Graduation Gift
"Hey! There you are!" Jenny smiles hearing her best friend's voice just as she comes into view. "Can't believe you're graduating today. You deserve this, beb."
Jenny couldn't help but roll her eyes at the taller girl. "So do you, beb. Yours was just yesterday. I can't believe your here though! How did you get in?"
"Oh, you know me and my ways." Cara smiled as she held Jenny's hands in hers. "I wasn't gonna miss seeing you up on that stage anyways."
"I just hate the fact that I wasn't able to go to yours yesterday." Jenny pouted making Cara's heart melt.
"Do you know where your parents are sitting? I wanna say hi before the marching starts." Cara asks wanting to change the subject.
"I actually don't know where they are. I kinda took off when we got here." Jenny smiled cheekily. "You could ask my mom, you know."
"I wouldn't go that far." Cara backed down but still showed her smile. "Wouldn't want to get on their bad side."
"Doubt that would honestly happen." Jenny chuckled to herself.
"Not gonna risk it especially since I havent actually met them yet."
The bell suddenly rang startling the both of them.
"Here, before you get in line." Cara handed the girl a small package. "And if you need anything during the program, don't hesitate to ask. I can always find a way."
Cara sneaked a kiss on Jenny's cheek before she headed off, leaving the girl with flushed red cheeks. Heading back into the line, Jenny opened the small package Cara had given to see a bar of chocolate, with a small note attached.
'Some chocolates for energy during the long boring program, so proud of you beb.'
Jenny felt her heart melt at the sweet gesture. She checked the brand and it was the exact one that she loved, Cara, of course knew that. Jenny couldn't help but smile at how lucky she was to have Cara. Hearing the music begin to play she hurried back into her line.
When it was her turn to march out, Jenny saw Cara again. This time she was conversing with the other teachers, ones that Jenny figured were from the Business Classes, but the minute Jenny stepped out all of Cara's attention was on her.
Jenny mockingly blew a kiss to the girl and Cara being the dramatic person she was went after it making all the teachers laugh. Once she caught it, Cara held it close to her heart.
Once Jenny got to her seat, the person in front of her turned back and asked. "Hey, Jen, was that Cara I saw earlier? How'd she get in?" It was Rachel, a friend of theirs.
"Well she's got her ways. You know how she is, she wouldn't tell me just that she wouldn't miss me going up the stage." Jenny explained making Rachel laugh.
"That girl would do anything for you, ya know." Rachel chuckled to herself but Jenny saw. "You might not notice it but you've got her wrapped around your finger."
Jenny was about to argue back but the music ended and the speakers began their talks. Halfway through the ceremony, the girl couldn't help but feel parched. The gym was extremely hot and they were packed like sardines. Deciding to test Rachel's words of if Cara would do anything, Jenny sent the girl a text.
'Hey, my throat is kinda dry and I need some water. Do you think you can get me some?'
The second Jenny sent the text, Cara had seen the message and a minute later a reply was sent.
'Gotchu beb!'
Closing her phone, she wondered how Cara was gonna get her some water. Her thoughts were cut short however when they were called up the stage to receive their awards. Jenny was lining up beside the stage when she caught a glimpse of Cara in the corner of her eye, holding a cup of water and talking to her head teacher. Next thing Jenny knew Cara's head teacher gave her the cup of water.
"You're lucky to have Cara, girl. She's one of the best students I've ever had." The head teacher spoke as Jenny took gulps of the water before he took it back and gave it to Cara.
After receiving her award, Jenny got back to her seat and just as she did the person beside her whispered. "Was that your girlfriend earlier? She's cutie. You got lucky, girl."
"Oh, best friend actually." Jenny corrected.
"Well, is she single by chance? because I would not want to pass that by. Maybe you'd introduce me to her." The girl chuckled.
"Yeah. Maybe." Jenny gritted her teeth, already so full of this girl.
The rest of the ceromony went by and next thing Jenny knew they were marching out of the gym. Just as she walked out she was met with hugs from her younger brother, Dean.
"You look so pretty on the stage, Jen! So many awards!!!" He looked so excited as he took the plaques from her.
"Hey careful, Dean, I worked hard to earn those. You better work harder too so you'd get as much as me, maybe even more than me." Jenny encouraged as she patted his head.
"You're sister's right, Dean." Lara, Jenny's mother spoke coming up to her children and giving them both hugs before turning to her eldest. "I couldn't be prouder, my little girl might not be so little anymore."
"But she'll always be our little girl." Paul, Jenny's father came up and kissed his daughter's head before giving her a bouquet. "Congratulations, my princess."
"Thanks, dad." Jenny smiled before Lara told them they needed to take a picture.
In the corner of her eye, Jenny saw Cara again. This time, however, she had a camera in her hand and was taking pictures of graduates with their families. The mother tried to pay Cara for her service but the girl wouldn't accept it just smiled and promised to send them the photos.
