Who knew... (Zicky)
Btw vicky does not look like that in this chapter , my friend made this edit and I just needed to add it here
Request by GeminiHaddock
Vicky POV
I woke up because of course my stupid alarm clock went off , meaning I had to wake up to school, which I really and I mean really hate school , but since I need to learn I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready . I washed my body and I put on my light blue long sleeve top, white skirt and white heels , I dried my brown hair and let it be free , cause sometimes I just can't be bothered doing with them anything else than just brushing it. I went down stairs to see my annoying brother Jack , he was still in his pyjamas, well I wouldn't call that pyjamas, it was more of a white t - shirt and dark blue boxers , he was making pancakes and he was messing up his brown hair, he looked really tired so I let out a laugh which he heard and turned around "oh you are awake finally , I swear I was up before you this time" he said and yawned which signaled that he was totally lying "sure sure bro , now leave it to me and go get yourself ready for school" I replied and laughed , he nodded and went up stairs.
20 minutes later
We ate and he finally got ready, I went to brush my teeth and we headed to our boring school. Few minutes of walking we arrived at our prison, I mean school, we entered and jack went his way with his friends and I runned to find Gemini, my best friend. After 3 minutes of looking for her I finally spotted her "Gem there you are!" I said panting at this point, she giggled at me "i was waiting for you , for one reason, and one reason only , look" she replied and pointed in the direction of him, the one and only Zack Black, my crush, I blushed and she giggled at me because I was defenetly staring for too long "how did you know he was here?" I asked and she smiled "well I saw him , so I though, maybe I should have waited here so you could make your move " she said and a smirk appeared on her face "oh you got to be kidding me" I spoke up, and some people looked at me, I smiled nervesly and whispered sorry which made them all look in their own direction "Gem, I can't , he is ya know, popular , I mean people likes him, girls have crush on him , and I am no one" I replied and signed "Vicky, I know that girls like him, but don't say you are no one , cause you are someone , you are smart, breave , create , you also won drawing competition which people noticed you for, your brother was in a school band that people in our school liked , and they know you are his sister so they look at you differently" Gem replied and she placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked up at her and she smiled softly , I smiled back faintly, I looked at the direction of Zack , I took a deep breath, but when I was about to walk up to him, the bell rang which made me sign in relief.
Zack POV (from the morning)
I woke up because my alarm clock just had to tell me that I will start a bad day , cause of course I need to go to school, but I can't not go to school so I went into my bathroom and took a shower. After my refreshing shower I went and put my dark grey shirt on and black jeans, I messed up my black hair and went down stairs to smell pancakes , which was my favourite, when I arrived in the kitchen I saw my sister Zoe making pancakes , she was already ready, which is normal cause she always wakes up early, and I saw my dad Pitch eating his breakfast and reading his newspaper, I sat down and ate "so , what are your plans for today son" my dad asked not taking eyes off his newspaper "well not much, I'm just going to try and learn something" I replied , which made Zoe laugh a bit and my dad chuckle , I finally finished my breakfast, I brushed my teeth and me and Zoe headed to our prison , people call school. When we arrived there was few people around but not much since we arrived really early, I saw my friend Ryan in the corridors but on my way I saw Gem standing and looking on her watch back and forth "hey Gem" I said with a smile and she looked at me and smiled back "oh hey Zack" she replied and I waved at her and I went to talk with Ryan "hey dude, whats up?" Ryan asked and he gived me a fist bump " I'm alright , just tired, I don't really like waking up early" I said and he nodded "as always I see" he replied and and suddenly he looked behind me "Ryan what's wrong?" I asked and turned around to see the most beautiful girl in this school, Vicky , I blushed and quickly turned around cause I knew she will turn to look at me any second now "dude, you are blushing" Ryan said and laughed "oh shut up" I yelled/ whispered and he just smirked at me "oh come on, Zack just tell her what you feel to her , it's not like she won't like you back right? Every girl likes you " he said and I signed "Ryan , she is different, she isn't like other girls, she doesn't show interest in me at all" I replied and he shook head "fine, keep it as a secret for as long as you want , but don't tell me next time that I should have told you to do it when she is going to find someone else" he replied and with that the bell rang.
