You'll always have me
Always put your phone on 'Do not disturb' whenever you sleep. That was something Reyna always told herself, mostly because she didn't get enough sleep. So waking up to her phone blowing up with notifications kinda ruined her mood.
Though it didn't last long when she felt Cooper cuddle up beside her. She had stayed up with her to make sure she had gotten some sleep. Reyna couldn't help but run her fingers in her hair. It was very relaxing and reassuring for her and Cooper didn't seem to mind as she loved the feeling.
Reaching over to the desk she grabbed her phone, opening it to find shares, tweets, and retweets. All tracing back to one person. Zara, Cooper's ex.
Some of it was along the lines of "She's a predator" "She's a sexual abuser" "She's bad news"
Others were "You're dumb to think she'll change." "Aren't you smart? Why'd you choose her?" "You really are an idiot if you think she loves you."
Reading and rereading each and every single one hurt her even more to the point that she couldn't even see the screen against the tears that were threatening to escape. This was seriously happening? Reyna knew about Cooper's reputation long before they had started dating and she was able to prove time and time again that she had changed and was actually trying to do better for Reyna. So why was she still being hurt by all this backlash?
A ping from the phone grabbed her attention, this one breaking her even more. "Just break up already!"
Reyna could feel her heart pounding against her ribcage as if it was trying to break free. Her breathing became more rapid and she thought as though her head would explode. Feeling cold one minute and then painfully hot the next, she couldn't understand what was happening. Clutching her phone hard, Reyna was scared it would break any moment.
Suddenly she felt her phone disappear from her hand and was replaced with the rough yet soft touch of Cooper. Even by her simple touch, Reyna felt herself calm down just a bit.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm here," Cooper reassured her, lifting her chin so that she could see her eyes. "Copy me, okay, Babs?"
Reyna just nodded, not trusting herself to speak yet. Cooper wiped a few tears that escaped before holding her close and listening to her heart beating.
"Breathe in for four," Cooper started as she did it, hoping Reyna would follow, which she did.
1, 2, 3, 4...
"Hold it for seven..." Cooper muttered out as she felt Reyna intertwine their hands.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...
"Now out for eight." Cooper finished as she rubbed her thumb over Reyna's hand in an attempt to comfort her.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
Cooper repeated the trick a few more times with Reyna following her, until she was sure that she had calmed down. Cooper could feel Reyna's heart slow down but the tears didn't stop though and that was okay. Cooper gave her a comforting smile as she brushed the hair out of her face and wiped away the tears.
"You don't have to tell me right away but I'll be here when you want to talk about it," Cooper whispered before kissing her on the forehead.
The two stayed like that for a while. Cooper had even thought that Rose had fallen asleep again but her small sniffles indicated that she wasn't. Gods, whatever must've triggered that panic attack must've been bad because of the way she reacted. Cooper couldn't help feeling angry at whatever triggered the attack but she calmed down quickly knowing that Reyna needed her more right now.
Cooper shifted when she felt Reyna move away from her. Reyna looked up at her and smiled sadly at him before whispering. "Can you get me some water, Babs?"
"Of course, I'll be right back," Cooper tried to get up but was held back by Reyna. "Babs, I can't get water if you don't let go."
"You'll come back right?" Reyna asked, even though she knew the answer, she just wanted Cooper to say it.
"I'll always come back for you." Cooper placed a kiss on her cheek before standing up to get water.
The tall girl rushed downstairs as quickly and quietly as she could in hopes to make it back to her Reyna and not wake any of their relatives. Grabbing a mug from the cupboard, filling it with water, and picked a few of Reyna's favorite chocolates. She raced upstairs to find their bed empty but feeling a cold breeze, she knew where she was. Stepping outside to the balcony, she found her Reyna leaning against the railing looking afar.
"You always did love mountain views," Cooper spoke, coming up beside her, and offering her the drink.
