I can't live without her
"Love, are you still studying?" Blythe asks her partner. "Can I?"
Celia looked up at her girlfriend and knew exactly what she wanted. "You don't even have to ask love,"
The older girl puts all her study materials to the side and places a pillow on her lap for Blythe to lay down on. Blythe gets into a comfortable position as Celia plays with her hair, knowing full well that it helps to relax her. A yawn stifled out of Blythe, which she tried hard to hide but Celia still heard it.
"Go to sleep, Love," Celia mused as she placed a kiss on Blythe's forehead. "I'll be right here."
Celia then pulled back her laptop to study as she felt Blythe's breathing level finally sleeping. This went on for a while, Celia would work on problem after problem. Whenever she got stuck she wanted to lash out but couldn't because of the sleeping girl on her lap, which got her to calm down every time. Even just having Blythe around could help calm her, the girl just had that effect.
When she was about to close her laptop, finishing the last problem, her friends invited her to a call. Not wanting to be rude to her friends she accepted the call but placed earphones on so as not to wake Blythe up.
"Hey!!!!!!! There's the smartest girl we know!" Quin yelled in the call.
"Well, Blythe is the smartest girl in our year." Rose chipped in.
"But we don't know know Blythe, now do we?" Josie bit back.
Celia smirked and chuckled to herself as her friends bickered. "What did you girls need?"
"HELP US STUDY!!!" The three of them said at the same time as if they rehearsed it.
"What am I gonna do with the three of you?" Celia asked, her words laced heavily with sarcasm.
"Love us unconditionally?" Josie asked as she pulled out her puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, fine, fine." Celia agreed not able to say no to her best friend. "Just put those away."
"YES!" All three girls cheered.
Celia then spent roughly three hours trying to get her friends to understand the material. To be real, she spent the time face palming herself as her friends kept getting distracted. Celia knew her friends weren't the brightest people but she needed her sleep to help them. Just as Blythe said, 'All that studying won't do anything unless you let your brain rest. That is why I sleep.'
"Can we just get back on track so that we can finish already?" Celia asked clearly irritated.
"Woah, what's got you in a bad mood?" Quin asked jokingly.
"To put it bluntly, you guys." Celia spat out. "I'm tired and have to let my mind rest."
"Hey, you sound like Blythe." Rosie joined in, ignoring the first comment.
"I do not. C'mon, guys, I'll help you study tomorrow, I really need some sleep." Celia pleaded.
"Well, let you go, under one condition," Josie replied with a smirk. "You answer one last question."
"Easy enough." Celia agreed, figuring it was about the homework.
"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" Josie asks out of nowhere.
The question caught Celia off guard and she couldn't help but blush hard.
"Yeah, you're hella pretty, my gal." Quin chipped in.
"And not to mention smart as hell." Rosie popped in too.
"Any guy would love to go out with you." Josie finished.
Celia blushed at all their words but pushed them all aside. "Thanks for the compliments girls, but I'm not really looking for a boyfriend."
"Why would you?" Blythe asked all of a sudden. "When you already have a wonderful, smart, awesome, and beautiful girlfriend who you love."
Celia looked down and saw a smile on Blythe's face. Well, two can play that game.
"You're not wrong, my love," Celia replied as she stole a kiss.
"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" Celia's friends all yelled together.
The sound made Celia flinch back and pull out the earphones from her ear. Because it was so loud Blythe heard the yell too. Blythe sat upright and peaked on the computer making sure she wasn't seen and saw Celia's three friends.
"You're on a call?" Blythe asked to which Celia just nodded while rubbing her ear. "I didn't mean to expose us."
"Hey, love, it's okay." Celia comforted her, bringing her to her side. "I think it's time they knew but if you don't want to come out yet, that's totally fine by me. I'll still have you all to myself."
"Gods, I love you, Cel," Blythe responded as she pushed Celia back for a kiss. Celia didn't argue and just enjoyed it forgetting that her friends were still on the line.
All three girls watched as a brunette kissed their best friend. They all tried yelling and calling out but the couple couldn't hear them. Finally, the two separated, and Blythe lay on Celia's chest still hiding her face.
Celia took off the earphones from the computer and heard her friends yelling. "Okay, okay, okay, one at a time please, and no yelling!"
Blythe couldn't help but laugh as Celia raced to answer each question that was shot at her. Celia, of course, dodged all the questions about who her girlfriend actually was because Blythe wasn't out yet.
"That girl better not break your heart, Cel! Or I'll make her world upside down!" Josie threatened, knowing that the couple could hear her.
Celia was just about to answer when Blythe sat up properly and faced the camera. The shocked looks on Celia's friends were almost enough for Celia to lose it but before she could Blythe started going off.
"First of all, I could never hurt Celia! She is too precious for this world and no one deserves her, not even me. Second, my world is already spinning since I started dating her. Have none of you noticed my grades slipping?! Celia is my only reason to stay sane. If not for her, I wouldn't be here. So don't you dare threaten me because the day I hurt her is the day I'll kill myself." Blythe went off.
"I can't live without her." Blythe finished as she broke down.
Celia acted quickly and held Blythe tightly, whispering sweet words of love in her ears to calm her down.
"You could never hurt me, my love," Celia spoke softly, wanting Blythe to hear each word. "I will always, always, always, love you no matter what happens."
Celia kissed Blythe on the lips before she could mutter out an excuse. Their kisses were always sweet but this one was full of passion.
Celia was the one that broke the kiss as she leaned on Blythe. " I have you all to myself."
"I love you so much."
"I love you more."
"YOU'RE DATING BLYTHE GRAYSON!" All three friends yelled again.
"I forgot they were still there," Blythe confessed as she buried her head in Celia's shoulder.
"Yeah, they can be very..." Celia trailed off. "I'll deal with them tomorrow. You have me right now."
Just as Celia said that shouts of protests came from the computer but all were ignored as Celia shut the gadget off and focused all her attention on the girl in front of her.
"Now, what were you saying about not living without me?" Celia said smugly as Blythe tried to hide her embarrassment.
"I can't live without you, Celia." Blythe confessed. "I honestly don't know where I'd be."
"You'd be right here, because it's me who can't live without you."
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