This will never end (Arky)
Both Sky and Archos went through the purple glowing portal, to arrive at their base, where they uselly sit, when they don't travel through dimensions. Archos looked at Sky with his violet eyes, and smiled softly. Sky looked back at him with her blueberry eyes, while smiling back warmly.
The room was quite big, it had dark walls and there was few furniture , but nothing too fancy, apart from the computers that were around the right wall, that they used to track dimensions and get informations, etc.
Archos took out a black leather note book, and flipped through pages with different kids of notes he wrote there, where he finally found a clean page.
"Harry Potter....done.." Archos mumbled, while writing it down. He placed his black pen in between the pages , and closed the note book, afterwards , putting it in his pocket.
Sky have already reached the dark red sofa, and she weakly dropped down on it.
Archos glanced at her and chuckled. He ruffled his black hair, and went to sit next to where Sky was laying down, but of course , as he was expecting it, she had taken over the whole sofa, leaving no space for him.
Since Archos really wanted to sit down, he didn't let anything stop him from doing so, so he lifted Sky's legs, sat down, and proceeded to put her legs back down, but instead, on his lap.
Sky looked at him annoyed and confused, her galaxy hair everywhere around her head, since she took them out from the pony tail, she had earlier.
"What was that about?" She asked annoyed, glaring at the boy sitting and smirking, while looking at her.
"Well that's what you get from taking over the couch" he answered simply, while placing both of his hands behind his head, and proceeding to lean back, and relax his muscles from the adventure they had earlier.
Sky rolled her eyes, while trying to turn side ways, to face the TV, but a sudden pain that rushed through her legs, stopped her from doing so, and she winced.
That made Archos quickly look at her and instead of his previous smug expression, he had worry in his eyes.
"Hey you okay?" He asked, while looking at the galaxy girl.
"Yeah....okay not really" she replied, trying to take ahold of her legs. Archos quickly noticed, and looked at her pale legs, seeing that they are bright red.
"Jeez, what have you done to your legs?" He asked, really suprised seeing the condition her legs where in.
"Well eh...The library I was in, had a lot of stuff, and it wasn't that tidy, and a box fell on my feet, but since it was freezing cold out there, i didn't feel anything until now" Sky replies, trying to reach her leg with her hand.
Archos quickly reached for her hand and held it, which made Sky look up at Archos, to meet his violet eyes.
"Just relax, I'll take care of your legs" Archos smiled, as he placed her hand back down on her side, and stands up to get a cream.
~A week later~
Sky and Archos were casually walking around the park. Sun shining on them, as the sunlight made their skin extra shinny.
Archos, keeping his hands in his black jeans pockets, whistled, while Sky walking right behind him, looking at her phone with annoyed expression on her face, as if she was arguing with the electrical device.
Archos decided to look behind him, to check on the galaxy hair girl, that was practically face palming mentally. Her white sleepers were the only thing now hitting the ground, as she didn't notice her friend stopping in her track.
Archos scanned the girl with his eyes, and something he noticed, made him silently laugh to himself. Sky as usual was wearing her galaxy sweater, with black skinny jeans to match, her hair were in a pony tail, and the funny part about this was, that her sweater was not on right, and instead of putting it the right side to show , the part where the white paper attached to it should be inside, was outside.
The Underground Prince took the advantage of it, and he grabbed the Princess of the Stars, by her hips, and pulling her towards him.
Sky proceeded to put her phone in her pocket, and quickly ask Archos what he was doing, but she got cut off , before she could say anything, because of Archos, pulling her sweater off, leaving her in her white undershirt.
"Archo!! What the hell?! Sky yelled, as her cheeks became a bright shade of red. Archos lined over to her ear, whispering "You had your sweater on wrong" as he whispered that, he send a rush of chills going down Sky's spine, he then kissed her cheek, and placed her sweater back on her, while walking forward, leaving her to take care of the rest sweater problem.
Sky was left standing, with red scarlet cheeks, and her hands still being inside her sweater, which she proceed to put through the sleeves.
