat Noir?"
"I kinda already knew"
"How?" asked Plagg
"I saw you flying around the school and when he went back into your bag I figured it out"
"And you didn't say anything?"
"Of course not and besides I kinda have something to tell you"
"Really what?"
Tikki poked her head out from Marinette's bag, when she figured out what Marinette was doing she flew out.
"I'm ladybug"
"Sugarcube!" exclaimed Plagg who started to chase Tikki around.
Adrien and Marinette started laughing.
"I always thought I Knew you behind the mask, turns out the two girls I was in love with are the same girl"
"I love you Marinette"
"I...I love you too Adrien"
A week later there was a ball to celebrate three years of Ladybug and Cat Noir's first appearance and they had both been invited. Marinette was making the finishing touches to her dress. She was meeting Cat noir at the Eiffel tower, he had hired a car to pick them up. Marinette put her dress on and the mask she had made so the public wouldn't find out, she had also made one for Cat Noir.
Marinette transformed and made her way to the Eiffel tower, she saw that Cat Noir was already waiting for her, he was wearing a suit, he was very handsome.
(Imagine his black mask over his eyes)
"You look nice" she said
"You look..."
"Tikki spots off"
Marinette detransformed to reveal the dress and mask, Cat Noir's mouth hung open.
"You look...beautiful"
Ladybug chuckled "Thank you"
The car Cat Noir had hired arrived, they got in and were off to their ball. When they arrived Adrien got out first and walked round the car and opened Ladybug's door, he took her hand and helped her up. The paparazzi were all over them, taking pictures left and right.
They walked in and joined the ball, they got a drink and decided to mingle a while before joining the many on the dance floor.
"Ladybug, Cat Noir so glad you accepted my invitation" said Mayor Bourgeois
"Glad to be here Mayor Bourgeois" said Cat Noir
"Ladybug, you came!" exclaimed Chloe
"Hello Chloe"
"Care to dance M'lady?"
"I would love too"
Cat Noir led Ladybug onto the dancefloor and got ready to dance.
"I have a confession to make"
"Let me guess...two left feet?"
"Nailed it"
"Dancing is easy, just follow the rhythm, and I don't mind if you step on a few toes" laughed Cat Noir
Ladybug was surprisingly good at dancing considering she didn't know how.
"Where did you learn to dance?"
"My mother taught me"
"She did a great job" Marinette smiled
When the song ended Cat Noir led Ladybug outside and onto the balcony.
"Thought you could use some fresh air, I know you don't like large groups"
"Thank you"
"Of course, I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"For not sticking around to tell you I was okay"
"I admit I was a little annoyed when you weren't where I left you, but I was mostly worried that my ladybug's didn't bring you back"
"I'm sorry"
"Its okay...why did you come to my roof?"
"I...don't really know"
When the ball was over Cat Noir escorted Ladybug back to the Eiffel tower, they used that place as a neutral zone, it was equal ways from each of their houses. It was more of a security thing, so no one found out their identities.
"I had a lovely evening M'lady"
"So did I, Thank you"
"My pleasure, I will see you at school tomorrow"
"Yes you will, I can't wait to see the look on Chloe's face"
Cat Noir laughed "Me too"
Cat Noir walked a while before Ladybug saw him transform and head home. Ladybug did the same, she transformed and headed back home, landing on the roof of her building. She detransformed and climbed back into her bedroom and she went to bed, she had a long night and she finally told Adrien, her crush of about three years, that she loved him. Her life was getting better by the day.
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