Maybe I'll get used to heights
Jo sat comfortably reading a book beside Cris as the older girl conversed with their friends. They were supposed to be doing homework, but one thing led to another, and the homework was forgotten.
" yeah, that's how it happened." Luke finished before the friends burst out laughing.
"And where were you guys when it happened?" Kyle asked him.
"Oh, at Cris' apartment. She lets me stay over sometimes when my parents are out of town." Luke answered.
"Cris, I didn't know you had your own apartment?" Haley asked from beside Kyle.
"Neither do I." Jo finally joined in and sat properly staring at her girlfriend. "To think about it, we always stay at my house never at yours."
"Well, your house was always closer and I don't think it would be a good idea for you to go to my place," Cris answered honestly.
"What are you talking about? Cris, you're the only one living there. Why not invite your girlfriend? Plus, the sights there are... ohhhhh." Luke cut himself off after a pointed look from Cris. "That makes sense."
"What? What is it?" Kyle asked as he hit his best friend.
"Nothing," Luke answered quickly.
"You two suck at being discreet. What is it about Cris' place that Jo wouldn't like?" Haley pushed them to answer.
"Well...." Luke trailed off as he looked over to Cris, who thankfully saved him.
"Okay, how about this, instead of telling you why we'll show you."
They all looked at her shocked that she would agree right away, Luke the most out of them. "But what about you know?"
"Well if they want to see my place, why not. Don't be such a downer Luke." Cris said as she stood up. "I'll just pay the bill and we'll be off."
Cris paid while the rest gathered their stuff. When Cris came back they all headed for her car and drove off to the apartment.
"So where is this place of yours exactly?" Haley asked from the back seat.
"You'll see." That was all Cris said.
Jo sat silently from beside her worried about all of this, mostly worried about why Cris didn't want to bring her there. Jo felt Cris' hand in hers and she couldn't help but smile, Cris always knew how to calm her.
"That's Jensons, that's the Palace, and that's the Only Way. Hold up are we heading to Taylor's Building?" Kyle asked suddenly excited.
Neither Luke nor Cris replied and just as Kyle guessed they entered Taylor's building's basement parking. Cris parked near the elevator and they all got off the car and headed in the elevator.
"I can't believe you live here?!" Kyle was beyond excited.
"It's nothing much," Cris replied calmly before she pulled Jo closer to her. "You might want to come here."
Jo happily complied as she snuggled into Cris' chest. Cris nodded to Luke and he pressed a button and they were going up. Just as Haley was about to say something she got shot down by a look from Cris not to say anything. Kyle gratefully didn't say anything as he was mesmerized by the view from the glass elevator. They got to the top floor and Cris guided Jo to the living room making sure that she was far from any of the windows before heading into her room to grab something.
"Dude, I can't believe you live in a penthouse!" Kyle yelled as he ran around the floor.
Jo's eyes widened with realization. She was high up, very very high up. Feeling anxious she pulled her legs up from the ground and hugged them tightly.
"I have to admit, it's pretty impressive." Haley bluntly said while she walked around. "And you live here all by yourself?"
"Pretty much. Luke comes over and crashes so one of the spare rooms is basically his. My brother has a room as well but he doesn't come very often." Cris explained as she emerged with an Iron Man Plushie.
Cris finally saw that Jo was very panicked and sat by her side giving her the plush. "This is why I didn't want to bring you here, Jo. I know you're deathly scared of heights and I would never put you in a position where you are uncomfortable. You know that right?"
Jo couldn't say anything and just nodded. Cris' face softened and pulled her girlfriend in her lap to make her feel safer. Jo wrapped herself around Cris still feeling frightened. The older girl just sat there with the younger girl in her arms as she whispered reassuring words into her ear.
"Hey, Jo," Cris asked and Jo looked up to her girlfriend. "I want to show you something."
Jo agreed and just held tight to Cris. The older girl carried her girlfriend back into the elevator and headed for the rooftop.
"Hey, take a look." Jo opened her eyes as Cris put her down and was mesmerized by the place.
The rooftop was a sky garden Cris' dad made but since he passed Cris took the liberty of taking care of it. It was beautiful like a jungle on the highest mountain, vines flowed down littered with flowers of different varieties.
"What is this place?" Jo asked as she pushed back a row of vines to see more of the garden.
"This is dad's favorite place. He told me it kept him sane after everything. He made me promise to take care of it when he passed saying that someone would love it as much as he did. When I met you, I knew you were the one he was talking about." Cris picked up a flower crown from the table and placed it on Jo's head. "I made this a while back and wanted to give it to you."
The crown was made with beautiful flourish Lavenders. It was soft on the girl's head and it had a sweet smell that is floral, herbal, and evergreen woodsy at the same time.
"I love it, Cris." Jo stood on her tiptoes and gave Cris a sweet kiss. "I love you, my king."
"I love you, too my queen," Cris replied as they sat down on the couch like Cris' parents had done time and time before, just enjoying each other's company.
"You know, maybe I'll get used to heights," Jo said suddenly making Cris look back at her in disbelief. "As long as I get to be in your arms."
"That, I can definitely do."
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