"Okay, I'm confused." Carmen stated as she stared up at the ceiling, her head laid on top of Aria's lap.
"Aren't you always, though?" Aria chuckled just as Carmen made a face of disbelief.
"Hurtful, but seriously, explain, please." Carmen said as she closed her eyes to rest them.
"Well, captivating is the capability of attracting and holding interest. You know, like charming or appealing. Something like that." Aria explained, playing with Carmen's hair.
"I get that, but like, I'm still confused about what is captivating?" Carmen asked again, throwing her hands in the air.
"I gave you the definition already, Carm. What else is there?" Aria asked, playfully shoving Carmen's head.
Carmen, being the dramatic person she is 'gracefullly', fell to the floor. She got up quickly and knelt in front of the older girl with a playful glare on her face, which made Aria laugh.
"Hurtful, honestly hurtful, but seriously though, what do you mean?" Carmen repeated.
"Like in a sentence, your smile is very captivating. Means. I'm hooked on your smile." Aria explained.
A smile appeared on Carmen's face as her cheeks flushed red. In embarrassment, she hid her face in her hands, groaning. "Aria, you can't say that and not expect me to blush."
"But, I like seeing you blush." Aria chuckled, removing Carmen's hands out of her face. "You're my cherry tomato when you blush like that."
Carmen climbed back up the couch and snuggled into Aria side, mumbling beside her. "Stawphhhhhhh."
"Okay, I'll stop then." Aria placed a soft kiss upon Carmen's head as she returned to watching the TV.
The two sat in silence for about a minute before Carmen broke and asked again. "What did you mean captivating, Aria?"
"Still confused, Carm?" Aria asked this time.
The younger girl just nodded in response before adding. "It's not that I don't understand the word, I do, I'm a writer, remember. It's just that I don't understand what you're describing as captivating."
"I thought it was obvious?" Aria looked at the girl beside her.
"No, that's why I've been asking." Carmen smiled cheekily.
Aria fixed herself on the couch so that she was facing the younger girl. Holding Carmen's hands in hers as she stared into the watercolor eyes she loves to get lost in.
"You." Aria started, taking a breath before continuing. "You are captivating."
"Oh." Carmen looked down, not used to hearing that kind of compliment.
"Hey, you are. I promise you that." Aria lifted the girl's head up. "I'm mostly captivated by your eyes. I always get lost in them, yet I'm always safe when I see them. I'm captivated by you, Carmen, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you."
Without another word, Aria pulled Carmen into her and captured her lips in hers. Soft and sweet was all Aria could think, warm and gentle on Carmen's mind. The two fit together like a puzzle, and each one knew they wouldn't be able to live without the other.
Carmen had somehow found herself in Aria's lap, her arms wrapped around the older girl's neck. Aria, on the other hand, was supporting Carmen and holding her still. They finally broke away from the kiss and smiled like idiots in love, which they were.
"Gods, I love you too." Carmen broke the silence that hovered the room.
Aria smiled before kissing Carmen again, which the younger girl accepted with her own smile etched on her face.
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