The Adventure- Jinmau
((Warning in these one shots there with be cursing and PG-13 material. You have been warned))
Jin's POV
I packed up my suitcase and walked downstairs. I walked outside and put my suitcase in the car.
"JINNNNNNNNNN HURRY UP!" Sky yelled from inside the car. I laughed and got in shotgun. Sky, Ross, Max, Barney, and I were going on a trip to the fabulous city of Las Vegas. Jess, Shelby, Delaney and Camren were also coming but they were still getting ready. Cas was sick so he didn't get to come.
"DRIVE MOTHER FUCKER!" Max yelled and Sky hit the gas. I was smacked back into the seat as I closed the door. Sky flipped on the radio as we drove to the girls house.
We pulled up to the house and shut off the car. We got out and knocked on the door. Delaney pulled open the door and she was wearing a shirt that said "FREEDOM MOTHER FUCKER!!!! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!?!" With a picture of a bald eagle yelling at a cup of tea.
"We're going as fast as we can! Shelby and Jess are taking forever!" Delaney yelled as she stepped out, holding a suitcase. She threw it into the back of the car. We all laughed at the nineteen year old. We were all twenty one and always made fun of Camren and Delaney for being younger.
"Do you have a problem you whores?" Delaney said as she walked back inside. We laughed again and followed her in. Camren was coming down the stairs holding his suitcase. He wore a shirt that said "BRITAIN YOU TWAT!!!! DO YOU SPEAK IT!?!?" With a picture of a teacup yelling at a bald eagle. Camren and Delaney exchanged glares as Camren went out to put his suitcase in the car.
"YOU'RE BOTH ADOPTED MOTHER FUCKERS!!!" Max yelled. We laughed again. Camren and Cas were adopted from London and had been brought back to the U.S. While Delaney was born in the U.S and fairly proud of it. They weren't too sensitive about it anymore but Delaney turned around and socked Max in the arm.
"I'm gonna go get Jess." I said. I walked upstairs and went to her room. The door was closed and I opened it. Jess stood in the middle of the room with a bra on. We both screamed and I slammed the door and ran downstairs. I dove face first onto the couch.
"YOU DIDN'T KNOCK DID YOU MOTHER FUCKER!?!?" Max and Delaney yelled at me. I blushed as I tried to suffacte myself in the couch. Laughter filled the room as I laid there.
Soon Max, Delaney and Sky were dragging me into the car. Max volentered to drive and Delaney sat in shotgun. The car wasn't big enough for everyone to have their own seat, so I had to share a seat with Jess, which was very awkward.
*Later when they get to Las Vegas*
It was dark out when we got to Vegas. Everyone was looking out the windows at the sparkling city.
"It's so pretty." Jess whispered.
"Yeah it is." I whispered back. Suddenly the car swerved and we slammed against each other. Mac and Delaney both let out a loud and impressively long string of curses, Delaney somehow spitting out more curse words than Max before having to repeat.
"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" Camren yelled. Max and Delaney continued their string of curses, not giving an answer.
"Um... Hey." Jess whispered as she turned red. I blushed red and then Shelby pulled us apart.
"MOTHER FUCKER THINKS HES SO FUCKING SMART! WHAT A DUMBASS TRYING TO FUCKING KILL US! HE CAN EAT SHIT!" Delaney and Max screamed at the same time. Everyone laughed nervously. Max and Delaney can get serious road rage and they can sometimes take it out on their passengers. They would yell at their passengers if they disagreed with them, so everyone kept their mouth shut.
*When they get to the hotel*
"WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" The girls and Camren yelled as they rode around on one of those wheelie things.
"Can you control your kids please?" The hotel lady asked Sky. Sky looked at her in horror.
"They're not my kids!" Sky yelled, clearly embarrassed. Just at that moment, the wheelie thing came flying past. Camren, Jess and Shelby jumped off but Delaney stayed on. She leaned to the side and turned before she hit a wall then set off down a hallway.
"I can see now these three aren't kids but the other girl is clearly a child. Who's kid is she?" The lady asked again. Camren piped up.
"She's actually nineteen and we're all friends with her. She'll burn herself out eventually." Camren explained. The hotel lady rolled her eyes and gave us our room key.
