Justice League Unlimited
Margot Robbie as Kate
The Jet landed in a field near a farm in Kansas, Superman, Batman and Wonder Women exited the jet.
"Ah its good to be home" said Superman smelling the air.
"Your home is 20 miles that way" said Batman pointing to the east.
"I know but Kansas is my home, If we're in Smallville or not"
"Boys we came here for a reason, remember, the energy signature?"
"Which way Diana?" asked Superman
"There, that farm" said Diana pointing at the farm in the distance.
A blonde Women about 30, on horseback, approached them.
"Your jet is crushing my crops Batman"
"You know each other?" asked Superman
"So do we Superman, I just looked a little different back in the day"
"Is that your farm Miss...?" asked Diana
"Kate and yes it is" "I like the new suit Bats' very... you"
Batman gave Kate the look.
"Come on follow me" Kate guided her horse towards the farm. Superman, Diana and Batman followed her.
"Welcome to the Diamond farm" said Kate as they entered the barn, she got off her horse and was removing the saddle when Batman spoke up.
"We had a deal Kate" said Batman who had stayed silent.
"A deal I up held, You came here, I've stayed clear of Gotham. Your the one who came looking for me"
"We are tracing a strange energy signal, an alien signal" interrupted Diana
"Nothing alien here, well nothing but you" said Kate pointing at Superman.
"Mind if we look around?" asked Batman
"Not at all, but you won't find anything"
"We better not"
"Batman how many times do I have to say it, I'm out of the game"
"He's dead" said Batman, Kate had her back to him, She stopped shocked at the news.
"Who's dead?" asked Diana
"Good, never should've got involved with him"
"Ok someone explain Now"
"I used to be one of Batman's enemies"
"Who?" asked Superman
"Have I really changed that much? Well my preferred weapon of choice was a cruel trick"
"Harley Quinn" said Diana "You mysteriously disappeared from Gotham 3 years ago"
"Yeah well that was a long time ago and a huge mistake"
"When she came to me and asked me to get her out of the life, I was sceptical to say the least"
"So why did you help me Bats'?"
"Because the look in your eyes was genuine"
"I moved here changed my name and started over as Kate Montgomery and I'd appreciate it if you kept my true identity to yourselves"
"And the 'he' you were talking about..."
"Joker...How?" asked Kate/Harley
"He got on the wrong side of Lex Luthor" replied Batman
"I always knew he would get himself killed"
In the house
"Can I get you anything?"
"We're good thanks" answered Diana
"So you find what you looking for?"
Suddenly there was a loud crash from outside. Kate looked out her kitchen window and sighed.
"Stay here"
"I mean It Batman, don't let her see you, any of you"
Kate went over to the mantle and took something out a small box and went put to face the bitch trespassing on her land.
"Hello Kate"
"What do you want?"
"I want what's mine" said the red lantern
"Oh you mean this" said Kate as she held up her ring.
"The ring chooses its owner, so I'm afraid your out of luck" Kate put the ring on her right middle finger and activated her outfit.
(Not my picture)
"Traitor!" shouted the female red lantern with large wings.
"Red is really not my colour anymore"
Kate's words angered the women and a fight ensued. Each women creating weapons out of energy and both getting more and more aggravated by the second.
The three superheroes in the house were watching the fight unfold from the kitchen window and were shocked.
"How can she be a lantern?" asked Superman
"I guess she really has changed" replied Diana
"We should help her" said Superman walking to exit the house but was stopped by Diana.
"She said to wait here"
Batman was already out the door and was running to help Kate.
Kate was pushed back by an exploding Baterang.
"Do you ever listen to anyone?" shouted Kate
"I don't think he does" said Diana who was helping Kate up.
"Whatever you do, keep her out of the barn"
"Why?" asked Superman
"Cause that's where I hid my lantern and that's why she's here, she wants its power"
"Getting the Justice League to fight your battles now Kate?"
"Its always good to have backup, which reminds me, where yours? Abandon you, did they?"
The red lantern encased Kate and the others in a huge bubble of rage.
Superman attempted to punch his way out but failed.
"That not going to work"
"Then what will?" asked Batman
"This might" Kate held up her fist and an energy beam shot out and hit the bubble but was failing to break it. The red lantern was floating the bubble up and up until the bubble was in space.
"Its not working!" exclaimed Diana
Kate recited her oath.
"In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite,
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars– For hope burns bright!"
Reciting her oath gave her the strength to break the bubble, now the four of them were floating in space. Kate used her ring to create her own bubble around Diana and Batman.
"Are you okay?" asked Kate
"We are fine, Thank you Kate" said Diana
Kate and Superman flew back down to the farm, Kate with a blue bubble following behind her.
She landed in her field and placed the bubble on the ground and retracted the energy used to create it, The bubble disappeared and Diana and Batman were safely back on the ground.
"Looks like she left" said Superman using his super hearing to check.
Kate flew over to her barn and opened the door to the secret space under the floor where she kept her ship and more importantly her lantern.
"You have a ship?" asked Batman
"Yes, the core gave it to me, so I don't have to fly everywhere"
"Kate we would be honoured if you would join the Justice League?" asked Superman
"I don't know, What if people figure out who I used to be?"
"We will make sure they don't" said Diana
"Bats' ?" asked Kate like she was asking for his blessing.
"Your powerful, you would be a...good addition" said Batman.
"Then I would love to"
Kate followed the superheroes out to the jet and they were off, heading to Metropolis to the Justice hall. Kate who had started out a villain was now going to become a hero. Her life really had take a turn.
1194 words
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