Jack Frost (part 2)
"Mmmmm why is there one coco left?" asked Tooth
"Its Jack's where is he?" exclaimed Gaia
"Try the Library he likes to hide in there" said North
Gaia left with the extra coco in hand and headed to the Library. She walked in and saw Jack drawing pictures with his frost on the windows.
Jack turned around a little startled "Mother?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you"
"Its okay. I thought you were hanging out with the others and the girls"
"I was but my son's coco was getting cold" said Gaia as she sat next to Jack giving him his coco.
"Thank you"
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine I just.....Its nothing"
"You wanted to spend time with all of us but because of Summer you couldn't?"
"How'd you know?"
"A Mother knows Jack" "I'm sorry I wish you and Summer could be near each other, It's just the way you were born. I wish I could change that but I can't"
"Its not your fault, I get It"
"Jack?" says Spring standing at the door.
"What do you want?" snapped Jack
Gaia placed her hand on Jack's shoulder and left the room leaving Jack and Spring to talk.
"Can we talk?" said Spring who was standing next to the window seat where Jack was sitting.
"Talk?! Umm.....sure"
Spring sat opposite Jack who was looking anywhere but at his sister.
"I'm sorry" said Spring
"What?!" said Jack looking at Spring directly in the eyes surprised and what she said.
"I'm sorry I've been so cold to you. I'm sorry I judged you before I got the whole story. I haven't been a good Big sister to you and I'm sorry" "It's just what happened to Winter changed us, all of us and we needed someone to blame and for some reason we chose you, I'm sorry"
"Its okay"
"No it's not I want to start making things right with you, If you'll let me?"
"What about Summer and Autumn?"
"For once I don't care what they say, This is something I have to do, something I want to do. You deserve the family we never gave to you all these years"
Jack now had tears falling down his face. Spring leaned over and wiped them away. Jack leaned in and hugged his sister tightly, Spring was surprised but hugged him back for as long as he wanted. Jack had so much pain inside of him but now things looked like they were turning around for him.
Gaia checked in on Jack and Spring and saw them hugging. She knew things were going to get better for her son.
Later that day
Jack and Spring walked into the main room laughing.
"Spring there you are, where have you been!?" asked Summer with her raised voice
"With Jack we were drawing and.."
"You were with him, why?" said Summer with a disgusted face.
"Because he's our brother and the way we've treated him isn't right Summer and you know it"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Jack never did anything wrong and yet we've ignored him, bullied him and completely cut him out of our lives and it isn't right. So I'm done listening to you Summer, your a bully and for once in my life I am making my own decision to stand up for my brother because the only other person who ever has is Mother and It should've been us, his sisters"
"She's right Summer" said Autumn
Summer turned around and looked at Autumn with an angry face.
"He is not my brother"
"Summer!" said Gaia in her stern voice which slightly scared the guardians who were watching the whole emotional event unfold.
"Spring is right Summer we blamed him for Winters death which in turn made us hate him, but he didn't kill her, Pitch did and I should never let it get this far. I'm the oldest and Jack is our little brother we shouldn't have blamed him. We are bully's Summer and It stops right now!" said Autumn who walked up to Jack.
"I'm sorry Jack for everything" said Autumn who then hugged Jack.
"Its okay"
"I can't believe this, I will never forgive you, any of you. You have ruined this family"
"Your right but at least we are trying to put It back together Summer"
"Ugg I hate you"
"Summer that's enough! I think you should leave" said Gaia
"Happily" Summer left the pole. Never to return.
"You guys didn't have to do that"
"Yes we did and maybe one day she'll understand why we did it and that what she did was wrong , what we all did was wrong."
Autumn and Spring hugged their brother. Gaia joined in, finally Jack had a family hug. Jack had a lot of healing to do but with the help of his family and his extended family, the guardians, he would never feel alone again for he finally had the family he always wanted.
The End
Hope you liked this story :)
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