Criminal Minds/Vampire
Aaron Hotchner, Derrek Morgan, David Rossi, Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau (JJ) and my character Stacy Moore.
Mature content
Warning: (blood and murder)
Stacy was lying in bed when her alarm clock woke her up. She walked down the stairs and outside to the pool, She saw Jackson swimming and stripped and joined him in the pool. He swam up to her under the water. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Beautiful" Stated Jackson
"Good morning to you too" She said as she kissed him.
"Sleep well?"
"I did"
He started kissing her, he moved along her jaw and down to her neck. He extended his fangs and bit her neck. After a few minutes he pulled away and looked her in the eyes with his red eyes. He bit his tongue and kissed her, his blood healing her wounds.
"I gotta go to work"
"Do you have to?"
"I do, I told Hotch this wouldn't interfere with work"
"You know you don't need to work"
"I do, It gives me purpose and besides I enjoy my work"
"*sigh* Then have a nice day"
"You too" Said Stacy as she waded over to the steps and exited the pool, Jackson watching her the whole time.
She went back up to her room and dried off, got dressed and left the house, driving to work.
Stacy walked through the glass doors and sat in her desk.
"We got a case" said Hotch as he walked out of his office and into the round table room with Rossi following him.
The rest of us got up from our desks and followed them. We all took our seats and waited for Hotch to start.
"There has been 2 double murders, Tracey Jenkins with Ken Myers a vampire and Holly Renard and Carl Upton also a vampire"
"Killer has a type" Said Stacy "Where we heading?"
"Nowhere, these murders are happening here in D.C."
Garcia walked in (Penelope Garcia, tech girl)
"There's more of a link here, both women were blood donors for these men who were wealthy vampire business men" said Garcia
Stacy perked up at the news and so did Hotch, he was the only one on the team who knew Stacy was also a donor to a wealthy vampire business man.
"I never understood women who do that" said Derrek.
"You and me both Morgan" said Rossi
"Agent Moore?" said an Agent who was at the door.
Stacy walked over to the agent and accepted the letter he was sent to give her.
She opened the letter and gasped.
"Stacy?" said JJ
"I know who the next victim is" said Stacy as she help up the newspaper clipping with a picture of Jackson Greene with a red X over his face.
"Jackson Greene, a wealthy vampire business man, it fits" said Spencer
"Why was is addressed to you?" asked Emily
"I...don't know" she replied
"Stacy, a word please" said Hotch as he walked out into the hallway. Stacy followed him.
"You have to tell them"
"I can't, they won't understand"
"Its going to come out"
"Then let it come out but I will not tell them"
Stacy walked back into the room, seconds later so did Hotch.
"Stacy get Mr Greene in here, we need to put him in protective custody" said Hotch
Stacy left the room and left the building, she got into the car. JJ got into the passenger seat.
"What you doing?"
"Hotch wants me to come with you"
Stacy sighed and drove to the office.
JJ and Stacy went up to the receptionist, JJ held up her badge and said "We need to see Mr Greene"
"Mr Greene isn't available, you'll need to make an appointment"
Stacy stepped away and called Jackson.
"Hey, a colleague and I are downstairs we need to see you"
"Long story, remember we are strangers"
"I know, I'll let you up" He said before hanging up.
The receptionist's phone rang. After the women got off the phone she said we could head up.
"Agent Jareau?" said Jackson's personal assistant.
"Go on in"
Jennifer and Stacy entered the office and saw Jackson standing looking out the window and the phone.
"Yes thank you" said Jackson hanging up the phone "Sorry about the issue downstairs, now what can I do for the F.B.I?"
"We believe someone is targeting you, we need you to come with us" said Jennifer.
"Are you saying my life is in danger, my Immortal life?" said Jackson slightly sarcastic
"This person has already killed two other vampires" Chimed in Stacy
"Ken Myers and Carl Upton"
"My god, They were old friends"
"Sir, you have a meeting" said The assistant standing at the door
"Cancel all my meetings for the rest of the week, and let the board know I won't be in the building for a few days and you can have the rest of the day off"
"Yes sir, thank you sir" She left the office.
"Shall we?" said Jennifer
"Of course" Jackson put his laptop in his brief case along with a few papers and followed Jennifer and Stacy out into the car.
Jackson got into the back seat, Jennifer in the passenger seat and Stacy in the front seat. Stacy kept glancing at him, in the mirror, while she drove to the office. They arrived and headed up in the elevator. They entered the office and headed to the round table room.
