This is a mix between the old and new movies :)
Hellboy (Red)
Alice (Physic and medium)
Ben (were-jaguar)
"Hellboy?!" shouted Abe
"Look" Abe pointed at a Women, around 20, curled up in the corner of the room. Red went over to her but she flinched so he stopped and knelt in front of her.
"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya, see?" said Red as he put his gun on the ground as the women watched him. "You got a name?"
The women looked up at him and tilted her head like she knew him. She nodded her head.
"Hellboy don't" warned Alice putting a hand on his shoulder.
"What why?"
"She's surrounded by the dead"
"How? she's just a kid" said Hellboy confused
"They say she's a demon" replied Alice
"They're wrong" said Hellboy sounding so sure of himself without even knowing this girls name.
"They're not" said the women in a low voice. "I'm a monster"
"You don't look like one to me" said Red "And besides you can't be worse than us"
"They're are worse things than us out there" said Ben
"I know you, you are Anung Un Rama, aren't you?" asked The women who opened up a little.
"How do you know that name?" asked Hellboy confused
"Your name is in every apocalyptic prophecy for the past 2000 years"
"How could you know that?" asked Abe
"Because I'm a vampire, I've lived a long life"
" A vampire huh? Well I know a place you could be safe" said Hellboy
"Where?" asked The girl interested.
"Its called the B.P.R.D, we work for them and you could too" Hellboy held out his left hand. The women looked at his hand then back into his eyes. After several seconds of hesitancy she took his hand and he helped her up.
"By the way what's your name?" asked Red as he put his hand on her back.
"Come on guys lets go home" said Hellboy as he turned around picked up his gun and led the women and the group out of the facility and out to the chopper waiting for them.
Back at the B.P.R.D
" Ah Hellboy, welcome back, who is this?" asked Trevor, Hellboy's adoptive father
"Hey dad, this is Amelia, A vampire we found at the facility"
"Vampires are dangerous creatures Hellboy, why did you bring it here?"
"I was created before the devolution of the species, I'm not like the others"
"Dad, they were torturing her"
Trevor sighed and pinched his nose with his fingers "Fine she can stay, but she is your responsibility, understood?"
"Yeah, Yeah" said Red as he walked past his father.
"Sorry about him, He's a stickler for the old ways"
"Its okay, I understand"
"Come on I'm taking you to get checked out"
4 days later
Amelia was walking about the facility then she saw him, Hellboy in the training room punching the living hell out of a punching bag.
"Are you okay?" asked Amelia quietly as she walked up to Red
"Uh yeah, sorry Ben pissed me off"
"I'm guessing its a regular thing, He seems pretty weird"
"Yeah well that were-jaguar is an ass"
"A were-Jaguar? cool"
"So how you feeling?" asked Red
Amelia sat on the bench "Okay I guess. I've heard stories of the B.P.R.D for years but I thought it was just that, a story"
"A pretty real story Huh?" said Hellboy as he sat next to her.
"Yeah In 2000 years I've never seen a organisation as impressive as this"
"2000 years?"
"That's my age"
"Wow and I thought I was old"
"You don't look old to me" said Amelia looking into Red's eyes and him looking into hers.
"Ah there you are, follow me, both of you" said Trevor
Hellboy sighed and got up and held out his hand to Amelia. She took it and got up, they both left the training room and followed Trevor to his office in the library.
"Wow" said Amelia as she entered the library. She looked to her right and saw Abe swimming in a tank that spanned the whole wall. "Hello Abe"
"Hello Amelia" replied Abe
"Here" said Trevor as he held out a cup of blood. Amelia whipped her head around, her eyes turned black as she smelled the blood. "Drink it before you eat one of us"
"Thank you" She too the cup and started to drink it.
Amelia started talking to Abe while Red talked to his father. Alice walked in.
"Hello" said Alice
"It's Amelia right?" asked Alice
"Yes and you are...?"
'Alert intruders' said the internal PA system
"Go" said Trevor
"I'm coming with you" said Amelia as she put her cup down on a table.
"Its too dangerous" said Hellboy
"Let me rephrase" said Amelia as she grabbed his bicep and turned her eyes black and extended her fangs "I'm coming with you"
"Fine, Alice stay here"
"No argument from me"
Amelia and Hellboy ran out into the hallway and saw no one, not one soul.
"Where is everyone?" asked Amelia
"I have no idea, come on"
Hellboy and Amelia walked with caution down the hallway, still seeing no one. Amelia could hear someone.
"Red wait"
"I hear two heart beats, quick in here" Amelia dragged Hellboy into a small storage room.
"Little tight" whispered Hellboy who looked at Amelia with his gun in his left hand.
