Mature Language, Drugs, Guns, Violence, torture
Long story Liz and Red are in no way related, they just work together
Summary- Liz goes missing after a night of partying with Red and their only lead is amnesiac Red.
Redington opened his eyes and was unfamiliar with his surroundings, he feared for a moment he had been kidnapped but when his eyes came into focus he realised he was lying on the floor of a Motel room.
He got up off the floor and sat on the bed, he looked around the room for his clothes but they were nowhere in sight, he would have to make due with a white blood stained shirt and his usual black dress trousers.
He walked outside and saw that he was in fact in an abandoned Motel, he walked out to the road and saw that there was a car heading his way, he stopped the car and asked where he was, the driver answered that he was on the outskirts of D.C. The driver happily gave him a ride into the city, when they arrived Red made his way to the 'Post office' which is what the off the books F.B.I. office was called.
He got into the elevator and went up to the office. The door opened but he didn't get out.
"Mr Redington?" questioned Aram "Are you alright?"
"Where's Liz?" he said as he got off the elevator and walked into the office.
"Agent Keen hasn't come in yet, which is kind of odd"
"What happened to you?" asked Ressler
"I don't know...I don't remember"
"What do you mean?" asked Navabi who walked up to the group with Cooper.
"I mean I don't remember a single thing that happened last night" Red handed Aram his burner phone "Find out where I was last night If you please"
Aram walked over to his desk and started to track Red's movements over the course of the night.
"What's the last thing you remember?" asked Cooper
"Leaving here, getting into the car and then...nothing"
"I got it, You were at a nightclub last night"
"That's impossible, I detest Nightclubs"
"You weren't the only one there"
"What are you talking about?" asked Red
Aram put the security footage on the screen "You went with Agent Keen"
"Where is Liz?" asked Ressler
"I don't know... The nightclub, what is it called?" asked Red
"Uhh Roderick's"
"Of course, Roderick's, that explains the amnesia"
"It does?" questioned Navabi
"Every night at midnight, Roderick's rains down a liquid drug from a complex system of tubes from the ceiling, a drug that suppresses inhibitions and makes the person euphoric, it also wears off after seven hours but after seven hours you forget everything that happened since it entered your mouth"
"How is that possible?" asked Cooper
"I have no idea but its quite popular and legal"
"Do you think Liz was affected by it?"
"Its defiantly possible, I never go to Roderick's, I try to avoid it" "We need to find Elizabeth"
"We will" said Cooper
"I need to change and then I need to find Dembe"
"Navabi, go with him" ordered Cooper
Red left the office with Navabi and they drove back to Red's apartment, he walked in to find the place trashed.
"What happened?"
"I have no idea"
Red walked into the bedroom and changed into his usual three piece suit.
"Any sign of Dembe?" he asked as he put tucked his gun into the back of his trousers.
"We need to find him and Liz...And I know just where to start"
Red and Navabi left the apartment and drove to the one place he knew Liz, Dembe and himself had all been at one point during the night, Roderick's.
They walked in and were immediately met with four men with guns.
"The person in charge, now" said Red politely
"Hello Raymond" said a women who walked into the room in a provocative red dress.
"Annalise, how are you my dear?"
"What do you want Raymond?"
"Straight to business then, where's the women I was in here with last night? And if you happen to know where Dembe is..."
"Your friend...Liz?" questioned Annalise
"Yes Liz"
"She left last night, with you"
"She did?"
"Yes and Dembe wasn't in here last night"
"He must have been"
"He wasn't"
"Well thank you for your information Annalise, we'll get out of your hair"
"Your friend, she left her purse behind" one of the men with guns pulled off and retrieved it from behind the bar and gave it to Red.
"Thank you Annalise"
"See you around Raymond"
Red and Navabi walked outside and stood next to the car and looked inside Liz purse.
"There's nothing here"
"On the contrary my dear" said Red as he picked up Liz's phone and called Aram.
"No, did you find out where else I was last night?"
"Yes, I were at a warehouse about four blocks north of the Roderick's club"
"Text me the address Aram"
Red hung up the phone and followed the directions to the warehouse.
"Why were you here?" asked Navabi
"I have no idea"
They walked in and saw a figure tied to a chair in the middle of the room, they both pulled out their guns and walked sceptically up to them. The figure lifted their head and Red and Navabi knew who it was, Liz.
"RED RUN!" Shouted Liz
Suddenly there was a gun against Red's temple as well as Navabi's. The mysterious people took their guns and pushed them forward, they started walking towards Liz.
"Welcome Raymond" said a mysterious voice
"Only a mad man talks to thin air, show yourself"
The mysterious person walked into to view and it was none other than Annalise.
"Not the slightest bit surprised?"
"Not really, I knew you were lying"
"You have a tell, what I don't know is why?"