At lunch
At lunch I kinda didn't want to eat, I just wanted to think through what Ryan told me , and I remember how Hiro told me that too, Hiro is Gems boyfriend, that's how I know him, but what if she won't like me back, I can't make her avoid me more if she find out I like her and she doesn't like me back. I went up to the sitting area where no one really comes, I wonder why since its outside, and it's a nice day, but what ever, I looked at my hands and suddenly I heard a sign coming from here, I looked around and finally I saw her, Vicky sitting and looking at the sky, I looked around and I walked up to her and pulled a chair next to her "hey Vic Vic" I said and she snapped out of her thoughts and when she saw me her eyes went wide for some reason "oh h..hey Zack" she replied and bit nervous "I need to talk to you , cause I have a problem" I replied and look at my hands and back at her "what is it?" She asked more confident now "well , did you ever had a problem with telling someone you like them but you didn't know how will it end up and if they like you back , but your friend tells you to tell that person what you feel, before its too late?" I spoke really quickly but she seemed to catch up with me cause her eyes went wide.
Vicky POV
I couldn't breath and I think my heart skipped a beat when he asked me that, I don't know if he is reading my mind, but I think he likes someone else, so too late for me to tell him what I feel, I feel really great right now......Note the sarcasm "well maybe I could help you some how" I replied softly , and now regretting it cause I am helping my own crush with his crush , that's just great "well maybe" he spoke up and looked at me with his grey eyes, my heart melted right there but I tried to keep it together "well first of, who is she, and if you don't want to tell me then tell me how is she like " I replied and he bite his bottom lip and signed "well she is really beautiful, I see her everyday and I can't stop staring at her but I can't stare at her forever cause I know she will notice and then I would be embarrassed, she is smart, breave and she puts smile on my face every time I look at her , I think I fell in love with her" he said softly and blushed looking away , I froze in place cause now I know my crush really did fell in love with someone.
My heart broke into pieces and I wanted to run and cry but I didn't want him to get worried so I kept it inside "well if you are really in love with her, I suggest you tell her that , what you just told me, I mean I don't see why she shouldn't like you back" I replied softly and holding my tears. I remember how we use to be best friends in primary school , until he kinda changed in high school and went his way and I went my way , at least we knew each other well "well I don't know how to tell her that cause I'm scared that I will scare her away" he spoke up, bring me back from my thoughts "ya know what , call her then" I said , trying to be as confident as possible , he looked at me and rised his eyebrows, I looked back at him and nodded at him , so he picked up his phone and typed this girls number and he called her, then I heard my phone ring "wait just one sec , someone is calling me" great right now when I was about to know who the girl he likes is , I picked up my phone , not even bothering to look who is calling , I answered the call "hello?" I spoke , waiting for this someone to answer "I love you" I heard from the phone , and at the same time Zack said the same thing, I gasped and went wide eyes, I dropped my phone , and I didn't know what to do , he ended the call and smiled at me "vicky , I really love you, I don't know how to explain this , but you were always the girl I wanted , you were special and you were always you , and that's what I liked about you" he said taking my hands into his "I ....I.." I didn't know what to say, he bite his lip nervesly , he signed and when he was about to say something I had to speek up " I always had a crush on you" I said quickly and his eyes went wide , he looked into my eyes and then all of a sudden he smashed his lips into my, he kissed me, I couldn't believe this. I kissed back, his lips were so soft and warm and I felt so safe, I couldn't help but smile in the kiss cause this day just got much much better.
Zack POV
When she said that I smashed my lips into hers, I kissed her , I finally kissed her , and she even kissed back , her lips were so soft and cold but I didn't care , all I cared about now is that I'm kissing the girl I love and nothing is better at this point. After few seconds we broke the kiss and I placed my forehead against hers , she smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. Suddenly we laughed a bit and looked into each others eyes , her beautiful blue eyes were something I wanted to stare into forever "vicky would you want to be my....girlfriend?" I asked and she smiled and nodded , pecking my lips and blushing, I chuckled and the bell rang, it was even better cause we had the same class now. We stood up and I took her hand and we went right to our class. Who knew it would end like this... Who knew....
*cries from the feels* I am too emotional, I am sorry....well I hope you enjoyed this one shot ....well hopefully you did ....anyway see ya later
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