A sudden ring tone made the girl come back to the reality, as she proceeded to take her phone out of her pocket.
She looked at the screen, to see who is calling her, and to her bad luck, it was her annoying older brother Silver. Sky looked up, and quickly runned towards Archos, to stop him in his track.
When she did, he looked at her confused.
"I need to take this call, could you wait?" She asked, looking at Archos, with pleading eyes.
Archos looked at her and smiled softly, nodding.
"Of course" he replied , and Sky smiled at him, thanking him for that, while she went up to a near by tree, to be far away from distractions while she takes the call. She leans against the tree and answers her phone.
~Few minutes later~
Sky held her phone back down, to end her call. When she did so, she sighed in stress and anger, sometimes her siblings can get annoying, especially when they always talk about, how she needs to find someone, because their mother says so.
As she was about walk back to Archos, someone grabbed her by her arm and slammed her back onto the tree.
She winced in pain, and looked at the person that did that. The person was a guy, looking at what he was wearing and how he looked like, he wasn't going to be nice, and he was probably part of a gang or something.
"Hey beautiful" he said in a raspy voice, while smirking, looking up and down, checking Sky out.
"Leave me alone" she snapped at him, anger pulsing through her veins, trying not to rip that guy apart, but sudden cold object, with a smooth edge, made her regret it all. When she let her eyes fall down, she noticed something silvery against her neck, and as he was pressing it more, it was more painful for her.
"Now listen to me, no one talk to me like that!" he spat at her, and tears started streaming down her cheeks.
She felt fear, and she didn't know what he would do if she were to call out for Archos to help her. She felt him reaching out for her cheek, which made her flinch and move a bit, which made him press the knife against her skin more, some blood dripping down.
Sky let out a cry, from pain and fear, she didn't know what to do, but she was hopping and Archos will notice.
She closed her eyes, not wanting to look at him anymore. She started to shake, when suddenly, she didn't feel anything against her neck, nor any weight pushing against her, she just felt a soft hand reaching for hers.
She flinched a bit, not sure if she should open her eyes, but she did so anyway. She saw the person she wanted to see. The black haired and violet eyes, boy was standing right before her, looking at her.
She smiled at him faintly, and then hugged him, sobbing into his shoulder.
"Shhhh it's okay, I'm here , you're safe now" Archos whispered into her ear, while stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head.
"Who do you think you are?!" A sudden raspy voice was heard from behind them both.
Sky gasped, while Archos turned himself around, looking at the man before him.
"I could ask you the same question" Archos said in between his teeth, he was getting madder each second.
"Well I had the girl first!" The guy yelled, as he was also getting annoying, holding his knife tightly in his hand.
"Leave her alone! She didn't want to be around you! Leave my friend alone!" Archos yelled pissed.
The guy proceeded to attack Archos with his knife, which Archos dogged with ease. Sky quickly walked behind the to hid from the attacks, but someone , once again, grabbed her and forced her against someone's chest, to be exact, the other guys chest. He quickly put the knife against Sky's neck, getting a whimper that escaped her mouth.
Without thinking, Archos took his sword out and charged at the guy, successfully knocking him out to the ground.
Archos quickly took Sky away, and kept his sword in front of the guy. He got so mad, his eyes were practically turning red from rage.
He was about to stab the guy when a cold hand grabbed his wrist. He looked to the side, to find Sky holding him back.
"Don't, please, do something else" Sky pleaded, and Archos sighed, nodding.
~Few minutes later~
Archos got ride of the guy, and he embraced Sky, while she was still shaking.
"Are you okay now?" He asked softly, stroking her hair.
Sky just nodded, nuzzling into Archos shoulder. Archos decided to sit down with her, sitting against the tree, while sitting her down on his lap. She layed back on his chest, still hugging him, closing her eyes. Archos enjoyed the beautiful sunset, that made the sky have purple, orange, pink and yellow shades, while his crush fell asleep on his chest.
Yay I got this finished finally......It was emotional for meh so don't mind me crying in the corner....bye!!!
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