"Because you stole from my club"
"I did?"
"Well I don't really remember"
"Maybe this will help" said Annalise as one of her men stuck a syringe in Red's neck.
"Night night Raymond"
Red fell unconscious.
About an hour later Red woke up he was tied up with his arms above his head and his feet barely touching the ground, Liz and Navabi were both tied to chairs in front of him.
"Mornin' sunshine" said Annalise "I wouldn't thrash about to much, if you want to keep breathing that is"
"What do you want?" he asked
"I want what you stole"
"I...I don't remember"
"Well then maybe Mr Jacobs can get it out of you"
An old man with a briefcase walked up to the table next to Annalise, he opened his briefcase and got out his tools, his torture tools.
The old man walked up to Red with a blow torch, he lit it and started to burn the skin on Red's stomach whilst he screamed in pain.
"Stop it!" pleaded Liz
The man turned off the torch and placed it back on the table, he picked up a baseball bat and took multiple swings at Red, again as he screamed in pain.
"Tell me where you hid it and this can all end Raymond" said Annalise
"I...I don't remember"
"Too bad"
The old man picked up a large knife and made large cuts all over Red's chest.
"TELL ME!" shouted Annalise
"Stop please" said Liz
"I..I don't know" whispered Red who was barely conscious.
The old man took out maybe the worst weapon in his briefcase, a whip. He walked up behind Red and started to whip him.
After minutes the man stopped and packed up his things.
"What are you doing?" asked Annalise
"He has no recollection of what he did, continuing would be meaningless"
"F.B.I.!" shouted Ressler as the S.W.A.T team busted in and arrested everyone.
The second Liz was untied she went straight over to Red who was being lowered by a SWAT agent.
"Red?" said Liz who was trying to get Red to look at her but he was too out of it to even raise his head.
"Ressler give me his phone"
Ressler handed Red's phone to her and she called a number only for emergencies.
"Mr Kaplan its Liz, Code 77"
"I'll text you an address, get him there" Kaplan hung up, seconds later there was a text with an address.
"Help me get him to the car"
Ressler helped Liz put Red into the car, she got into the back with Red as Ressler drove to the address on the text.
When they got there, there was a medical team waiting to bring him into the warehouse where they had assembled the mobile medical unit.
"What happened?" asked Mr Kaplan
"Some women said he stole something from her club"
"Let me guess Roderick's?"
"How'd you know?"
"Raymond would've told her after all of this, the only way he wouldn't is if he didn't remember"
The team brought him inside and started to patch him up.
After hours Navabi, Liz, Aram, Ressler and Cooper were all waiting for an update on Red's condition. They were sitting on some boxes which were abandoned in the warehouse.
"He's going to be alright, isn't he?" asked Aram, Navabi walked over to him and hugged him.
Mr Kaplan walked up to them.
"Is he okay?" asked Liz
"They had to place him into a medically induced coma, he was in too much pain to be conscious"
"But he's okay?"
"Physically, he will heal"
"And Mentally?" asked Cooper
"I can't know for sure, but what I do know is that he will have extensive scars all over his body"
"Can we see him?" asked Liz
"Of course"
The team walked up to the room and saw Red hooked up to many machines all of which were beeping which indicated he was alive.
Liz walked in while the others watched from outside. She sat next to him on a uncomfortable metal chair.
"How long will he be like this?" Liz asked the Doctor
"At least until the wounds on his back start to heal, are you Elizabeth Keen?"
"Yes, why?"
"He told me that you were the only one to make his medical decisions if he can't make them himself"
"He did?" asked Liz as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.
"Do what ever you have to do to keep him alive" said Liz not taking her eyes off Red
"I promise you that we will"
Two weeks later and Red was still in his coma and Liz hadn't left his side except to shower and eat.
"Its time to wake him" said the Doctor
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, he needs to wake up now or might never wake up again"
The Doctor dialled back on the drug keeping him asleep and it was just a matter of time until he woke up. Twenty minutes later Red started to shift, he opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Liz.
"Red?" whispered Liz who was holding Red's hand.
Red was trying to speak.
"Don't try to talk, you damaged your vocal cords, you've been in a coma for two weeks"
Red became more aware and opened his eyes more.
"Annalise was arrested along with her men and the man who did this to you. The main thing is your going to be okay, I missed you Red"
Red took Liz's hand and they just stayed like that knowing that the were both alive and well.
A week later Red was up and about, he was back to his old charming self, well at least on the surface, under the surface he was a mess and the only person who knew was Liz, she had cared for him through his rehabilitation. He had nightmares and night terrors, things about himself only one other person knew. Dembe had been found, It seemed Red tasked him with keeping the item he stole from Roderick's safe until Red contacted him.
Red had come close to death and it made him realise some things about himself and his life, like the fact he was in love...with Liz.
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