Reyna took it with a smile and her eyes glistened when Cooper handed her a Nutella Bar and quoted Remus Lupin. "Eat this, you'll feel better."
Reyna couldn't help but giggle. Cooper had been reluctant to read any of the books but she finally agreed to a marathon if Reyna wouldn't bring it up as much, now the other girl could quote a lot of the character's lines. Cooper really did change a lot and that was what Rose loved about her. It made her even sadder that people couldn't see that change in the girl and only assumed the worst.
"You wanna talk about it now?" Cooper asked, taking a bite out of her bar, which was Hershey's.
"Your ex... she's talking online," Reyna started nervously as she twiddled with the promise ring Cooper had gotten her. "I know I shouldn't really care about her but all the tweets have been getting worse."
Cooper was about to reassure her but Reyna continued. "And I know what I was getting into when I started dating you and I don't regret it because you are amazing and you're doing so much work to change and I love that you're trying and I love you for everything you've done but I just can't shrug all of this off."
"No one's expecting you to." Cooper jumped in before Reyna could continue. "I know that all of this was unconventional and kinda irritating but I promise you that no matter what happens with her, I will always love you."
Reyna was about to open her mouth to contradict but was shut up by Cooper wrapping her arms around her shoulders. "And you can't forget your friends. Those weirdos will do anything for you."
"Don't call them that," Reyna pushed her off playfully, laughing herself because she knew it was the truth.
"Okay, okay, fine but seriously, even just one call to Charlie and Zara will regret messing with you. I swear that girl scares me." Cooper shuddered but Reyna couldn't help but laugh.
"Charlie is a panda bear!!" Reyna argued back, finally smiling. "She couldn't hurt a fly."
"Yeah, that is until you mess with her friends." Cooper ruffled Reyna's hair in response. "I know you wouldn't want to make this a bigger issue, either way, Babs, but Charlie and the others are always there if you want to fight back. We're all on your side even if you're in the wrong, though that is impossible, you'll always have us. You'll always have me."
"And that's all I'll need." Reyna teased before going on her toes to place a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek but Cooper turned at the last second and their lips met.
Electric waves went through both of them and they parted in shock. The two blushed deep red before turning back to one another.
"Can we try that again, Babs?" Cooper shyly asked, looking at the floor.
Reyna couldn't help but adore her girlfriend right then and there. She had been so confident when talking about defending her and now she shied away just asking for a kiss.
Standing on her tippy toes again, Reyna caressed Cooper's cheek until she faced her before answering him. "I'd love to."
Reyna closed the gap between them and melted into the kiss. Cooper held on to her Reyna not wanting to let go. The two finally separated, gasping for air before they were interrupted by a voice.
"Ewwww, that's so gross!" The two whipped their heads to find Jay, Reyna's little brother, standing by the balcony doors.
Reyna's reaction was simple. She hid her head in Cooper's chest not wanting to bother with her brother. Cooper on the other hand just chuckled before mouthing out words to Jay, which shockingly the boy understood, and walked off.
"I can't believe Jay caught us," Reyna mumbled in Cooper's chest. It was a miracle the taller girl heard and understood what she said.
"Be glad it wasn't your mom cause while I'm sure she likes me I'm not so sure what she would say when she sees I'm locking lips with her daughter." Cooper joked as she kissed the top of Reyna's head.
"Can you just hmm?" Reyna didn't finish but motioned to the door instead.
Cooper laughed but did as she was told. She let go of Reyna for a bit, making sure to close the doors before leading her girlfriend to the jacuzzi where they both dipped their legs just enjoying the warmth of the water.
Feeling an arm wrap around her shoulder, Reyna felt at peace. Never had she experienced this type of care from someone before and having it come from the old bad girl of the school? Let's just say Reyna wasn't easily impressed but at the moment she was.
The younger girl melted into the older girl's hold and they stayed like that watching the sun rise over the mountain. Hopeful that everything will work out for them but even if it didn't they had this moment together and it would stay with both of them forever.
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