*Later when everyone is settled in*
Jess' POV
Camren had been right. Delaney did eventually burn herself out and she now sat half asleep. Now we all sat in a circle ready to play some game. I sat next to Jin and Camren.
"Alright! We're gonna play a game! Someone asks another person a question and then the person asked get to keep asking and so forth! It can be an open ended question or a would you rather question!" Sky said.
"Jess you ask first!" Sky said pointing at me.
"Uh okay!" I said. I thought for a second then I got a good question.
"Okay! Max! Who would you want to be with in a horror movie?" I asked.
"Delaney for god damn sure." He said plainly. I giggled and everyone ohed. Delaney was too tired to notice.
"Alright my turn. JIN! On a scale from one to ten how much do you want to get into Jess' pants?" Max asked. I felt my fave go red as everyone laughed hard.
"Holy shit! Max gets right to it!" Delaney yelled, suddenly awake. Everyone went quiet and stared at Jin.
"" He said. A bunch of sighs went around the circle as well as a few whistles.
"Damn it. I thought it was at least a nine." Max muttered under his breath.
"Okay.... Camren! Who do you think here would be the best couple?" Jin asked Camren. Camren thought for a second.
"Max and Delaney. Cause they curse so much and they would probably be rough with each other. You know they're both kinky son of a bitches." Camren said. Max and Delaney lunged to attack him, only to be held back. They both cursed loudly at Camren, who laughed really hard.
"Okay. Barney! If you had to be stuck on an island with anyone here, who would you pick?" Camren asked Barney.
"Oh. Maxs or Delaneys! The sharks would be scareds of thems!" Barney said. Delaney and Max seemed to calm down and sat back down.
"Skys!" It went in like that for the rest of the night. I don't remember much after that though. Everyone eventually fell asleep. When I woke up I was asleep in Jin's arms. It took me a second to realize that I was in a skimpy tank top and shorts. I looked around and saw the guys were top less, while the girls wore skimpy tank tops and shorts. We probably switched to truth or dare and had all dared each other to do this.
"Jin." I whispered. His eyes slowly opened and he looked at me.
"Morning sunshine." He said, kissing my forehead. I felt myself blush hard.
"Morning." I mumbled. He chuckled a little.
"Do you remember last night?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Not much." I whispered.
"That's fine. I'll fill you in. So we switched to truth or dare. We all admitted our crushes. A few other dumb dares. And finally we kissed." He whispered the last part because we heard a groan. We both looked and saw Max getting up. He put his shirt back on and woke up Delaney. She went and got dressed then the two of them left, not saying a word the entire time.
"That was weird." I whispered.
"Yeah it was." Jin whispered back.
"Wait we kissed?" I asked, looking at him.
"Yeah..." Jin said, clearly nervous.
"Can we kiss again?" I whispered. Jin's eyes went wide and he nodded. He leaned forward and kissed my lips. I closed my eyes and kissed back. His lips were so soft. I was worried he would say no, but clearly he had wanted this.
"EGADS!" We broke the kiss and looked. Camren was sitting up and looked mentally scarred.
"YOU CANT JUST MAKE OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOTEL ROOM WHILE EVERYONES ASLEEP!" He yelled, pulling his shirt back on. Jin and I both blushed.
"Sorry." I said sheepishly. Camren shook his head in disapproval.
*A week later*
Everyone was packing up their stuff and putting it into the car. During our vacation we had plenty to drink, everyone but Camren got a tattoo, Max and Delaney got their noses percired, Barney won a whole bunch of money from poker, Sky had met this girl who is coming back with us and Jin and I got together.
"We're all ready to go!" Delaney yelled, getting into the front seat. I got in back and sat with Jin.
"LETS GO MOTHER FUCKERS!" Max yelled. He slammed on the gas, slamming me back into Jin.
"Hey." I whispered. He smiled and hugged me tight.
The end! I hope you guys enjoyed this! Comment some ships you want me to write about! It can literally be anything! *cough* Garmau *cough* Ugh I think I'm getting sick. Also remember to follow my brother SwagDragonDante! He has great stories! That's all and remember I believe in you!
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