Bucky Barnes/Criminal Minds
Bucky was lying on his makeshift bed on the floor when there was a knock at the door. He got up and answered it with nothing but some Pyjama bottoms.
"What?" he said looking up at who was there. "What are you guys doing here?"
JJ, Spencer, Derek and Aaron were standing there.
"We've got a case, get dressed" said Hotch
Bucky sighed, he barely got any sleep "Fine, come on in"
Bucky closed the door behind them then walked into the closet in the bedroom.
"You sleep on the floor?" asked Derek
"Yeah the beds too soft" shouted Bucky from the bedroom
"He has no personal items in here" said JJ
"All lost to time"
JJ turned around to see Bucky standing in the bedroom doorway.
"Sorry Buck"
"No I get it, I would have said the same thing"
Bucky made some coffee and put it into his travel mug and put on his boots. They left the apartment and Bucky locked the door, they headed down to the car and they headed to the office, the case was in D.C. so they didn't have to travel far.
They walked into the office and Bucky was immediately hugged by Garcia.
"Garcia, what are you doing?" he asked as she pulled back from him.
"Happy Birthday my lovely"
"Wait what?"
"You didn't know?"
"No, I haven't celebrated my birthday in decades"
Garcia guided Buck into the conference room and everyone shouted surprise, they had presents and a cake.
"Guys you didn't..."
"Yes we did, you need a good birthday" said Garcia
"Thank you"
"Guys sorry to break up the fun but we still have a case" said Hotch
The guys got to work but Bucky didn't have any knowledge to give, he wasn't a profiler, he was on the team to keep them alive, so he decided to ask Garcia a favour. He walked into her office.
"Oh hey, what can I do ya for birthday boy?"
"I was wondering can you find info from the 40's?"
"Might take a while but yeah I think so, why?"
"I wanna find out what happened to some friends of mine"
"Sure gimme their names"
" George, Winnifred and Rebecca Barnes"
"Your family?"
Bucky just looked at Garcia with 'the look'
"I will dive deep than the marina trench, my friend"
"Thank you"
Bucky walked out of the office and was walking past the elevators when he heard a familiar voice.
"Look at you federal agent"
"Shuri? what are you doing here?" he said as he hugged her.
"You need an upgrade Barnes" she said as she walked past him and into the squad room. Bucky followed her.
"Which desk is yours?" she said in her Wakandan accent.
"That one" he said pointing at the empty desk.
"Still no personal items, Barnes you need to get out more" she said as she put her case on his desk and sat down.
Bucky pulled up a chair and sat down. Shuri took Bucky's metal hand and put it on the desk, she put a mat underneath, it lit up when his hand touched it.
"You have been battering this arm Barnes"
"The job ain't easy"
"Hey Barnes!" shouted Rossi from the conference room door.
"We got a take down"
"He's not going"
"I need at least an hour"
"You heard her Dave sorry"
"We'll make due"
An hour later Shuri was done and the team still hadn't returned.
"Oh my god, oh my god" said Garcia who walked into the squad room beside herself with worry.
"Penelope calm down, what's wrong?" asked Bucky
"I can't contact them, they went dark"
"Text me their last location, Shuri am I good?"
"Yes go"
Bucky ran out the squad room and into the elevator, he ran out the building and got into an SUV and sped off. He headed to the last location and walked in, gun in hand.
Barnes cleared the building and contacted Garcia.
"Garcia their not here, are you sure this was the location?"
"Can you track their phones?"
"I can, give me a moment...got it they are in an underground bunker a hundred yards north of your current location"
Bucky ran out the building and into the underground bunker, he walked in and saw the team tied to chairs in a row in front of him.
"Hello Soldier"
Bucky looked to the left and saw an old enemy of his.
"What do you want?"
"What I want is my soldier back"
"Good luck with that"
The man ran at Barnes and a fight began, Barnes wasn't interested in him, he was interested in getting his team out alive, when more soldiers came out of the wood work a sound wave knocked them on their asses. Bucky turned around to see Shuri with some sort of gauntlets on her hands.
"Get your head in the game Barnes"
The duo took out every solider and they untied the team.
"Are you guys okay?" asked Bucky
"Yeah thanks kid" said Dave
The team made their way back to the office and were greeted by a worried Garcia.
"We're fine Babygirl, calm down" said Derek as he hugged her.
The team went to their desks and were writing up their reports. Shuri walked over to Bucky and sat on the edge of his desk.
"I'm heading back to Wakanda, let me know if you need anything or if anything happens, to my work of art"
"You got it" Chuckled Bucky
They hugged and Shuri walked away. Garcia walked up to Barnes and put a file on his desk.
"This is what I have at the moment, I still have a few leads to follow up on"
"I can't believe you got something so fast"
"Do you know me at all old timer?"
"I guess not, thank you"
Garcia walked away and the rest of the team in the squad room perked up.
"What's that?" asked Matt
"I asked Garcia to find out what happened to my family"
"Oh hope its good news" said Luke
"Thanks guys"
Bucky opened the file and saw a family photo that she had found, His mother, his father and his sister. They looked happy, Bucky had tears in his eyes, he didn't know Garcia and Derek were watching from the doorway.
"He's crying"
"You gave him back his family, they're happy tears Babygirl"
"Really, he'd probably forgotten about them, you gave him back his past, you did a good thing today" said Derek putting his arm around her shoulder and he kissed the top of her head.
Derek was right Bucky had found out what happened to his sister and his parents, she had made this birthday one of the best days in his life.
"You've still got one present left dude" said Matt
Bucky wiped his tears and took the present from Matt.
"Its from all of us" Said Reid
He unwrapped the gift and opened the box, he took the book out and opened it to the first page it said;
You once said you had no family
This is to show you you were wrong.
- The BAU
Bucky flipped the page and he figured out it was a photo album. Garcia had secretly been taking photos of the team for months.
"You've got a new family, weather you want us or not" said JJ who wrapped her arms around Bucky
"Its amazing, thank you"
"We left some pages blank for you, you can add your own memories" said Rossi
"Thank you guys"
"Alright all of you home" said Erin the Unit chief, Hotch's boss "I don't wanna see any of you until Monday"
"Don't have to tell me twice" said Rossi who sped walked out the door.
Bucky had his first personal item to put into his apartment, he really did have a new family and he wasn't going to let anyone or anything hurt it.
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