"Hotch, Jackson Greene"
"Pleasure, Agent Sawyer here will place you in protective custody until we find this killer" said Hotch as he shook his hand.
"What if that's what the killer wants, I mean why did they warn us first when they could've just killed him?" said Stacy
"She's got a point Hotch" said Morgan
"Alright then you will stay in the building, one of us will be with you at all times"
"Fine with me, not really in the mood to die"
"Is their anyone else we should be protecting? The others were killed alongside their donors"
"No, she is out of the country at the moment"
"Anything yet?" Asked Jackson who sat on the edge of Stacy's desk.
"Yeah but Hotch has side lined me"
"Why didn't you tell me that you were in danger too?"
No response
"Didn't you trust me?" asked Jackson
"Of course I trust you, I trust you with my life, I just didn't want you to worry about me" answered Stacy who knew trust was a big thing for Jackson having been betrayed so many times in the past.
"I always worry about you Stacy" whispered Jackson as he walked up to the round table room leaving Stacy at her desk.
A man walked into the office, a man not known to anyone, a man not noticed by anyone.
Jackson tilted his head, smelling something off.
"Something wrong?" asked Morgan
"Blood and lots of it from different people"
They walked out of the room to see a man holding a knife to Stacy's throat. Everyone took out their guns and pointed them and the man and Stacy.
"Let her go" demanded Hotch
"She needs to die for her indiscretions"
"What indiscretions?" asked Rossi
"She feeds them, she feeds him" said the man pointing the knife at Jackson. "I am saving her"
"Saving her from what?" asked Emily trying to get the man to let his guard down. Everyone realised at that moment that Stacy was Jackson's donor.
"From dying by his hand"
"I would never hurt her" said Jackson
"LIES!" he put the knife back at Stacy's throat, blood started falling from where the blade was.
"HEY, hey, you want me dead, that's fine, just please do not hurt her, please" said Jackson as he stood in front of the others who were forced to lower their guns.
"You would give your life for hers?"
"In a heartbeat" replied Jackson
Stacy looked at him in the eyes, realising he really meant it.
"How noble of you, the others didn't care if they died, I guess I will make her death swift" said the man as he was about to slash Stacy's throat, but the man suddenly had nothing but air in his arms, Jackson had used his Vampire speed and took Stacy from his arms. He turned around to see Jackson and Stacy standing behind him.
"NOOO!" Shouted the man as he was arrested by Hotch. "NO SHE HAS TO DIE!" ranted the man.
"Are you okay?" asked Jackson as he brushed a stray hair away from Stacy's face.
"Yeah fine, thank you" she said as she hugged him.
"So they each other?" said Emily who knew they weren't listening
"She's his Donor" replied Hotch
Everyone had wide eyes while looking at them.
Later that day
Stacy knocked on Hotch's door.
"Come in"
Stacy walked in to see Hotch and Rossi.
"Hey Hotch I just wanted to say Thank you"
"What for?"
"For not telling the team"
"We wouldn't have judged you, you know" said Rossi
"Yes you would've, In some way you would have" "Anyway, I'll see you Monday"
Stacy walked down to her desk and while collecting her things Jackson wrapped his arms around her from behind, she jumped at his touch.
"Its okay, I'm a little jumpy" said Stacy as she turned round and looked down in shame.
Jackson put is hand under her chin and made her look at him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I just want to put today behind me, lets go home"
Stacy put her bag over her shoulder and took his hand and got into the elevator, which wasn't empty for long, the whole team was suddenly in the elevator too.
Lets just say it was a long and awkward elevator ride. The elevator opened in the garage and everyone got out and went to their cars, Jackson stopped.
"I can drive"
"I know but you too jumpy right now"
Stacy handed the keys over and got in the passenger seat.
As they drove home Stacy fell asleep on Jackson's shoulder, when they arrived Jackson carried Stacy up to their room and put her to bed.
During the night Jackson woke up to half the bed empty. Stacy was looking out the window.
Stacy didn't respond
Jackson got out of bed and walked over to her, he saw ears falling down her cheeks.
"Baby, what's wrong?" said Jackson taking her hands.
"I don't know, I had a dream and..."
"Its okay"
"No its not, I don't want to lose you"
"You won't I promise, I love you too much"
"You do?" asked Stacy he's never actually said that before.
"I do, I love you Stacy Moore, I think I have for a while"
Stacy kissed him "I love you too Jackson Greene"
Stacy and Jackson went back to bed and slept soundly the rest of the night.
:) 1833 WORDS
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