Bucky Barnes/Criminal Minds Part 2
After endgame, Bucky joined the BAU on orders of the president.
Everyone was sitting at the table in the conference room waiting for Hotch.
"I wonder what the Bossman wants?" asked Garcia
"Why dont you be patient baby girl?" says Derek
"I cant, I need to know"
"Maybe it has something to do with the Agent that was in his office" says Rossi
"Agent?, what Agent?" askes Matt
"When I went in to give Hotch the case file, he was talking to some Agent"
"Really?, was he hot?" askes Garcia
"Baby girl!" says Derek
"What? im only asking"
"He might be joining the team" says Luke
"Alright sorry to keep you waiting, everyone this is James Barnes, he will be joining the team"
James walks into the room and everyone instantly knew who he was.
"Uhh Hi, please call me..."
"Bucky?" askes JJ
"JJ? Wow its been a awhile" JJ got up and Hugged Bucky, they had met in Afghanistan many years ago.
"You look good and you got that haircut I was bugging you to get, looks good"
Everyone introduces themselves, Bucky sat down, a little nervous and Hotch got on with the briefing of the case.
~~~~~~~~warning rape and murder ahead~~~~~~~~~~
"Alright we are heading to L.A., they have asked for our help with a serial rapist and murderer" said Hotch
"4 women have been rapped and drowned. All 4 were lured from bars and all had high blood alcohol toxicity" said Garcia
"The unsub took them whilst they were drunk, that would make it easier to control them" said Spencer
"Wheels up in 20" Said Hotch. Everyone in the room got up and left to go to their desks. Bucky stayed behind. "You ready?" askes Hotch
"As I'll ever be"
"Follow me" Bucky got up and followed Hotch out into the bullpen.
"This is your desk, you got a go bag?"
"Good, welcome to the BAU Bucky" Hotch patted Bucky on the back and went to his office to get ready. Bucky sat at his desk.
"Hey Bucky, you'll get used to it with time, its really good to see you again"
"You too JJ"
"So how are you? after everything" she askes
"Alright I guess"
"Lets go" says Hotch walking out of the bullpen with everyone behind him with their go bags.
The Plane
"Everyone get some rest its a long flight" said Hotch who got up and sat next to Bucky and Derek. "Bucky I want you to stick with Derek for a few cases just until you get the hang of things, okay?"
"Sure no problem"
"I'll take care of him Hotch" said Derek
Everyone was sleeping except for Bucky and JJ. Bucky was too anxious to sleep not that he would get any anyway he always had nightmares when he slept and he didn't really want to be rattled before his first case with new people so he got up and sat across from JJ.
"Can't sleep either?" asked Bucky
"I cant sleep on planes, never have, never will" "what about you?" asked JJ knowing full well that Hotch didn't sleep on planes either he was eavesdropping. (bad boy Hotch LoL)
"Nightmares, been having them since I was freed. I've been remembering everything that I did"
"Im sorry, thats got to be scary, if you ever want to talk about it, im here"
Time skip arrival in LA
"Agent Hotchner?" asked the Captain of the precinct. Captain Max Reynolds
"Welcome to LA I've set up the conference room for you and your team to use, if you need anything just holler"
"Thank you Captain"
Time skip to the takedown
"Derek, Bucky go round back, JJ, max and I will go in through the front. Swat surround the property cover all exists. LETS GO" said Hotch "Sam Martin this is the FBI and the police, come out with your hands up or we will be forced to come it" The rest of the team was stuck in traffic so they were a little understaffed but they had swat and Bucky. (the badass)
"Hotch, we got movement inside" said Derek
"Last chance Sam" said Max
"GUN!!!" shouted Bucky
Sam was firing out at Derek and Bucky but also at Hotch and the others at the front. There was more than one person in that house, the profile didn't indicate a partner, things weren't adding up.
"Stop shooting at us and lets talk Sam" said Derek
"Derek he's not going to listen, he hates cops remember" said Bucky
"what do you suggest?"
"Sam, stop shooting, we dont want to hurt you, we only want to ask you some questions" shouted Bucky.
The gunfire stopped and a women could be heard crying from inside. He had a hostage.
"Hotch, I can hear her and I dont think he's bluffing" said Bucky into his earpiece
"All Agents regroup at the cars, two swat agents stay at the back out of sight"
Everyone regrouped at the cars just as the others arrived.
"What's going on?" asked Dave
"He's got a hostage and at least one other person in the house"
"He was shooting at the back and someone else was shooting at the front of the house" said Bucky
Hotch called the house and Sam answered the phone.
"I just want to talk Sam, nobody has to get hurt"
"No, Put the other guy on the phone, they guy with the metal arm"
"Bucky he wants to talk to you"
Bucky took the phone from Hotch
"Hello Sam"
"Your James Barnes aren't you?"
"I am" Said Bucky whilst the team was listening in.
Bucky turned around and looked at the team behind him. They were all looking at him.
"Sam I.......Im sorry, I didn't know, I......I dont remember"
"You dont even remember their names do you?"
"No.....Im sorry Sam.....I dont, im not a killer anymore"
"You're a monster"
"Yeah, sometimes I cant argue that, but right now none of this matters, what matters is the women your holding hostage"
"You for her" Said Sam, he hung up the phone and so did James.
"Im going in"
"Not a chance Barnes" said Hotch
"This is my fault Hotch, I have to make this right"
"Alright, be careful, we'll be listening" "All units be advised, Barnes is entering the building"
James walked through the door and the women walked past him, she ran to the Agents in front of the house. Bucky had closed the door behind her. Bucky had left his mic on so they could hear every word they said.
"Hello Sam, thank you for keeping your word"
"SHUT UP" Sam had hit Bucky on the side of the head with his gun, luckily he was still conscious. "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!"
Bucky got up and leaned against the wall to stay up right. "Who else was shooting Sam, who's your partner?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You couldn't've been shooting at us from the front and back of the house at the same time, so who are you working with?"
"You should know you let her go"
"YOU LIED TO ME" Sam pulled his gun on Bucky. Bucky punched him and he was out cold.
"All clear Hotch"
Hotch walked in with Dave and JJ and saw Bucky standing next to Sam.
"Is he...?" asked Rossi
"unconscious....yeah like I said before im not a killer anymore"
Bucky walked past them and went outside and got his head checked by the paramedics. Rossi felt bad for insinuating that Bucky killed him. He had changed, he wasnt the Winter Solider anymore and it seemed he still had to convince some people of that fact.
Hotch put Sam in the back of a cop car and went to talk to the captain.
Rossi went to talk to Bucky.
"Hey....im sorry for insinuating that you..."
"Its okay, you were right to insinuate, I dont have a good track record of lives saved"
"With this job, you'll get one"
"Thanks Dave"
"Anytime kid"
"You do know im 106 right?"
"Yeah, but you look 25" Rossi and Bucky became like Father and Son.
Rossi was right Bucky saved many lives working for the bureau. He stopped having Nightmares and he gained a weird family, but they were his weird family.
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