Just as if Cara knew Jenny needed her, the two locked eyes and without wasting another second, Cara headed over to Jenny and her family.
"You look beautiful beb, amazing as always." Cara greeted kissing her best friend's cheek.
"Thank you, could you take a picture of us?" Jenny asked even though she knew Cara would say yes.
Cara nodded and instructed everyone to do poses. First a few formals, some wacky, and some funny ones with Dean. Just as Jenny wanted to take photos with Cara as well, the girl was called over by Rachel wanting to take their photos as well. Cara excused herself after passing Jenny a gift she had prepared.
Jenny opened the gift to find two rings entangled with one another. Words were engraved on the inside; 'Always by your side.'
"So who was that huh?" Lara asked as Jenny continued to fawn over the gift.
"She's my best friend, Ma." Jenny smiled as her hand went over the engraving. "She's been my rock and she's amazing."
"Does she have a name, princess?" Paul asked figuring that his daughter wouldn't say.
Just before Jenny was gonna answer, Cara's name was called over as a group of students came over. First, she took their photos in their togas, then joined in the fun of all the photos.
"So, Cara then. I'm guessing she's a Humms student then?" Paul deduced as he watched the other girl.
"No, actually, she's an ABM student." Jenny explained. "She graduated yesterday with the other strands."
"That's why she's not in a toga like you guys are." Lara realized before adding. "Wait, how'd she get in though if her graduation was yesterday?"
"I have no idea. All she said was that she wouldn't miss me going up the stage." Jenny smiled at the thought.
When she had been on stage the first time for the diploma, she had heard yells and cheers from the back and in her heart she knew it had been Cara. The second time, for the awards, well, the girl brought her a drink.
"Want to invite her over for lunch? Celebrate both of your graduation?" Paul asked looking at his daughter.
"Are you guys okay with that?" Jenny looked at them with uncertainty.
"Yeah, we'd love to get to know this girl that has you wrapped around her finger." Lara explained as she chuckled at her daughter's reaction.
"It's obvious that you love her, darling. You've been staring at her for quite some time now. You're not as clever at hiding it as you think you are. You've got that look that I had when I met your mom." Paul added on. "Now go ask her."
Before Jenny could even go off and find Cara, she appeared in front of her.
"Here, beb. This is the last of my presents, I promise." Holding croqueted flowers in a bouquet, Cara smiled and handed it to Jenny.
"Lillies and lavanders!!! Cara!!! This is too much." Jenny held the flowers in her arms.
"Anything for you," Cara's name was then called out and Jenny seethed to see the girl she was sitting next to earlier.
“Hey, ready to go?” The girl asked Cara, not even acknowledging Jenny beside her.
“Gimme a minute, please, I’ll buy you food on the way home. ” Cara asked pleading.
“You were gonna do that anyways.” The girl, finally turned and saw Jenny. “Hey, you sat beside me during the ceremony. I’m Vivianne.”
Jenny shook Vivianne’s hand but she was still glaring at her.
“No need for the glare, I know Cara is yours, or is it the other way around? She won’t stop talking about you, ya know. Told you, you were lucky.” Vivianne laughed as a shocked look plastered on Jenny’s face.
“Viv!” Cara yelled, her face full on red.
“Hehehehe, you look like a tomato.” Vivianne smiled patting her cousin’s cheek. “Awww now i know why red’s your favorite color.”
“Grrrr, just wait for me in the car.” Cara sneered as she passed Vivianne the car keys.
“You are no fun. Good luck with your confession!” Vivianne yelled as she skipped away. “OH! And I’m eating the chocolate in your car!”
Cara chuckled at that. "My cousin always knows which buttons to annoy me."
"That was your cousin?" Jenny asked feeling embarrassed that she glared at the girl.
"Yeah, part of the reason why I'm here." Cara smiled as she took Jenny's hand. "I'll talk to you later okay?"
"Okay," Jenny just replied before pulling the girl back. "Wait, hold on, mom and dad wanted to invite you for lunch, but I'll just tell them you have your own thing."
"Bad timing honestly, Viv already has plans plus we're heading to the airport after. She wants to start the vacation as soon as possible." Cara explained before apologizing. "I'm sorry, maybe I can make it up to you?"
"Just..." Jenny took a leap and kissed the girl in front of her. "Don't go kissing other girls while you're away. You belong to me, got it?"
"Got it, wouldn't have it any other way." Cara smiled as she pulled Jenny in for another kiss.
It was sweet and well waited. Something worthwhile for both of them but was finally separated when Jenny's brother intruppted.
"Jenny that's so gross." Dean complained running away to find his parents.
"I'm so sorry about that." Jenny blushed in embarrassment.
"Don't be." Cara smiled as she kissed Jenny's cheek this time. "I'll see you when I get back."
With that, Cara rushed off to her car where her cousin was waiting and left the school.
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