"Yeah well, best we could do"
" We could've..." Amelia put her hand over his mouth and shushed him with her finger over her mouth, as the creature's past the door. They watched the creatures through the vent in the door, they were big, disgusting and heading for the library.
Amelia removed her hand. "They're heading for the Library, we have to get there first"
"How? we'd have to go past them" said Hellboy
"You trust me?" asked Amelia with an idea in mind.
"I do" said Hellboy sceptically
Amelia held out her hand, Red took it with his right. Amelia sped them past the creatures and into the library.
"Bloody hell!" said Alice as she jumped at their sudden presence
"Jesus, warn a guy would ya" exclaimed Hellboy as he was leaned over with his hands on his knees.
"Sorry" "2 Monsters heading this way"
"Everyone prepare for a fight" said Trevor
The creatures entered the library and the group fought them off. But as in every battle there is casualties
"AHH!" shouted Hellboy in pain. One of the creatures had pierced his skin with its tusk.
"RED!" shouted Amelia
The creatures hurting Hellboy made Amelia angry. Her eyes turned black and she fought off both creatures alone, she was pissed and everyone in the room knew it. She ripped one creatures throat out with her fangs and the other one got is heart ripped out of its chest.
When both creatures were dead Amelia ran over to Red who was lying on the floor with his back to her. She pushed him over to see a wound in his stomach.
"No no please, Red?!" pleaded Amelia
Trevor went over to the Intercom system "Attention, all intruders have been killed. Medical personnel to my office NOW!"
Minutes later Amelia was being pulled away from Hellboy by Trevor as the Medical personnel got to work on Hellboy.
"Let them work, Amelia look at me" said Trevor. Amelia looked at him with tears running down her face. "He's been through worse then this, He will be okay"
Ben walked into the library "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? WE COULD HAVE USED YOUR HELP AND MAYBE RED WOULDNT HAVE GOTTEN HURT IF WE HAD SOME EXTRA HELP" Said Amelia as she got into Ben's face. Amelia followed the Medical people as they moved Hellboy.
"Where were you?" asked Alice
"I was on the other side of the base, I tried to get here but I was too late" "Should I tell Amelia?"
"No she won't care anyway, all she cares about right now is Hellboy. I think she likes him"
2 days later
"Come on Red please wake up, I miss you" said Amelia who was sitting at Hellboy's bedside, holding his hand, in the medical wing. "Why isn't he awake?"
"I...I wish I knew" said Ben as he leaned at the door. "You know I was on the other side of the base I tried to get here but, I wasn't fast enough" explained Ben
"I'm sorry I snapped at you, I was worried about Red"
"Its alright, I'm worried about the big guy too" "I'll give you some space"
Ben left the medical wing but Amelia had been sitting at Hellboy's bedside for 2 days, she wouldn't leave him.
"Red please, don't leave me. I cant lose anyone else. Everyone I've ever loved has died, betrayed or abandoned me. Please don't become another name on that list because I care about you, please don't leave me" said Amelia
"You should get some rest" said Alice entering the room and sitting on the chair on the opposite side of Hellboy.
"I cant leave him, I won't" replied Amelia
"I figured you'd say that so I brought you this" Alice gave Amelia a bottle of blood.
"Thank you Alice"
"You have feelings for him don't you?" asked Alice
"What? No............Is it that obvious?" admitted Amelia
"To me yes, to him defiantly not"
The next day
Amelia had fallen asleep with her head next to Hellboy's hand. Little did she know that he was waking up.
"Amelia?" questioned Hellboy
Amelia woke up at his voice "Red? Your awake!" exclaimed Amelia as she hugged him. "I missed you"
"How long have I been out?" asked Hellboy
Amelia broke the hug and sat on the side of the bed. "3 Days"
"Woah, The monsters..."
"I got a little angry when you got hurt" said Amelia "They're both dead" Amelia looked away from Hellboy but he cupped her cheek with his hand and guided her face back towards him. They looked at each other. "Thank you"
"Hey, Hey don't cry I'm okay" Said Hellboy as he noticed Amelia had tears in her eyes threatening to fall.
"I thought you weren't going to wake up. I've lost so many people in my life that I loved, I didn't want to lose another" said Amelia with a shaky voice
"Hey you won't lose me I promise....Did you say you loved me?"
Hellboy took Amelia's face in his left hand and kissed her. It turns out he felt the same way that Amelia did.
"I love you too" said Hellboy as he broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers.
After 2000 years Amelia finally found a place where she was not only accepted but loved. Amelia and Hellboy were the perfect match, two perfectly imperfect people.
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