Klaus Mikaelson
Klaus walked into the Mikaelson compound with Elijah, Rebekah and Kol. They were pissed, Marcel had disrupted the whole French quarter, Luckily Klaus had already contacted a friend for help.
"We need to stop Marcel" said Kol
"I already have it handled"
"How? We can't even get close"
"Maybe you can't" said a female voice from behind them "Ask and you shall receive" said the mystery girl who threw an unconscious Marcel across the floor only to stop at Klaus' feet. The girl was wearing a black tank top under a black leather jacket and skinny jeans, also black.
"Nice job Harley"
"What I'm here for boss"
"Boss?" questioned Kol
"Harley here is the only surviving hybrid from Mystic Falls"
"I thought you killed them all?" asked Rebekah
"I did, all the ones that broke the sire bond, but Harley here didn't"
"He'll wake up soon" she said as she started to walk away.
"Stay in town I may still need you" said Klaus
"I figured" she said gesturing at him still walking away.
"Seriously?" questioned Elijah who had for some reason recognised the girl.
"Never mind"
A week later Harley was awoken by an awful nightmare about Klaus and for some reason Elijah, she got dressed and ran straight to the compound.
"Klaus!?" shouted Harley
"He's not here" said Rebekah from the second floor.
"Where is he?"
"How should I know?"
"You are his sister, are you not?"
"Yes but I'm not his keeper"
"We need to find him"
"Because he's in trouble" said another blonde women from behind Harley
"And you are?"
"Freya, you?"
"Great you can help" Freya took Harley's hand and dragged her into one of the side rooms.
Rebekah followed them.
"What did you mean Nik's in trouble?"
"I had a dream, well more of a nightmare, Its complicated"
"Since you're sired to Klaus I can use your connection to find him"
"Elijah was in the nightmare as well"
"Bloody hell"
Freya used her magic for a locator spell using Harley's blood as it was the same blood that ran through Klaus' veins as well.
"The Cemetery? What the hell would they...witches" realised Rebekah
"I'm getting them back"
"I'm coming with you"
Harley and Rebekah left the compound heading straight for the cemetery, Rebekah stopped at the entrance, it was a private lot, she couldn't enter.
"Aren't you coming?"
"Its private ground, I can't...go find them"
Harley walked through the cemetery trying to sense Klaus through their bond, but soon enough she heard them, they were screaming. The witches were torturing them, then Harley had the brilliant idea of confusing them. She went off to one side and transformed into her wolf.
"Werewolf!" shouted one of the witches who immediately went quiet because Harley had killed her.
All the witches were ready to fight the wolf, but not one of them could see it. Harley was stalking them from behind the crypts and gravestones, every time a witch went down an alley way they died for being foolish enough to go off alone. One by one the witches died and all that was left was three witches. Harley ran out in front of them and tackled one to the ground, the witch got her throat ripped out. The other two had daggers to Klaus and Elijah's necks, so Harley was hesitant to attack them.
"Come any closer and they die"
Harley's eyes were trained on the witch hold the knife to Klaus throat, right now she didn't care much for Elijah.
"A sire bond, Interesting" said the other witch
Harley started growling at the witches when Klaus spoke up.
"She won't hurt you until I tell her to, you want to live I suggest you let us go"
"You are no threat to us"
"Yet she just took out what 15 witches by herself, I'm not liking your chances"
The witch holding Elijah used her magic to force Harley to transform back into herself
"You have no idea who you are do you?"
"What, are you talking about?" asked Harley who got to her feet.
"Your wrist, the mark"
"Its a birth mark, so what"
"Oh my god" said Elijah "Rose"
"Excuse me?"
"That right, she's the reincarnation of your long lost love"
Harley looked at her birthmark and for some reason remembered walking through the woods with Elijah, but like a thousand years ago.
"Your really starting to piss me off"
Harley grabbed the throats of both women and threw them across the cemetery. One died on impact with a grave and the other was back on her feet ready to fight Harley.
"Don't you want to know who you are?!"
"I know who I am"
Harley ran up to her and ripped into her neck. Harley drank her dry and dropped her. She died on the spot.
"I hate witches"
Rebekah was able to come in when the last witch died, both Harley and Rebekah took a brother and got the hell out of the cemetery.
An hour later and Harley was leaning on the railing on the second floor of the compound when Elijah came up to her.
"What ever it is I don't care, I only came here because Klaus asked, I will be gone just as quick"
"I don't expect anything from you"
"Good, because nothing is going to happen, I don't care who you think I am, I am not some echo of someone who died a thousand years ago"
"I am well aware of that"
"Good then I'll be on my way"
Harley jumped over the side of the balcony, to the ground floor and started to walk out.
"LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ME KLAUS!" she shouted on the way out.
"Crash and burn huh?"
"Shut up Kol" said Elijah as he walked away.
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